





composer create-project hyperf/hyperf-skeleton shop_consumer_user
Creating a "hyperf/hyperf-skeleton" project at "./shop_consumer_user"
Installing hyperf/hyperf-skeleton (v2.2.1)
- Installing hyperf/hyperf-skeleton (v2.2.1): Extracting archive
Created project in /data/web/test/hyperf-rpc/shop_consumer_user
> @php -r "file_exists('.env') || copy('.env.example', '.env');"
> Installer\Script::install
Setting up optional packages
Setup data and cache dir
Removing installer development dependencies
What time zone do you want to setup ?
[n] Default time zone for php.ini
Make your selection or type a time zone name, like Asia/Shanghai (n):
Do you want to use Database (MySQL Client) ?
[y] yes
[n] None of the above
Make your selection or type a composer package name and version (yes): n
Do you want to use Redis Client ?
[y] yes
[n] None of the above
Make your selection or type a composer package name and version (yes): n
Which RPC protocol do you want to use ?
[1] JSON RPC with Service Governance
[3] gRPC
[n] None of the above
Make your selection or type a composer package name and version (n): n
Which config center do you want to use ?
[1] Apollo
[2] Aliyun ACM
[3] ETCD
[4] Nacos
[n] None of the above
Make your selection or type a composer package name and version (n): n
Do you want to use hyperf/constants component ?
[y] yes
[n] None of the above
Make your selection (n): n
Do you want to use hyperf/async-queue component ? (A simple redis queue component)
[y] yes
[n] None of the above
Make your selection or type a composer package name and version (n): n
Do you want to use hyperf/amqp component ?
[y] yes
[n] None of the above
Make your selection or type a composer package name and version (n): n
Do you want to use hyperf/model-cache component ?
[y] yes
[n] None of the above
Make your selection or type a composer package name and version (n): n
Do you want to use hyperf/elasticsearch component ?
[y] yes
[n] None of the above
Make your selection or type a composer package name and version (n): n
Do you want to use hyperf/tracer component ? (An open tracing protocol component, adapte with Zipkin etc.)
[y] yes
[n] None of the above
Make your selection or type a composer package name and version (n): n

2、安装json rpc依赖

cd shop_consumer_user
composer require hyperf/json-rpc

3、安装 JSON RPC 客户端

shop_consumer_user 不需要对外提供服务,所以我们只安装客户端,不需要安装hyperf/rpc-server组件

composer require hyperf/rpc-client



'servers' => [
'name' => 'http',
'type' => Server::SERVER_HTTP,
'host' => '',
'port' => 9501,
'sock_type' => SWOOLE_SOCK_TCP,
'callbacks' => [
Event::ON_REQUEST => [Hyperf\HttpServer\Server::class, 'onRequest'],





namespace App\JsonRpc;
interface UserServiceInterface
public function createUser(string $name, int $gender);
public function getUserInfo(int $id);
<span class="redactor-invisible-space"> </span>【UserService.php】 <?php
namespace App\JsonRpc;
use Hyperf\RpcClient\AbstractServiceClient;
class UserService extends AbstractServiceClient implements UserServiceInterface
* 定义对应服务提供者的服务名称
* @var string
protected $serviceName = 'UserService';
* 定义对应服务提供者的服务协议
* @var string
protected $protocol = 'jsonrpc-http';
* @param string $name
* @param int $gender
* @return mixed
public function createUser(string $name, int $gender)
return $this->__request(__FUNCTION__, compact('name', 'gender'));
* @param int $id
* @return mixed
public function getUserInfo(int $id)
return $this->__request(__FUNCTION__, compact('id'));

hyperf 官方的hyperf/rpc-client组件已经帮我们实现了rpc远程调用的实现,所以我们只需要再配置一下服务消费者,告诉hyperf从哪个节点哪个端口调用即可。



return [
'consumers' => [
// 对应消费者类的 $serviceName
'name' => 'UserService',
// 直接对指定的节点进行消费,通过下面的 nodes 参数来配置服务提供者的节点信息
'nodes' => [
['host' => '', 'port' => 9600],

5-3、配置 UserServiceInterface

为了可以方便的注入 UserServiceInterface,我们在 config/autoload/dependencies.php 内定义 UserServiceInterface 和 UserService 的关系如下:

App\JsonRpc\UserServiceInterface::class => App\JsonRpc\UserService::class,



namespace App\Controller;
use App\JsonRpc\UserServiceInterface;
use Hyperf\Di\Annotation\Inject;
use Hyperf\HttpServer\Annotation\AutoController;
* Class UserController
* @package App\Controller
* @AutoController()
class UserController extends AbstractController
* @Inject()
* @var UserServiceInterface
private $userServiceClient;
public function createUser()
$name = (string) $this->request->input('name', '');
$gender = (int) $this->request->input('gender', 0);
return $this->userServiceClient->createUser($name, $gender);
public function getUserInfo()
$id = (int) $this->request->input('id');
return $this->userServiceClient->getUserInfo($id);


启动shop_consumer_user项目的同时,务必要保证 shop_provider_user 也启动了,不然请求会失败。


你可能已经注意到 app\JsonRpc\UserService 类的方法并没有实际意义,只是构建参数发起请求并返回响应结果,千篇一律的操作着实增加了复杂度。hyperf支持自动配置服务消费者代理类(生产者暂不支持自动配置)。

自动配置非常简单,只需要在 consumer 配置项增加service配置即可,如下:

return [
'consumers' => [
// 对应消费者类的 $serviceName
'name' => 'UserService',
// 服务接口名,可选,默认值等于 name 配置的值,如果 name 直接定义为接口类则可忽略此行配置,
// 如 name 为字符串则需要配置 service 对应到接口类
'service' => \App\JsonRpc\UserServiceInterface::class,
// 直接对指定的节点进行消费,通过下面的 nodes 参数来配置服务提供者的节点信息
'nodes' => [
['host' => '', 'port' => 9600],


  1. 把 config/autoload/dependencies.php 内定义 UserServiceInterface 和 UserService 的关系屏蔽
  2. 在 App\JsonRpc\UserService::getUserInfo() 方法内打印点数据测试


  1. 我们再把 config/autoload/dependencies.php 内定义 UserServiceInterface 和 UserService 的关系放开
  2. 把 config/autoload/services.php 文件内 consumers 的配置项 service 屏蔽
string(36) "App\JsonRpc\UserService::getUserInfo"
发现控制台输出了我们在 App\JsonRpc\UserService::getUserInfo() 方法内打印的数据,



我们注意到 config/autoload/services.php 文件内 consumers 的配置,一个服务是一个配置,服务消费者需要消费的服务可能很多,所以我们很有必要优化下这里的写法,下面是参考官网的写法:

// 服务定义
$consumerServices = [
'UserService' => \App\JsonRpc\UserServiceInterface::class,
return [
'consumers' => value(function () use ($consumerServices) {
$consumers = [];
foreach ($consumerServices as $name => $interface) {
$consumers[] = [
'name' => $name,
'service' => $interface,
'nodes' => [
['host' => '', 'port' => 9600],
return $consumers;

这样一来,我们每次只需要在数组 $consumerServices 内添加需要新的服务即可。


consumer拿到的结果,又是字符串又是对象,还动不动直接 Internal Server Error. 数据格式的不统一非常不利于前端小伙伴解析。




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