

  1. <?php
  2. namespace Hack\UserDocumentation\Types\Intro\Examples\PreHack;
  3. class Z {}
  4. class A {
  5. public $a;
  6. public $b;
  7. public function __construct($a, $b) {
  8. $this->a = $a;
  9. $this->b = $b;
  10. }
  11. public function foo($x, $y) {
  12. return $x * $this->a + $y * $this->b;
  13. }
  14. }
  15. function bar(A $a, $x, $y) {
  16. return $a->foo($x, $y);
  17. }
  18. function baz() {
  19. $a = new A(2, 4);
  20. $z = new Z();
  21. var_dump(bar($a, 9, 4));
  22. // Did we really want to allow passing a stringy int?
  23. var_dump(bar($a, 8, "3"));
  24. // Did we really want to allow passing booleans?
  25. var_dump(bar($a, true, false));
  26. // This will throw a fatal at runtime
  27. var_dump(bar($z, 1, 1));
  28. }
  29. baz();
  30. Output
  31. int(34)
  32. int(28)
  33. int(2)
  34. Catchable fatal error: Argument 1 passed to Hack\UserDocumentation\Types\Intro\Examples\PreHack\bar() must be an instance of Hack\UserDocumentation\Types\Intro\Examples\PreHack\A, Hack\UserDocumentation\Types\Intro\Examples\PreHack\Z given in /data/users/joelm/user-documentation/guides/hack/20-types/01-introduction-examples/pre-hack.php on line 22



  1. <?hh
  2. namespace Hack\UserDocumentation\Types\Intro\Examples\Hack;
  3. class Z {}
  4. class A {
  5. public int $a;
  6. public int $b;
  7. public function __construct(int $a, int $b) {
  8. $this->a = $a;
  9. $this->b = $b;
  10. }
  11. public function foo(int $x, int $y): int {
  12. return $x * $this->a + $y * $this->b;
  13. }
  14. }
  15. function bar(A $a, int $x, int $y): int {
  16. return $a->foo($x, $y);
  17. }
  18. function baz(): void {
  19. $a = new A(2, 4);
  20. $z = new Z();
  21. var_dump(bar($a, 9, 4));
  22. // Did we really want to allow passing a stringy int? NO!
  23. // The typechecker will actually error here before you even run the program,
  24. // so you can catch problems before runtime.
  25. var_dump(bar($a, 8, "3"));
  26. // Did we really want to allow passing booleans? NO!
  27. // The typechecker will error here too.
  28. var_dump(bar($a, true, false));
  29. // This will throw a fatal at runtime
  30. // The typechecker will error here as well
  31. var_dump(bar($z, 1, 1));
  32. }
  33. baz();
  34. /****
  35. Type checker errors:
  36. hack.php:29:23,25: Invalid argument (Typing[4110])
  37. hack.php:20:28,30: This is an int
  38. hack.php:29:23,25: It is incompatible with a string
  39. hack.php:31:20,23: Invalid argument (Typing[4110])
  40. hack.php:20:20,22: This is an int
  41. hack.php:31:20,23: It is incompatible with a bool
  42. hack.php:31:26,30: Invalid argument (Typing[4110])
  43. hack.php:20:28,30: This is an int
  44. hack.php:31:26,30: It is incompatible with a bool
  45. hack.php:33:16,17: Invalid argument (Typing[4110])
  46. hack.php:20:14,14: This is an object of type
  47. Hack\UserDocumentation\Types\Intro\Examples\Hack\A
  48. hack.php:26:8,14: It is incompatible with an object of type
  49. Hack\UserDocumentation\Types\Intro\Examples\Hack\Z
  50. *****/
  51. Output
  52. int(34)
  53. Catchable fatal error: Argument 3 passed to Hack\UserDocumentation\Types\Intro\Examples\Hack\bar() must be an instance of int, string given in /data/users/joelm/user-documentation/guides/hack/20-types/01-introduction-examples/hack.php.type-errors on line 22

看到这个例子里的代码,我们可以很清晰的知道仅允许传递int型值。这样API的调用者知道需要传递什么类型的值。为方法和属性添加显式类型声明,配合Hack typechecker,你就有了一款真正的很强的安全基础的动态编程语言。


  • 类型系统
  • 类型标注


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