



The Earth is really amazing, at the same time, in different places you can get different times.

Impossile is nothing, Play the game, in fact, have a good practice every day I can play Dance Competition,however,I choose the computer.cauze it captures me. I prefer to do something that more invovled in science. Like design, sing, yeap,  but not enough to stimulate me.


No amount of reasoning could shake me out of my conviction.

The high-speed development of age, it's not your panic that the science will stop getting further.



Never put off till tomorrow what you can do today.

But today is the most simple day in days to come .


May the force be with you.

If you wait ,all that happens is that you will get older.

The method is based on the idea that frequent breaks can improve mental agilit

As long as in the corner, all  you own is a complaint, you will never know how glorious the rest of the world.

If I don't ruthless , how can I hold the world ?


we need to distiguish that whether something has something to do with you or not. And your opponent are going frantically through their handbooks.
Don't be idle, unbusinesslike, waiting for sth like opportunities,time,vacation and so on, cauze u can't afford to do it which you can only find it real in the future.

Have a nightmare;

I found that I cannot forget that. Some people I cannot forgive.

I will let them pay the price.

I haftta being powerful enough to resist everthing right now, and then get real fearless.


Have you made any New Year's resolutions?

Every year people intend to stick to their New Year's resolutions, but they often fail.

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