At this moment, I accomplish the interface of UART communication for PIC32MZ EC Starter Kit. This interface configures the PIC32MZ for communication with a host PC at 115200 baud. There are five functions in the interface -- Uart_Init(), Uart_Getc(), Uart_Gets(), Uart_Putc() and Uart_Puts().

  Uart_Init() configures PIC32MZ UART1 with 115200-8-None-1. It uses PPS to select RPC13, RPC14 as TX and RX.

Uart_Getc() is a reception funtion for a character. It will be blocked until a character got.

  Uart_Gets() is a reception funtion for string. It will receive multiple characters until the '\r' '\n' or the buffer is full.

  Uart_Putc() is a transmit function for a character.

Uart_Puts() is a transmit funtion for string. It will transmit multiple character until '\0'.

  Below is the code.

void Uart_Init(void)
LATCSET = 0x6000; /* Both RC13 and RC14 HIGH */
TRISCSET = 0x4000; /* RC14 Input */
TRISCCLR = 0x2000; /* RC13 Output */ Seq_UnLock();
RPC13Rbits.RPC13R = ; /* U1TX on RPC13 */
U1RXRbits.U1RXR = ; /* U1RX on RPC14 */
Seq_Lock(); U1BRG = ((PBCLK2_FREQUENCY / BAUDRATE) / ) - ;
U1MODE = 0x8000; // Loopback mode is enabled
U1STA = 0x1400; IFS3bits.U1RXIF = ;
IFS3bits.U1TXIF = ;
} char Uart_Getc(void)
if (U1STAbits.OERR)
U1STAbits.OERR = ;
return ;
while (!U1STAbits.URXDA);
char ret = U1RXREG;
IFS3bits.U1RXIF = ;
return ret;
} void Uart_Gets(char *s)
char c;
int size = ;
if (s == (void *)) return;
while (size < U1RX_BUFSIZE)
c = Uart_Getc();
if ((c == '\n')||(c == '\r'))
s[size] = '\0';
s[size++] = c;
} void Uart_Putc(char c)
U1TXREG = c;
while (U1STAbits.UTXBF);
IFS3bits.U1TXIF = ;
} void Uart_Puts(char *s)
if (s == (void *))
while (*s != '\0')


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