C++ Preprosessor import
#import Attributes
Provides links to attributes used with the #import directive.
Microsoft Specific
The following attributes are available to the #import directive.
Attribute |
Description |
Renames C++ reserved words by appending two underscores (__) to the variable name to resolve potential name conflicts. |
Specifies that, when a type library is referenced with #import and itself references another type library, the compiler can do an implicit #import for the other type library. |
Specifies that the type library is written to the .tlh file with the attribute-generated code preserved. |
Excludes items from the type library header files being generated. |
Specifies a prefix to be used in naming high-level properties and methods. |
Specifies alternate prefixes for three property methods. |
Suppresses the generation of the .tlh header file (the primary header file). |
Disables automatic exclusion. |
Inserts its argument as source text into the type-library header. |
Tells the compiler to define and initialize GUID variables in old style, of the form LIBID_MyLib, CLSID_MyCoClass,IID_MyInterface, and DIID_MyDispInterface. |
Disables automatic exclusion. |
Changes the way the compiler generates wrapper functions for dual interface methods. |
Suppresses the generation of the .tli header, which contains the implementations of the wrapper member functions. |
Specifies that the namespace name is not generated by the compiler. |
Tells the compiler not to search the registry for type libraries. |
Has the same functionality as the no_namespace attribute but is used on type libraries that you use the #import directive with the auto_search attribute. |
Suppresses the creation of smart pointers for all interfaces in the type library. |
Tells the compiler to generate low-level wrapper functions for dispinterface methods and properties that callIDispatch::Invoke and return the HRESULT error code. |
Suppresses the generation of error-handling wrapper functions and property (C++) declarations that use those wrapper functions. |
Specifies a different prefix to avoid name collisions. |
Disables the use of COM support classes in the high-level wrapper functions and forces the use of low-level data types instead. |
Specifies alternate prefixes for three property methods. |
Works around name collision problems. |
Renames the namespace that contains the contents of the type library. |
Has the same functionality as the rename_namespaceattribute but is used on type libraries that you use the #import directive with the auto_search attribute. |
Allows for loading libraries other than the primary type library. |
END Microsoft Specific
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