Well , you know. As a college student who want to find a good job after graduating  like me , scores are not that important.

I just want to have some low scores which can help me graduate successfully.

But things not always goes the way as I like. In the examination weeks, I have to recite a lot of boring definition
of the notions , a lot of complex equations that I could never use in the further day in order to just pass the exams.Something seems awesome ,yes ?  What a fuck !   I
personally think they are just wasting my life time, but I have to .

So ,on the one hand , I just express my comments about the college education, on the other hand , the college education system really should have revolution. So many people no matter in the college or graduated from the college
are disappointed about what they have in the college .

I am realistic, I think if you want to find a job or get a position in the company or just efficient on your job , you must master the expert knowledge of the area . Or how can you go further ?

The entire four year of time are wasted learning a lot of different logic architectures and how to handle the problems just on the paper ,but nothing about the real techniques . We don't have a lot of time, we should not go
the way the education system design! We have our own mind , we know what we want to do and we have the privilege to go my way !

If I never decided to study web design alone at the begining of the college education time , what can I do now ?

Yah , I choose my way . I just can't endure these boring courses . And at least , I can find a job I like . Scores ?

Haha, just go to the hell !

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