leetcode[94] Unique Binary Search Trees
Given n = 3, there are a total of 5 unique BST's.
- 1 3 3 2 1
- \ / / / \ \
- 3 2 1 1 3 2
- / / \ \
- 2 1 2 3
由公式 h[n] = h[0]*h[n-1] + h[1]*h[n-1] + ... + h[n-1]*h[0]; 可得如下:
- class Solution {
- public:
- int numTrees(int n) {
- if (n == ) return ;
- vector<int> ans(n+);
- ans[] = ;
- ans[] = ;
- for (int i = ; i <= n; i++)
- for (int j = ; j < i; j++)
- {
- ans[i] += ans[j]*ans[i-j-];
- }
- return ans[n];
- }
- };
- class Solution {
- public:
- int numTrees(int n) {
- if (n == ) return ;
- long long denominator = , numerator = ;
- int cnt = * n;
- while(cnt > n) denominator *= cnt--;
- while(cnt > ) numerator *= cnt--;
- return denominator/numerator/(n+);
- }
- };
- class Solution {
- public:
- int numTrees(int n)
- {
- return numTrees(,n);
- }
- int numTrees(int start, int end)
- {
- if (start >= end)
- return ;
- int totalNum = ;
- for (int i=start; i<=end; ++i)
- totalNum += numTrees(start,i-)*numTrees(i+,end);
- return totalNum;
- }
- };
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