

获取最新的ss, 当前是

wget https://github.com/shadowsocks/shadowsocks-libev/archive/v2.5.6.tar.gz

解压后 ./configure, make, make install


[root@u02 ~]# more /etc/shadowsocks-local.json
"server": "milton.somewhere.com",
"password": "foobar",
"method": "aes-256-cfb"


/usr/local/bin/ss-local -c /etc/shadowsocks-local.json -b 


nohup /usr/local/bin/ss-local -c /etc/shadowsocks-local.json -b -l 1080 > /dev/null 2>&1 &

# 检查是否成功启动
netstat -lnp|

# 加入开机自启动
echo " nohup ss-local -c /etc/shadowsocks/config.json /dev/null 2>&1 &" /etc/rc.local

# 查看后台进程
ps aux |grep ss-local


git config --global http.proxy 'socks5://'
git config --local http.proxy 'socks5://' # 检查是否生效 git config --list


# The development branch (trunk) contains everything from documentation to experimental patches.
git clone git://github.com/openwrt/openwrt.git

# 15.05 branch (Chaos Calmer)
git clone -b chaos_calmer git://github.com/openwrt/openwrt.git

# 14.07 branch (Barrier Breaker)
git clone -b barrier_breaker git://github.com/openwrt/openwrt.git

# 更新代码
git pull


cd openwrt
./scripts/feeds update -a
# 中间会出很多warning, 不用管它 ./scripts/feeds install -a

让OpenWrt构建系统检查缺失的package, 这里你需要选择编译的配置和目标

make menuconfig (most likely you would like to use this)
make defconfig


make defconfig
sudo yum install zlib-static patch subversion
make defconfigmake menuconfig
make V=s

Proceed with build (i.e. cross-compile the downloaded sources to binaries)
\\After the cross-compilation process the trunk-directory contained over 240000 files with a total size of above 3GiB!


编译成功后, 生成的文件可以在 <buildroot_dir>/bin 目录找到. The compiled files are additionally classified by the target platform, so e.g. a firmware built for an ar71xx device will be located in <buildroot_dir>/bin/ar71xx directory.
E.g. if your <buildroot_dir> is ~/openwrt/trunk, the binaries are in ~/openwrt/trunk/bin/ar71xx.

注: 构建中需要的库

yum install openssl-devel ncurses-devel
yum install zlib-static patch subversion

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