react programming
So you're curious in learning this new thing called Reactive Programming, particularly its variant comprising of Rx, Bacon.js, RAC, and others.
Learning it is hard, even harder by the lack of good material. When I started, I tried looking for tutorials. I found only a handful of practical guides, but they just scratched the surface and never tackled the challenge of building the whole architecture around it. Library documentations often don't help when you're trying to understand some function. I mean, honestly, look at this:
Rx.Observable.prototype.flatMapLatest(selector, [thisArg])
Projects each element of an observable sequence into a new sequence of observable sequences by incorporating the element's index and then transforms an observable sequence of observable sequences into an observable sequence producing values only from the most recent observable sequence.
Holy cow.
学习响应式编程是个困难的过程,尤其是在当前缺乏优秀资料的前提下。起初,我试图寻找一些教程,却只找到了少量的实践指南,而且它们讲的都非常浅显(scratched the surface),从来没人接受围绕着响应式编程建立一个完整知识体系的挑战。而官方文档通常也并不能完全地帮助你理解某些函数,它们通常看起来很绕,不信请看这里:
Rx.Observable.prototype.flatMapLatest(selector, [thisArg])
I've read two books, one just painted the big picture, while the other dived into how to use the Reactive library. I ended up learning Reactive Programming the hard way: figuring it out while building with it. At my work in Futurice I got to use it in a real project, and had the support of some colleagues when I ran into troubles.
The hardest part of the learning journey is thinking in Reactive. It's a lot about letting go of old imperative and stateful habits of typical programming, and forcing your brain to work in a different paradigm. I haven't found any guide on the internet in this aspect, and I think the world deserves a practical tutorial on how to think in Reactive, so that you can get started. Library documentation can light your way after that. I hope this helps you.
"What is Reactive Programming?"
There are plenty of bad explanations and definitions out there on the internet. Wikipedia is too generic and theoretical as usual.Stackoverflow's canonical answer is obviously not suitable for newcomers. Reactive Manifesto sounds like the kind of thing you show to your project manager or the businessmen at your company. Microsoft's Rx terminology "Rx = Observables + LINQ + Schedulers" is so heavy and Microsoftish that most of us are left confused. Terms like "reactive" and "propagation of change" don't convey anything specifically different to what your typical MV* and favorite language already does. Of course my framework views react to the models. Of course change is propagated. If it wouldn't, nothing would be rendered.
So let's cut the bullshit.
网络上有一大堆糟糕的解释和定义,Wikipedia上通常都是些非常笼统和理论性的解释,Stackoverflow上的一些规范的回答显然也不适合新手来参考,Reactive Manifesto看起来也只像是拿给你的PM或者老板看的东西,微软的Rx术语"Rx = Observables + LINQ + Schedulers" 也显得太过沉重,而且充满了太多微软式的东西,反而给我们留下了更多的疑惑。相对于你使用的MV*框架以及你钟爱的编程语言,"Reactive"和"Propagation of change"这样的术语并没有传达任何有意义的概念。当然,我的view框架能够从model做出反应,我的改变当然也会传播,如果没有这些,我的界面根本就没有东西可渲染(译者:最后一句旨在说明微软的术语化的东西都非常老套、非常教科书化)。
Reactive programming is programming with asynchronous data streams.
In a way, this isn't anything new. Event buses or your typical click events are really an asynchronous event stream, on which you can observe and do some side effects. Reactive is that idea on steroids. You are able to create data streams of anything, not just from click and hover events. Streams are cheap and ubiquitous, anything can be a stream: variables, user inputs, properties, caches, data structures, etc. For example, imagine your Twitter feed would be a data stream in the same fashion that click events are. You can listen to that stream and react accordingly.
一方面,这已经不是什么新事物了。事件总线(Event Buses)或一些典型的点击事件本质上就是一个异步事件流(asynchronous event stream),这样你就可以观察它的变化并使其做出一些反应(产生一些效果(do some side effects))。响应式是这样的一个思路:除了点击(click)和悬停(hover)的事件外,你可以给任何事物创建数据流。数据流无处不在(Streams are cheap and ubiquitous),任何东西都可以成为一个数据流,例如变量、用户输入、属性、缓存、数据结构等等。举个栗子,你可以把你的微博订阅功能想象成跟点击事件一样的数据流,你可以监听这样的数据流,并做出相应的反应。
On top of that, you are given an amazing toolbox of functions to combine, create and filter any of those streams.That's where the "functional" magic kicks in. A stream can be used as an input to another one. Even multiple streams can be used as inputs to another stream. You can merge two streams. You can filter a stream to get another one that has only those events you are interested in. You can map data values from one stream to another new one.
If streams are so central to Reactive, let's take a careful look at them, starting with our familiar "clicks on a button" event stream.
A stream is a sequence of ongoing events ordered in time. It can emit three different things: a value (of some type), an error, or a "completed" signal. Consider that the "completed" takes place, for instance, when the current window or view containing that button is closed.
We capture these emitted events only asynchronously, by defining a function that will execute when a value is emitted, another function when an error is emitted, and another function when 'completed' is emitted. Sometimes these last two can be omitted and you can just focus on defining the function for values. The "listening" to the stream is called subscribing. The functions we are defining are observers. The stream is the subject (or "observable") being observed. This is precisely the Observer Design Pattern.
An alternative way of drawing that diagram is with ASCII, which we will use in some parts of this tutorial:
a, b, c, d are emitted values
X is an error
| is the 'completed' signal
---> is the timeline
Since this feels so familiar already, and I don't want you to get bored, let's do something new: we are going to create new click event streams transformed out of the original click event stream.
最重要的是,你会拥有一些令人惊艳的函数去结合(combine)、创建(create)和过滤(filter)任何一组数据流。 这就是"函数式编程"的魔力所在。一个数据流可以作为另一个数据流的输入,甚至多个数据流也可以作为另一个数据流的输入。你可以合并(merge)两个数据流,也可以过滤(filter)一个数据流得到另一个只包含你感兴趣的事件的数据流,还可以映射(map)一个数据流的值到一个新的数据流里。
如果数据流对于响应式是如此的核心(so central to Reactive),那就让我们来仔细的看看它们,先从我们熟悉的"点击一个按钮"的事件流开始
一个数据流是一个按时间排序的即将发生的事件(Ongoing events ordered in time)的序列。如上图,它可以发出3种不同的事件(上一句已经把它们叫做事件):一个某种类型的值事件,一个错误事件和一个完成事件。当一个完成事件发生时,在某些情况下,我们可能会做这样的操作:关闭包含那个按钮的窗口或者视图组件。
a, b, c, d 是值事件
X 是错误事件
| 是完成事件
---> 是时间线(轴)
First, let's make a counter stream that indicates how many times a button was clicked. In common Reactive libraries, each stream has many functions attached to it, such as map
, filter
, scan
, etc. When you call one of these functions, such
, it returns a new stream based on the click stream. It does not modify the original click stream in any way. This is a property called immutability, and it goes together with Reactive streams just like pancakes are good with syrup. That allows us to chain functions like
clickStream: ---c----c--c----c------c-->
vvvvv map(c becomes 1) vvvv
vvvvvvvvv scan(+) vvvvvvvvv
counterStream: ---1----2--3----4------5-->
The map(f)
function replaces (into the new stream) each emitted value according to a function f
you provide. In our case, we mapped to the number 1 on each click. The scan(g)
function aggregates all previous values on the stream, producing value x = g(accumulated, current)
, where g
was simply the add function in this example. Then, counterStream
emits the total number of clicks whenever a click happens.
首先,让我们来创建一个记录按钮点击次数的事件流。在常用的响应式库中,每个事件流都会附有一些函数,例如 map
, scan
clickStream: ---c----c--c----c------c-->
vvvvv map(c becomes 1) vvvv
vvvvvvvvv scan(+) vvvvvvvvv
counterStream: ---1----2--3----4------5-->
函数则把之前映射的值聚集起来,然后根据x = g(accumulated, current)
To show the real power of Reactive, let's just say that you want to have a stream of "double click" events. To make it even more interesting, let's say we want the new stream to consider triple clicks as double clicks, or in general, multiple clicks (two or more). Take a deep breath and imagine how you would do that in a traditional imperative and stateful fashion. I bet it sounds fairly nasty and involves some variables to keep state and some fiddling with time intervals.
Well, in Reactive it's pretty simple. In fact, the logic is just 4 lines of code. But let's ignore code for now. Thinking in diagrams is the best way to understand and build streams, whether you're a beginner or an expert.
Grey boxes are functions transforming one stream into another. First we accumulate clicks in lists, whenever 250 milliseconds of "event silence" has happened (that's what buffer(stream.throttle(250ms))
does, in a nutshell. Don't worry about understanding the details at this point, we are just demoing Reactive for now). The result is a stream of lists, from which we applymap()
to map each list to an integer matching the length of that list. Finally, we ignore 1
integers using the filter(x >= 2)
function. That's it: 3 operations to produce our intended stream. We can then subscribe ("listen") to it to react accordingly how we wish.
I hope you enjoy the beauty of this approach. This example is just the tip of the iceberg: you can apply the same operations on different kinds of streams, for instance, on a stream of API responses; on the other hand, there are many other functions available.
图中,灰色盒子表示将上面的事件流转换下面的事件流的函数过程,首先根据250毫秒的间隔时间(event silence, 译者:无事件发生的时间段,上一个事件发生到下一个事件发生的间隔时间)把点击事件流一段一隔开,再将每一段的一个或多个点击事件添加到列表中(这就是这个函数:buffer(stream.throttle(250ms))
中的函数来算出每一个列表长度的整数数值映射到下一个事件流当中。最后我们使用了过滤filter(x >= 2)
"Why should I consider adopting RP?"
Reactive Programming raises the level of abstraction of your code so you can focus on the interdependence of events that define the business logic, rather than having to constantly fiddle with a large amount of implementation details. Code in RP will likely be more concise.
The benefit is more evident in modern webapps and mobile apps that are highly interactive with a multitude of UI events related to data events. 10 years ago, interaction with web pages was basically about submitting a long form to the backend and performing simple rendering to the frontend. Apps have evolved to be more real-time: modifying a single form field can automatically trigger a save to the backend, "likes" to some content can be reflected in real time to other connected users, and so forth.
Apps nowadays have an abundancy of real-time events of every kind that enable a highly interactive experience to the user. We need tools for properly dealing with that, and Reactive Programming is an answer.
特别对于现在流行的webapps和mobile apps,这些频繁与数据事件相关的大量UI事件交互的程序,好处就更加的明显了。十年前,web页面的交互是通过提交一个很长的表单数据到后端,然后再做一些简单的前端渲染操作。而现在的Apps则演变的更具有实时性:仅仅修改一个单独的表单域就能自动的触发保存到后端的代码,就像某个用户对一些内容点了赞,就能够实时反映到其他已连接的用户一样,等等。
Thinking in RP, with examples
Let's dive into the real stuff. A real-world example with a step-by-step guide on how to think in RP. No synthetic examples, no half-explained concepts. By the end of this tutorial we will have produced real functioning code, while knowing why we did each thing.
I picked JavaScript and RxJS as the tools for this, for a reason: JavaScript is the most familiar language out there at the moment, and the Rx* library family is widely available for many languages and platforms (.NET, Java, Scala, Clojure, JavaScript,Ruby, Python, C++, Objective-C/Cocoa, Groovy, etc). So whatever your tools are, you can concretely benefit by following this tutorial.
我选了JavaScript和RxJS来作为本教程的编程语言,原因是:JavaScript是目前最多人熟悉的语言,而Rx系列的库对于很多语言和平台的运用是非常广泛的,例如(.NET, Java, Scala, Clojure, JavaScript, Ruby, Python, C++, Objective-C/Cocoa, Groovy等等。所以,无论你用的是什么语言、库、工具,你都能从下面这个教程中学到东西(从中受益)。
Implementing a "Who to follow" suggestions box
In Twitter there is this UI element that suggests other accounts you could follow:
We are going to focus on imitating its core features, which are:
- On startup, load accounts data from the API and display 3 suggestions
- On clicking "Refresh", load 3 other account suggestions into the 3 rows
- On click 'x' button on an account row, clear only that current account and display another
- Each row displays the account's avatar and links to their page
We can leave out the other features and buttons because they are minor. And, instead of Twitter, which recently closed its API to the unauthorized public, let's build that UI for following people on Github. There's a Github API for getting users.
The complete code for this is ready at in case you want to take a peak already.
实现一个推荐关注(Who to follow)的功能
- 开始阶段,从API加载推荐关注的用户账户数据,然后显示三个推荐用户
- 点击刷新,加载另外三个推荐用户到当前的三行中显示
- 点击每一行的推荐用户上的'x'按钮,清楚当前被点击的用户,并显示新的一个用户到当前行
- 每一行显示一个用户的头像并且在点击之后可以链接到他们的主页。
Request and response
How do you approach this problem with Rx? Well, to start with, (almost) everything can be a stream. That's the Rx mantra. Let's start with the easiest feature: "on startup, load 3 accounts data from the API". There is nothing special here, this is simply about (1) doing a request, (2) getting a response, (3) rendering the response. So let's go ahead and represent our requests as a stream. At first this will feel like overkill, but we need to start from the basics, right?
On startup we need to do only one request, so if we model it as a data stream, it will be a stream with only one emitted value. Later, we know we will have many requests happening, but for now, it is just one.
Where a is the string ''
This is a stream of URLs that we want to request. Whenever a request event happens, it tells us two things: when and what. "When" the request should be executed is when the event is emitted. And "what" should be requested is the value emitted: a string containing the URL.
To create such stream with a single value is very simple in Rx*. The official terminology for a stream is "Observable", for the fact that it can be observed, but I find it to be a silly name, so I call it stream.
var requestStream = Rx.Observable.just('');
But now, that is just a stream of strings, doing no other operation, so we need to somehow make something happen when that value is emitted. That's done by subscribing to the stream.
requestStream.subscribe(function(requestUrl) {
// execute the request
jQuery.getJSON(requestUrl, function(responseData) {
// ...
在Rx中是怎么处理这个问题呢?,在开始之前,我们要明白,(几乎)一切都可以成为一个事件流,这就是Rx的准则(mantra)。让我们从最简单的功能开始:"开始阶段,从API加载推荐关注的用户账户数据,然后显示三个推荐用户"。其实这个功能没什么特殊的,简单的步骤分为: (1)发出一个请求,(2)获取响应数据,(3)渲染响应数据。ok,让我们把请求作为一个事件流,一开始你可能会觉得这样做有些夸张,但别急,我们也得从最基本的开始,不是吗?
这是一个我们要请求的URL事件流。每当发生一个请求时,它将告诉我们两件事:什么时候和做了什么事(when and what)。什么时候请求被执行,什么时候事件就被发出。而做了什么就是请求了什么,也就是请求的URL字符串。
var requestStream = Rx.Observable.just('');
requestStream.subscribe(function(requestUrl) {
// execute the request
jQuery.getJSON(requestUrl, function(responseData) {
// ...
Notice we are using a jQuery Ajax callback (which we assume you should know already) to handle the asynchronicity of the request operation. But wait a moment, Rx is for dealing with asynchronous data streams. Couldn't the response for that request be a stream containing the data arriving at some time in the future? Well, at a conceptual level, it sure looks like it, so let's try that.
requestStream.subscribe(function(requestUrl) {
// execute the request
var responseStream = Rx.Observable.create(function (observer) {
.done(function(response) { observer.onNext(response); })
.fail(function(jqXHR, status, error) { observer.onError(error); })
.always(function() { observer.onCompleted(); });
}); responseStream.subscribe(function(response) {
// do something with the response
What Rx.Observable.create()
does is create your own custom stream by explicitly informing each observer (or in other words, a "subscriber") about data events (onNext()
) or errors (onError()
). What we did was just wrap that jQuery Ajax Promise.Excuse me, does this mean that a Promise is an Observable?
requestStream.subscribe(function(requestUrl) {
// execute the request
var responseStream = Rx.Observable.create(function (observer) {
.done(function(response) { observer.onNext(response); })
.fail(function(jqXHR, status, error) { observer.onError(error); })
.always(function() { observer.onCompleted(); });
}); responseStream.subscribe(function(response) {
// do something with the response
)都会显示的通知该事件每一个观察者(或订阅者)。我们做的只是小小的封装一下jQuery Ajax Promise而已。等等,这是否意味者jQuery Ajax Promise本质上就是一个被观察者呢(Observable)?
Observable is Promise++. In Rx you can easily convert a Promise to an Observable by doing var stream = Rx.Observable.fromPromise(promise)
, so let's use that. The only difference is that Observables are not Promises/A+compliant, but conceptually there is no clash. A Promise is simply an Observable with one single emitted value. Rx streams go beyond promises by allowing many returned values.
This is pretty nice, and shows how Observables are at least as powerful as Promises. So if you believe the Promises hype, keep an eye on what Rx Observables are capable of.
Now back to our example, if you were quick to notice, we have one subscribe()
call inside another, which is somewhat akin to callback hell. Also, the creation of responseStream
is dependent on requestStream
. As you heard before, in Rx there are simple mechanisms for transforming and creating new streams out of others, so we should be doing that.
The one basic function that you should know by now is map(f)
, which takes each value of stream A, applies f()
on it, and produces a value on stream B. If we do that to our request and response streams, we can map request URLs to response Promises (disguised as streams).
var responseMetastream = requestStream
.map(function(requestUrl) {
return Rx.Observable.fromPromise(jQuery.getJSON(requestUrl));
Then we will have created a beast called "metastream": a stream of streams. Don't panic yet. A metastream is a stream where each emitted value is yet another stream. You can think of it as pointers: each emitted value is a pointer to another stream. In our example, each request URL is mapped to a pointer to the promise stream containing the corresponding response.
Promise++就是被观察者(Observable),在Rx里你可以使用这样的操作:var stream = Rx.Observable.fromPromise(promise)
方法,这有点类似于回调地狱(callback hell),而且responseStream
var responseMetastream = requestStream
.map(function(requestUrl) {
return Rx.Observable.fromPromise(jQuery.getJSON(requestUrl));
A metastream for responses looks confusing, and doesn't seem to help us at all. We just want a simple stream of responses, where each emitted value is a JSON object, not a 'Promise' of a JSON object. Say hi to Mr. Flatmap: a version of map()
than "flattens" a metastream, by emitting on the "trunk" stream everything that will be emitted on "branch" streams. Flatmap is not a "fix" and metastreams are not a bug, these are really the tools for dealing with asynchronous responses in Rx.
var responseStream = requestStream
.flatMap(function(requestUrl) {
return Rx.Observable.fromPromise(jQuery.getJSON(requestUrl));
Nice. And because the response stream is defined according to request stream, if we have later on more events happening on request stream, we will have the corresponding response events happening on response stream, as expected:
requestStream: --a-----b--c------------|->
responseStream: -----A--------B-----C---|->
(lowercase is a request, uppercase is its response)
Now that we finally have a response stream, we can render the data we receive:
responseStream.subscribe(function(response) {
// render `response` to the DOM however you wish
Joining all the code until now, we have:
var requestStream = Rx.Observable.just(''); var responseStream = requestStream
.flatMap(function(requestUrl) {
return Rx.Observable.fromPromise(jQuery.getJSON(requestUrl));
}); responseStream.subscribe(function(response) {
// render `response` to the DOM however you wish
一个响应的metastream,看起来确实让人容易困惑,看样子对我们一点帮助也没有。我们只想要一个简单的响应数据流,每一个发出的值是一个简单的JSON对象就行,而不是一个'Promise' 的JSON对象。ok,让我们来见识一下另一个函数:Flatmap,它是map()
var responseStream = requestStream
.flatMap(function(requestUrl) {
return Rx.Observable.fromPromise(jQuery.getJSON(requestUrl));
requestStream: --a-----b--c------------|->
responseStream: -----A--------B-----C---|->
(小写的是请求事件流, 大写的是响应事件流)
responseStream.subscribe(function(response) {
// render `response` to the DOM however you wish
var requestStream = Rx.Observable.just(''); var responseStream = requestStream
.flatMap(function(requestUrl) {
return Rx.Observable.fromPromise(jQuery.getJSON(requestUrl));
}); responseStream.subscribe(function(response) {
// render `response` to the DOM however you wish
The refresh button
I did not yet mention that the JSON in the response is a list with 100 users. The API only allows us to specify the page offset, and not the page size, so we're using just 3 data objects and wasting 97 others. We can ignore that problem for now, since later on we will see how to cache the responses.
Everytime the refresh button is clicked, the request stream should emit a new URL, so that we can get a new response. We need two things: a stream of click events on the refresh button (mantra: anything can be a stream), and we need to change the request stream to depend on the refresh click stream. Gladly, RxJS comes with tools to make Observables from event listeners.
var refreshButton = document.querySelector('.refresh');
var refreshClickStream = Rx.Observable.fromEvent(refreshButton, 'click');
Since the refresh click event doesn't itself carry any API URL, we need to map each click to an actual URL. Now we change the request stream to be the refresh click stream mapped to the API endpoint with a random offset parameter each time.
var requestStream = refreshClickStream
.map(function() {
var randomOffset = Math.floor(Math.random()*500);
return '' + randomOffset;
Because I'm dumb and I don't have automated tests, I just broke one of our previously built features. A request doesn't happen anymore on startup, it happens only when the refresh is clicked. Urgh. I need both behaviors: a request when either a refresh is clicked or the webpage was just opened.
我还没提到本次响应的JSON数据是含有100个用户数据的list,这个API只允许指定页面偏移量(page offset),而不能指定每页大小(page size),我们只用到了3个用户数据而浪费了其他97个,现在可以先忽略这个问题,稍后我们将学习如何缓存响应的数据。
var refreshButton = document.querySelector('.refresh');
var refreshClickStream = Rx.Observable.fromEvent(refreshButton, 'click');
var requestStream = refreshClickStream
.map(function() {
var randomOffset = Math.floor(Math.random()*500);
return '' + randomOffset;
We know how to make a separate stream for each one of those cases:
var requestOnRefreshStream = refreshClickStream
.map(function() {
var randomOffset = Math.floor(Math.random()*500);
return '' + randomOffset;
}); var startupRequestStream = Rx.Observable.just('');
But how can we "merge" these two into one? Well, there's merge()
. Explained in the diagram dialect, this is what it does:
stream A: ---a--------e-----o----->
stream B: -----B---C-----D-------->
vvvvvvvvv merge vvvvvvvvv
var requestOnRefreshStream = refreshClickStream
.map(function() {
var randomOffset = Math.floor(Math.random()*500);
return '' + randomOffset;
}); var startupRequestStream = Rx.Observable.just('');
stream A: ---a--------e-----o----->
stream B: -----B---C-----D-------->
vvvvvvvvv merge vvvvvvvvv
It should be easy now:
var requestOnRefreshStream = refreshClickStream
.map(function() {
var randomOffset = Math.floor(Math.random()*500);
return '' + randomOffset;
}); var startupRequestStream = Rx.Observable.just(''); var requestStream = Rx.Observable.merge(
requestOnRefreshStream, startupRequestStream
There is an alternative and cleaner way of writing that, without the intermediate streams.
var requestStream = refreshClickStream
.map(function() {
var randomOffset = Math.floor(Math.random()*500);
return '' + randomOffset;
var requestOnRefreshStream = refreshClickStream
.map(function() {
var randomOffset = Math.floor(Math.random()*500);
return '' + randomOffset;
}); var startupRequestStream = Rx.Observable.just(''); var requestStream = Rx.Observable.merge(
requestOnRefreshStream, startupRequestStream
var requestStream = refreshClickStream
.map(function() {
var randomOffset = Math.floor(Math.random()*500);
return '' + randomOffset;
var requestStream = refreshClickStream
.map(function() {
var randomOffset = Math.floor(Math.random()*500);
return '' + randomOffset;
The startWith()
function does exactly what you think it does. No matter how your input stream looks like, the output stream resulting of startWith(x)
will have x
at the beginning. But I'm not DRY enough, I'm repeating the API endpoint string. One way to fix this is by moving the startWith()
close to the refreshClickStream
, to essentially "emulate" a refresh click on startup.
var requestStream = refreshClickStream.startWith('startup click')
.map(function() {
var randomOffset = Math.floor(Math.random()*500);
return '' + randomOffset;
Nice. If you go back to the point where I "broke the automated tests", you should see that the only difference with this last approach is that I added the startWith()
开头的结果。但是我没有总是重复代码( DRY),我只是在重复API的URL字符串,改进的方法是将startWith()
var requestStream = refreshClickStream.startWith('startup click')
.map(function() {
var randomOffset = Math.floor(Math.random()*500);
return '' + randomOffset;
Modelling the 3 suggestions with streams
Until now, we have only touched a suggestion UI element on the rendering step that happens in the responseStream'ssubscribe()
. Now with the refresh button, we have a problem: as soon as you click 'refresh', the current 3 suggestions are not cleared. New suggestions come in only after a response has arrived, but to make the UI look nice, we need to clean out the current suggestions when clicks happen on the refresh.
refreshClickStream.subscribe(function() {
// clear the 3 suggestion DOM elements
No, not so fast, pal. This is bad, because we now have two subscribers that affect the suggestion DOM elements (the other one being responseStream.subscribe()
), and that doesn't really sound like Separation of concerns. Remember the Reactive mantra?
refreshClickStream.subscribe(function() {
// clear the 3 suggestion DOM elements
不,老兄,还没那么快。我们又出现了新的问题,因为我们现在有两个订阅者在影响着推荐关注的UI DOM元素(另一个是responseStream.subscribe()
),这看起来并不符合关注分离(Separation of concerns)原则,还记得响应式编程的原则么?
So let's model a suggestion as a stream, where each emitted value is the JSON object containing the suggestion data. We will do this separately for each of the 3 suggestions. This is how the stream for suggestion #1 could look like:
var suggestion1Stream = responseStream
.map(function(listUsers) {
// get one random user from the list
return listUsers[Math.floor(Math.random()*listUsers.length)];
The others, suggestion2Stream
and suggestion3Stream
can be simply copy pasted from suggestion1Stream
. This is not DRY, but it will keep our example simple for this tutorial, plus I think it's a good exercise to think how to avoid repetition in this case.
var suggestion1Stream = responseStream
.map(function(listUsers) {
// get one random user from the list
return listUsers[Math.floor(Math.random()*listUsers.length)];
Instead of having the rendering happen in responseStream's subscribe(), we do that here:
suggestion1Stream.subscribe(function(suggestion) {
// render the 1st suggestion to the DOM
Back to the "on refresh, clear the suggestions", we can simply map refresh clicks to null
suggestion data, and include that in the suggestion1Stream
, as such:
var suggestion1Stream = responseStream
.map(function(listUsers) {
// get one random user from the list
return listUsers[Math.floor(Math.random()*listUsers.length)];
.merge({ return null; })
And when rendering, we interpret null
as "no data", hence hiding its UI element.
suggestion1Stream.subscribe(function(suggestion) {
if (suggestion === null) {
// hide the first suggestion DOM element
else {
// show the first suggestion DOM element
// and render the data
suggestion1Stream.subscribe(function(suggestion) {
// render the 1st suggestion to the DOM
suggestion data),并且在suggestion1Stream
var suggestion1Stream = responseStream
.map(function(listUsers) {
// get one random user from the list
return listUsers[Math.floor(Math.random()*listUsers.length)];
.merge({ return null; })
当渲染时,我们将 null
suggestion1Stream.subscribe(function(suggestion) {
if (suggestion === null) {
// hide the first suggestion DOM element
else {
// show the first suggestion DOM element
// and render the data
The big picture is now:
refreshClickStream: ----------o--------o---->
requestStream: -r--------r--------r---->
responseStream: ----R---------R------R-->
suggestion1Stream: ----s-----N---s----N-s-->
suggestion2Stream: ----q-----N---q----N-q-->
suggestion3Stream: ----t-----N---t----N-t-->
Where N
stands for null
As a bonus, we can also render "empty" suggestions on startup. That is done by adding startWith(null)
to the suggestion streams:
var suggestion1Stream = responseStream
.map(function(listUsers) {
// get one random user from the list
return listUsers[Math.floor(Math.random()*listUsers.length)];
.merge({ return null; })
Which results in:
refreshClickStream: ----------o---------o---->
requestStream: -r--------r---------r---->
responseStream: ----R----------R------R-->
suggestion1Stream: -N--s-----N----s----N-s-->
suggestion2Stream: -N--q-----N----q----N-q-->
suggestion3Stream: -N--t-----N----t----N-t-->
refreshClickStream: ----------o--------o---->
requestStream: -r--------r--------r---->
responseStream: ----R---------R------R-->
suggestion1Stream: ----s-----N---s----N-s-->
suggestion2Stream: ----q-----N---q----N-q-->
suggestion3Stream: ----t-----N---t----N-t-->
var suggestion1Stream = responseStream
.map(function(listUsers) {
// get one random user from the list
return listUsers[Math.floor(Math.random()*listUsers.length)];
.merge({ return null; })
refreshClickStream: ----------o---------o---->
requestStream: -r--------r---------r---->
responseStream: ----R----------R------R-->
suggestion1Stream: -N--s-----N----s----N-s-->
suggestion2Stream: -N--q-----N----q----N-q-->
suggestion3Stream: -N--t-----N----t----N-t-->
Closing a suggestion and using cached responses
There is one feature remaining to implement. Each suggestion should have its own 'x' button for closing it, and loading another in its place. At first thought, you could say it's enough to make a new request when any close button is clicked:
var close1Button = document.querySelector('.close1');
var close1ClickStream = Rx.Observable.fromEvent(close1Button, 'click');
// and the same for close2Button and close3Button var requestStream = refreshClickStream.startWith('startup click')
.merge(close1ClickStream) // we added this
.map(function() {
var randomOffset = Math.floor(Math.random()*500);
return '' + randomOffset;
That does not work. It will close and reload all suggestions, rather than just only the one we clicked on. There are a couple of different ways of solving this, and to keep it interesting, we will solve it by reusing previous responses. The API's response page size is 100 users while we were using just 3 of those, so there is plenty of fresh data available. No need to request more.
var close1Button = document.querySelector('.close1');
var close1ClickStream = Rx.Observable.fromEvent(close1Button, 'click');
// and the same for close2Button and close3Button var requestStream = refreshClickStream.startWith('startup click')
.merge(close1ClickStream) // we added this
.map(function() {
var randomOffset = Math.floor(Math.random()*500);
return '' + randomOffset;
Again, let's think in streams. When a 'close1' click event happens, we want to use the most recently emitted response onresponseStream
to get one random user from the list in the response. As such:
requestStream: --r--------------->
responseStream: ------R----------->
close1ClickStream: ------------c----->
suggestion1Stream: ------s-----s----->
In Rx* there is a combinator function called combineLatest
that seems to do what we need. It takes two streams A and B as inputs, and whenever either stream emits a value, combineLatest
joins the two most recently emitted values a
and b
from both streams and outputs a value c = f(x,y)
, where f
is a function you define. It is better explained with a diagram:
stream A: --a-----------e--------i-------->
stream B: -----b----c--------d-------q---->
vvvvvvvv combineLatest(f) vvvvvvv
where f is the uppercase function
requestStream: --r--------------->
responseStream: ------R----------->
close1ClickStream: ------------c----->
suggestion1Stream: ------s-----s----->
函数的输入,计算后返回一个输出值(c = f(x,y)
stream A: --a-----------e--------i-------->
stream B: -----b----c--------d-------q---->
vvvvvvvv combineLatest(f) vvvvvvv
We can apply combineLatest() on close1ClickStream
and responseStream
, so that whenever the close 1 button is clicked, we get the latest response emitted and produce a new value on suggestion1Stream
. On the other hand, combineLatest() is symmetric: whenever a new response is emitted on responseStream
, it will combine with the latest 'close 1' click to produce a new suggestion. That is interesting, because it allows us to simplify our previous code for suggestion1Stream
, like this:
var suggestion1Stream = close1ClickStream
function(click, listUsers) {
return listUsers[Math.floor(Math.random()*listUsers.length)];
.merge({ return null; })
One piece is still missing in the puzzle. The combineLatest() uses the most recent of the two sources, but if one of those sources hasn't emitted anything yet, combineLatest() cannot produce a data event on the output stream. If you look at the ASCII diagram above, you will see that the output has nothing when the first stream emitted value a
. Only when the second stream emitted valueb
could it produce an output value.
There are different ways of solving this, and we will stay with the simplest one, which is simulating a click to the 'close 1' button on startup:
var suggestion1Stream = close1ClickStream.startWith('startup click') // we added this
function(click, listUsers) {l
return listUsers[Math.floor(Math.random()*listUsers.length)];
.merge({ return null; })
和 responseStream
var suggestion1Stream = close1ClickStream
function(click, listUsers) {
return listUsers[Math.floor(Math.random()*listUsers.length)];
.merge({ return null; })
One piece is still missing in the puzzle. The combineLatest() uses the most recent of the two sources, but if one of those sources hasn't emitted anything yet, combineLatest() cannot produce a data event on the output stream. If you look at the ASCII diagram above, you will see that the output has nothing when the first stream emitted value a
. Only when the second stream emitted valueb
could it produce an output value.
There are different ways of solving this, and we will stay with the simplest one, which is simulating a click to the 'close 1' button on startup:
var suggestion1Stream = close1ClickStream.startWith('startup click') // we added this
function(click, listUsers) {l
return listUsers[Math.floor(Math.random()*listUsers.length)];
.merge({ return null; })
这里有很多种方法来解决这个问题,我们使用最简单的一种,也就是在启动的时候模拟'close 1'的点击事件:
var suggestion1Stream = close1ClickStream.startWith('startup click') // we added this
function(click, listUsers) {l
return listUsers[Math.floor(Math.random()*listUsers.length)];
.merge({ return null; })
Wrapping up
And we're done. The complete code for all this was:
var refreshButton = document.querySelector('.refresh');
var refreshClickStream = Rx.Observable.fromEvent(refreshButton, 'click'); var closeButton1 = document.querySelector('.close1');
var close1ClickStream = Rx.Observable.fromEvent(closeButton1, 'click');
// and the same logic for close2 and close3 var requestStream = refreshClickStream.startWith('startup click')
.map(function() {
var randomOffset = Math.floor(Math.random()*500);
return '' + randomOffset;
}); var responseStream = requestStream
.flatMap(function (requestUrl) {
return Rx.Observable.fromPromise($.ajax({url: requestUrl}));
}); var suggestion1Stream = close1ClickStream.startWith('startup click')
function(click, listUsers) {
return listUsers[Math.floor(Math.random()*listUsers.length)];
.merge({ return null; })
// and the same logic for suggestion2Stream and suggestion3Stream suggestion1Stream.subscribe(function(suggestion) {
if (suggestion === null) {
// hide the first suggestion DOM element
else {
// show the first suggestion DOM element
// and render the data
var refreshButton = document.querySelector('.refresh');
var refreshClickStream = Rx.Observable.fromEvent(refreshButton, 'click'); var closeButton1 = document.querySelector('.close1');
var close1ClickStream = Rx.Observable.fromEvent(closeButton1, 'click');
// and the same logic for close2 and close3 var requestStream = refreshClickStream.startWith('startup click')
.map(function() {
var randomOffset = Math.floor(Math.random()*500);
return '' + randomOffset;
}); var responseStream = requestStream
.flatMap(function (requestUrl) {
return Rx.Observable.fromPromise($.ajax({url: requestUrl}));
}); var suggestion1Stream = close1ClickStream.startWith('startup click')
function(click, listUsers) {
return listUsers[Math.floor(Math.random()*listUsers.length)];
.merge({ return null; })
// and the same logic for suggestion2Stream and suggestion3Stream suggestion1Stream.subscribe(function(suggestion) {
if (suggestion === null) {
// hide the first suggestion DOM element
else {
// show the first suggestion DOM element
// and render the data
You can see this working example at
That piece of code is small but dense: it features management of multiple events with proper separation of concerns, and even caching of responses. The functional style made the code look more declarative than imperative: we are not giving a sequence of instructions to execute, we are just telling what something is by defining relationships between streams. For instance, with Rx we told the computer that suggestion1Stream
is the 'close 1' stream combined with one user from the latest response, besides being null
when a refresh happens or program startup happened.
Notice also the impressive absence of control flow elements such as if
, for
, while
, and the typical callback-based control flow that you expect from a JavaScript application. You can even get rid of the if
and else
in the subscribe()
above by using filter()
if you want (I'll leave the implementation details to you as an exercise). In Rx, we have stream functions such asmap
, filter
, scan
, merge
, combineLatest
, startWith
, and many more to control the flow of an event-driven program. This toolset of functions gives you more power in less code.
以上的代码片段虽小但做到很多事:它适当的使用关注分离(separation of concerns)原则的实现了对多个事件流的管理,甚至做到了响应数据的缓存。这种函数式的风格使得代码看起来更像是声明式编程而非命令式编程:我们并不是在给一组指令去执行,只是定义了事件流之间关系来告诉它这是什么。例如,我们用Rx来告诉计算机suggestion1Stream
是'close 1'事件结合从最新的响应数据中拿到的一个用户数据的数据流,除此之外,当刷新事件发生时和程序启动时,它就是null
, for
, while
上使用 filter()
。在Rx里,我们有例如: map
, filter
, scan
, merge
, combineLatest
, startWith
等数据流的函数,还有很多函数可以用来控制事件驱动编程(event-driven program)的流程。这些函数的集合可以让你使用更少的代码实现更强大的功能。
What comes next
If you think Rx* will be your preferred library for Reactive Programming, take a while to get acquainted with the big list of functionsfor transforming, combining, and creating Observables. If you want to understand those functions in diagrams of streams, take a look at RxJava's very useful documentation with marble diagrams. Whenever you get stuck trying to do something, draw those diagrams, think on them, look at the long list of functions, and think more. This workflow has been effective in my experience.
Once you start getting the hang of programming with Rx, it is absolutely required to understand the concept of Cold vs Hot Observables. If you ignore this, it will come back and bite you brutally. You have been warned. Sharpen your skills further by learning real functional programming, and getting acquainted with issues such as side effects that affect Rx.
But Reactive Programming is not just Rx. There is Bacon.js which is intuitive to work with, without the quirks you sometimes encounter in Rx. The Elm Language lives in its own category: it's a Functional Reactive Programming language that compiles to JavaScript + HTML + CSS, and features a time travelling debugger. Pretty awesome.
Rx works great for event-heavy frontends and apps. But it is not just a client-side thing, it works great also in the backend and close to databases. In fact, RxJava is a key component for enabling server-side concurrency in Netflix's API. Rx is not a framework restricted to one specific type of application or language. It really is a paradigm that you can use when programming any event-driven software.
If this tutorial helped you, tweet it forward.
如果你认为Rx将会成为你首选的响应式编程库,接下来就需要花一些时间来熟悉一大批的函数用来变形、联合和创建被观察者。如果你想在事件流的图表当中熟悉这些函数,那就来看一下这个:RxJava's very useful documentation with marble diagrams。请记住,无论何时你遇到问题,可以画一下这些图,思考一下,看一看这一大串函数,然后继续思考。以我个人经验,这样效果很有效。
一旦你开始使用了Rx编程,请记住,理解Cold vs Hot Observables的概念是非常必要的,如果你忽视了这一点,它就会反弹回来并残忍的反咬你一口。我这里已经警告你了,学习函数式编程可以提高你的技能,熟悉一些常见问题,例如Rx会带来的副作用
但是响应式编程库并不仅仅是Rx,还有相对容易理解的,没有Rx那些怪癖的Bacon.js。Elm Language则以它自己的方式支持响应式编程:它是一门会编译成Javascript + HTML + CSS的响应式编程语言,并有一个time travelling debugger功能,很棒吧。
如果这篇教程对你有帮助, 那么就请来转发一下吧(tweet it forward).
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