A manager is becoming more and more popular in China
A manager is becoming more and more popular in China; many people want to possess a position like that. As a college student, I do not think we know a lot about it.
Now, let us know that in two ways: what they do and how they do it.
As a manager, they should begin a day’s work at the best mental outlook, and go to company at least 20 minutes early, so that they can have enough time to communicate with others.
1,Sometime, they will have to prepare early meetings, mainly talking about some cases or others’ successful cases, share some interesting stories and play some games to encourage everyone; In the meanwhile, someone will be praised by their boss.
2,Learn each other between colleagues. We can meet many difficulties but other people can solve them easily. At this time, it is time for them to ask for others.
Business managers themselves to manage their own time, in a sense they all manage the staffs’ time!
3,Of course, work hard is their focus. Undivided attention to do what you have to do, no matter men or women, should go to the service for the company, serving the society as a competent manager; otherwise this manager will be regard as so bad
All employees in department including managers must put own some things to note what they do the day before.
4, as a manager of a company, actively communicate with customers is their duty. Ask them what else they need, and they can also explain definitely to customers, and the customers may agree with them
There will more things that managers should do; we can get it in many ways.
My speaking is over, thank you.
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