java 普通版:





package com.cxm; /**
* @author admin
public class PalindromeS
private static String str = "hfjdjajdjhjlshlajdjajdjlsjdlsjiwowjvvmz.zjjfdkdfjjz.lafdiofeqnvkcajdlajiwonvbhdskalhdjfkda;jfdk;ajfdkjfkda;"; public static void main(String[] args)
PalindromeS PalindromeS = new PalindromeS();
} public void findpalindromeS(){
BigSotre bigSotre = PalindromeS.this.getBigSotre() ;
char[] charArray = str.toCharArray();
for(int i = 0;i<charArray.length;i++){
for(int j =charArray.length -1;j>i;j--){
if(isPalindrome(charArray,i,j)){, j);
System.out.println("最大回文长度"+bigSotre.bigSzie+" 起始下标"+bigSotre.startIndex+" 结束下标 "+bigSotre.endIndex);
} private class BigSotre{
int bigSzie; int startIndex; int endIndex; BigSotre(int i,int j,int k){
this.bigSzie = i;
this.startIndex = j;
this.endIndex = k; } public BigSotre store(int i ,int j){
this.bigSzie = j-i+1;
this.startIndex = i;
this.endIndex = j;
return this;
} } public BigSotre getBigSotre(){
return new BigSotre(0,0,0);
} public boolean isPalindrome(char[] charArray,int i ,int j ){
int intL = j-i +1;
int length = (intL>>1)+i;
return false;
return true;

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