Let us make our future now, and let us make our dreams tomorrow's reality.
I panted my congratulations to the winner of the race.
The prospectors have discovered such minerals as calcite, quartz and asbestos here.
There was a threat of typhoon.
my quilt is soften by the sunshine
Every committee member have the right to put forward their viewpoint.
There is no doubt of his competence for the task
Your attitude is in contradiction to your character.
Do you have any previous experience of this type of work?
My speech went quite well until I was put off my stroke by the interruption.
it is not the admiration of a person who can understand their worth.
I was not privy to the discussion, so I cannot tell you what was decided.
The inventor has invented a charming spherical gadget to catch sly foxes
Our success was attributed not so much to your help as to our cooperation.
People with invalid papers are deported to another country.
The government supported the unions in their demand for a minimum wage.


  1. Linux内核2.4.x的网络接口源码的结构[转]

    http://blog.csdn.net/wswifth/article/details/5102242 一.前言 Linux的源码里,网络接口的实现部份是非常值得一读的,通过读源码,不仅对网络协议会 ...

  2. 原创 HTML5:JS操作SVG实践体会

    在工业信息化系统里,常常需要动态呈现系统的数据在一张示意图里,用于展现系统状态,分析结果等.这样用JavaScript操作svg 元素就有现实意义.本人近期做了一些实践,现分享一下. 需求: 你下面这 ...

  3. Logback.xml 给变量指定默认值

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  5. [HTML5] Add an SVG Image to a Webpage and Get a Reference to the Internal Elements in JavaScript

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  6. Odoo 11 Backend

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  7. wirte function in powershell

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  8. 卸载VMware

    最近使用ubuntu的时候操作不当直接卡死了,然后强制关闭VMware软件,之后再打开时出现本文中的 “Vmware启动ubuntu 出现错误 ”这个情况,具体请看链接:https://www.cnb ...

  9. USB小白学习之路(6) IIC EEPROM读取解析

    IIC EEPROM读取解析 1. 编译错误处理(这里可以忽略) 在解压包解压了程序后,直接编译,出现如下错误. *** WARNING L14: INCOMPATIBLE MEMORY MODEL ...


  1. linux用一键安装包 禅道

    ----------------1.重启apache 和 mysql /opt/zbox/zbox restart -----------------2.问题1:发现端口被占用 apache启动报错( ...

  2. jquery实现全选、全消、反选功能

    HTML代码: <input type="checkbox" name="checkbox" class="A" /> 使用按钮 ...

  3. J - 组合

    J - 组合 Time Limit:1000MS     Memory Limit:10000KB     64bit IO Format:%lld & %llu Description 有两 ...

  4. 【python】-- IO多路复用(select、poll、epoll)介绍及实现

    IO多路复用(select.poll.epoll)介绍及select.epoll的实现 IO多路复用中包括 select.pool.epoll,这些都属于同步,还不属于异步 一.IO多路复用介绍 1. ...

  5. 页游手游服务器(一)c实现拓展lua网络

    把工作几年服务器相关的部分内容,通过服务器解决方案,做一次总结.整个实现的主体是lua脚本,lua实现主要缺少的两大块:1网络部分2数据库部分这两部分必须通过c/c++做扩展先来做net,主要是服务器 ...

  6. leetcode第一刷_Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock II

    这道题尽管是上一道题的增强.可是反而简单了. 能够交易无数次,可是买卖必须成对的出现. 为了简单起见.我用abc三股股票来说明,且忽略掉相等的情况.三个数一共同拥有六种大小关系.注意他们之间的先后顺序 ...

  7. 聊聊数据库~5.SQL运维上篇

    1.6.SQL运维篇 运维这块逆天只能说够用,并不能说擅长,所以这篇就当抛砖之用,欢迎补充和纠错 PS:再说明下CentOS优化策略这部分的内容来源:首先这块逆天不是很擅长,所以主要是参考网上的DBA ...

  8. xpath取最后一个元素

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  9. MOOC 数据结构 01-复杂度3 二分查找

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  10. JavaScript的Function 类型

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