command: ["sh", "-c", "mysql -h${DC_DB_HOST} -uroot -p${MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD} ${MYSQL_DATABASE} < ./db/sql/latest_dump.sql"] 这样错误
command: ["mysql -h${DC_DB_HOST} -uroot -p${MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD} ${MYSQL_DATABASE} < ./db/sql/latest_dump.sql"] 这样也错误
command: "mysql -h${DC_DB_HOST} -uroot -p${MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD} ${MYSQL_DATABASE} < ./db/sql/latest_dump.sql"


first step you should build a file name xxx.sh

and then you should make it can execute use command "chomd +x xxx.sh"

reference: http://tsov.net/sh-script-syntax/


local to remote :

rsync -avz ./db root@xxxx:/root/

and then it will create a dirctory like /root/db

and -a means recur send document

and -v means show in detils

and -z means zip it to transport


remote to local

rsync -avz root@xxxx:/root/db .

and it will auto craete dictory in local like ./db

pay attion:

if you have a local file name xxx.sh and remote didn`t, it nothing happend

if you have a local file name xxx.sh and remote also but their different.

  1、remote to local and then the local file will replace by the remote file

2、local to remove and then the remote file will replace by the local file



* if you use ./server/main to start the server and then your .gtml file shoule put on the database-work dirctory beause that is the 相对目录


and then the dockerfile must use ./

FROM golang:1.9.-alpine3.

COPY . $GOPATH/src/database-work

WORKDIR $GOPATH/src/database-work/server

RUN go build -o main main.go

ENTRYPOINT ["./main"]

# must use ./main



shell file

* in the first letter can not get space



golang -- flag

每一个flag只能解析一次,res := flag.String("onlyone", default_value, dafault_use)

然后用go run main.go -onlyone 5是可以的

go run main.go --onlyone 5也是可以的

如果是bool,直接go run main.go -boolvalue就可以认为是true

word && wordint不冲突,都可以用

// [_Command-line flags_](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Command-line_interface#Command-line_option)
// are a common way to specify options for command-line
// programs. For example, in `wc -l` the `-l` is a
// command-line flag. package main // Go provides a `flag` package supporting basic
// command-line flag parsing. We'll use this package to
// implement our example command-line program.
import "flag"
import "fmt" func main() { // Basic flag declarations are available for string,
// integer, and boolean options. Here we declare a
// string flag `word` with a default value `"foo"`
// and a short description. This `flag.String` function
// returns a string pointer (not a string value);
// we'll see how to use this pointer below.
wordPtr := flag.String("word", "default_word", "a string") // This declares `numb` and `fork` flags, using a
// similar approach to the `word` flag.
numbPtr := flag.Int("wordnumb", , "an int"). // 这样也可以,前缀相同
// nextPtr := flag.Int("numb", 0, "an int")
boolPtr := flag.Bool("fork", false, "a bool") // It's also possible to declare an option that uses an
// existing var declared elsewhere in the program.
// Note that we need to pass in a pointer to the flag
// declaration function.
var svar string
flag.StringVar(&svar, "svar", "defalut_var", "a string var") // Once all flags are declared, call `flag.Parse()`
// to execute the command-line parsing.
flag.Parse() // Here we'll just dump out the parsed options and
// any trailing positional arguments. Note that we
// need to dereference the pointers with e.g. `*wordPtr`
// to get the actual option values.
fmt.Println("word:", *wordPtr)
fmt.Println("numb:", *numbPtr)
fmt.Println("fork:", *boolPtr)
// fmt.Println("next:", *nextPtr)
fmt.Println("svar:", svar)
fmt.Println("tail:", flag.Args())

在shell文件中写一个,自动生成  时间+名字的文件


function migrate() {
version=`date +%s` if [ ${defaultname}x == ""x ]
then defaultname="defaultname"
fi touch ./db/migrations/${version}_${defaultname}.up.sql
touch ./db/migrations/${version}_${defaultname}.down.sql

直接在terminal中用db.sh migrate name  是可以的。但是去到make migrate name就不行了。不知为何


然后 https://blog.csdn.net/goodlixueyong/article/details/6564591

具体就是说我的$defaultname可能木有值吧,然后就变成了    == "defaultname"




image: mysql:5.7
- ../db:/db
- ../tools:/tools
- db
- db
command: "./tools/deploy.sh dbrestore"




package seq

import (
"sync" "github.com/sundayfun/daycam-server/db"
) // TODO: fix temp seq id var (
userMutex = make(map[uint64]*sync.Mutex)
existUser = make(map[uint64]uint64)
lock = &sync.Mutex{}
) const (
base =
) func init() {
} func whetherExist(uid uint64) uint64 {
if seq, ok := existUser[uid]; ok {
defer userMutex[uid].Unlock() existUser[uid] = seq +
return seq
} return // zero refer to does not exist
} func NextSequenceIDByUser(uid uint64) uint64 { seq := whetherExist(uid)
if seq != { // user exist
return seq
} lock.Lock()
defer lock.Unlock() seq = whetherExist(uid)
if seq != { // user exist
return seq
} // first time to start main.go userMutex[uid] = &sync.Mutex{}
defer userMutex[uid].Unlock() seq := model.LatestSeqByUser(db.GlobalDB, uid) existUser[uid] = seq +
return seq +

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