The Autel Maxisys Pro Diagnostic System is a complete OEM-level diagnostic system that enables the scanning of modules, including deep-system modules, on all domestic and most import vehicles from 1996 on. The A9 Quad-Core 1.4 Ghz processor-powered tablet includes a high-speed Bluetooth vehicle communication interface that can perform complete wireless vehicle diagnostics.

Top 5 Resons to get MS908P:
1.High-speed Bluetooth vehicle communication interface can perform
complete wireless vehicle diagnostics from the comfort of a chair
2.OE level vehicle coverage and diagnostic functionality
3.9.7in. LED touch screen tablet
4.Performs system scanning, live data graphing and more
5.Covers all domestic, Asian and European vehicle manufacturers (1996 to present) including SuperCars

What’s Included
(1) MaxiSYS Pro diagnostic
unit(155) Make/model vehicle connector adaptors (1) Main cable(1) USB
cable (1) Clipper cable (1) Mini USB cable (1) Ethernet serial cable (1)
AC/DC external power adapter (1) Cigarette lighter power cable (1)
MaxiSYS PC Suite CD (1) Carrying case (1) Soft cleaning cloth

Features + Benefits
*   High-speed Bluetooth vehicle communication interface can perform
complete wireless vehicle diagnostics from the comfort of a chair
*   OE level vehicle coverage and diagnostic functionality
*   9.7in. LED touch screen tablet
*   Performs system scanning, live data graphing and more
*   Covers all domestic, Asian and European vehicle manufacturers (1996 to present) including SuperCars
*   Enables quick drill-down through system modules and quick analysis of codes
*   Includes MaxiFlash J2534 pass-through Autel Scanner
*   Performs standard pass-through programming
*   Android-based software with Ice Cream Sandwich operating system
*   5 MP camera/32 GB solid state drive
*   Long-lasting 11,000 mA lithium-polymer battery
*   Quick and easy one-touch instant VIN identification
*   Key programming and coding
*   Includes multiple cables: main, USB, clipper, mini USB, ethernet
serial, cigarette lighter power cable, and AC/DC external power adapter
*   Comes complete with connnection adapters for Chrysler, BMW, Mercedes
Benz, Kia, Nissan, Honda, VW/Audi, GM/Daewoo and Mitsubishi/Hyundai
*   1 year free software updates

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