

  • file


  1. ### state如果是directory当目录不存在时会自动创建;如果是file当文件不存在时不会自动创建
  2. - name: Create log dir
  3. file:
  4. path: "{{ item.src }}"
  5. state: directory
  6. with_items: "{{ log_dirs }}"
  7. when: is_metal | bool
  8. tags:
  9. - common-log
  10. - name: Mask lxc-net systemd service
  11. file:
  12. src: /dev/null
  13. path: /etc/systemd/system/lxc-net.service
  14. state: link
  15. when:
  16. - ansible_service_mgr == 'systemd'
  17. tags:
  18. - lxc-files
  19. - lxc-net


  • lineinfile


  1. - name: Extra lxc config
  2. lineinfile:
  3. dest: "/var/lib/lxc/{{ inventory_hostname }}/config"
  4. line: "{{ item.split('=')[0] }} = {{ item.split('=', 1)[1] }}"
  5. insertafter: "^{{ item.split('=')[0] }}"
  6. backup: "true"
  7. with_items: "{{ extra_container_config | default([]) }}"
  8. delegate_to: "{{ physical_host }}"
  9. register: _ec
  10. when: not is_metal | bool
  11. tags:
  12. - common-lxc
  • replace


  1. ### 在ml2_conf.ini文件的[ml2]和[ml2_type_vlan]字段之间插入一段内容
  2. - name: Enable ovn in neutron-server
  3. replace:
  4. dest: "{{ node_config_directory }}/neutron-server/ml2_conf.ini"
  5. regexp: '\[ml2\][\S\s]*(?=\[ml2_type_vlan\])'
  6. replace: |+
  7. [ml2]
  8. type_drivers = local,flat,vlan,geneve
  9. tenant_network_types = geneve
  10. mechanism_drivers = ovn
  11. extension_drivers = port_security
  12. overlay_ip_version = 4
  13. [ml2_type_geneve]
  14. vni_ranges = 1:65536
  15. max_header_size = 38
  16. [ovn]
  17. ovn_nb_connection = tcp:{{ api_interface_address }}:{{ ovn_northdb_port }}
  18. ovn_sb_connection = tcp:{{ api_interface_address }}:{{ ovn_sourthdb_port }}
  19. ovn_l3_mode = False
  20. ovn_l3_scheduler = chance
  21. ovn_native_dhcp = True
  22. neutron_sync_mode = repair
  23. backup: yes
  24. when:
  25. - action == "deploy"
  26. - inventory_hostname in groups['network']
  27. notify:
  28. - Restart neutron-server container
  • ini_file


  1. ### 设置l3_agent.ini文件[DEFAULT]字段的external_network_bridge选项值为br-ex
  2. - name: Set the external network bridge
  3. vars:
  4. agent: "{{ 'neutron-vpnaas-agent' if enable_neutron_vpnaas | bool else 'neutron-l3-agent' }}"
  5. ini_file:
  6. dest: "{{ node_config_directory }}/{{ agent }}/l3_agent.ini"
  7. section: "DEFAULT"
  8. option: "external_network_bridge"
  9. value: "{{ neutron_bridge_name | default('br-ex') }}"
  10. backup: yes
  11. when:
  12. - action == "deploy"
  13. - inventory_hostname in ovn_central_address
  14. delegate_to: "{{ item }}"
  15. with_items: "{{ groups['neutron-server'] }}"
  16. notify:
  17. - Restart {{ agent }} container
  • assemble


  1. ### 将/etc/haproxy/conf.d目录下的文件内容聚合成/etc/haproxy/haproxy.cfg文件
  2. - name: Regenerate haproxy configuration
  3. assemble:
  4. src: "/etc/haproxy/conf.d"
  5. dest: "/etc/haproxy/haproxy.cfg"
  6. notify: Restart haproxy
  7. tags:
  8. - haproxy-general-config


  • with_items

标准循环,用于执行重复任务,{{ item }}类似宏展开

  1. - name: add several users
  2. user:
  3. name: "{{ item.name }}"
  4. state: present
  5. groups: "{{ item.groups }}"
  6. with_items:
  7. - { name: 'testuser1', groups: 'wheel' }
  8. - { name: 'testuser2', groups: 'root' }
  • with_nested


  1. ### 修改neutron-server组所有主机的ml2_conf.ini文件的对应字段值
  2. - name: Enable ovn in neutron-server
  3. vars:
  4. params:
  5. - { section: 'ml2', option: 'type_drivers', value: 'local,flat,vlan,geneve' }
  6. - { section: 'ml2', option: 'tenant_network_types', value: 'geneve' }
  7. - { section: 'ml2', option: 'mechanism_drivers', value: 'ovn' }
  8. - { section: 'ml2', option: 'extension_drivers', value: 'port_security' }
  9. - { section: 'ml2', option: 'overlay_ip_version', value: '4' }
  10. - { section: 'securitygroup', option: 'enable_security_group', value: 'True' }
  11. ini_file:
  12. dest: "{{ node_config_directory }}/neutron-server/ml2_conf.ini"
  13. section: "{{ item[0].section }}"
  14. option: "{{ item[0].option }}"
  15. value: "{{ item[0].value }}"
  16. backup: yes
  17. when:
  18. - action == "deploy"
  19. - inventory_hostname in ovn_central_address
  20. delegate_to: "{{ item[1] }}"
  21. with_nested:
  22. - "{{ params }}"
  23. - "{{ groups['neutron-server'] }}"
  24. notify:
  25. - Restart neutron-server container


  • tags


  1. tasks:
  2. - yum: name={{ item }} state=installed
  3. with_items:
  4. - httpd
  5. - memcached
  6. tags:
  7. - packages
  8. - template: src=templates/src.j2 dest=/etc/foo.conf
  9. tags:
  10. - configuration
  11. ### 执行playbook可以指定只执行标签对应任务或跳过标签对应任务
  12. # ansible-playbook example.yml --tags "configuration,packages"
  13. # ansible-playbook example.yml --skip-tags "notification"
  • fail_when


  1. - name: Check if firewalld is installed
  2. command: rpm -q firewalld
  3. register: firewalld_check
  4. failed_when: firewalld_check.rc > 1
  5. when: ansible_os_family == 'RedHat'
  • pre_tasks/post_tasks


  1. - name: Install the aodh components
  2. hosts: aodh_all
  3. gather_facts: "{{ gather_facts | default(True) }}"
  4. max_fail_percentage: 20
  5. user: root
  6. pre_tasks:
  7. - include: common-tasks/os-lxc-container-setup.yml
  8. - include: common-tasks/rabbitmq-vhost-user.yml
  9. static: no
  10. vars:
  11. user: "{{ aodh_rabbitmq_userid }}"
  12. password: "{{ aodh_rabbitmq_password }}"
  13. vhost: "{{ aodh_rabbitmq_vhost }}"
  14. _rabbitmq_host_group: "{{ aodh_rabbitmq_host_group }}"
  15. when:
  16. - inventory_hostname == groups['aodh_api'][0]
  17. - groups[aodh_rabbitmq_host_group] | length > 0
  18. - include: common-tasks/os-log-dir-setup.yml
  19. vars:
  20. log_dirs:
  21. - src: "/openstack/log/{{ inventory_hostname }}-aodh"
  22. dest: "/var/log/aodh"
  23. - include: common-tasks/mysql-db-user.yml
  24. static: no
  25. vars:
  26. user_name: "{{ aodh_galera_user }}"
  27. password: "{{ aodh_container_db_password }}"
  28. login_host: "{{ aodh_galera_address }}"
  29. db_name: "{{ aodh_galera_database }}"
  30. when: inventory_hostname == groups['aodh_all'][0]
  31. - include: common-tasks/package-cache-proxy.yml
  32. roles:
  33. - role: "os_aodh"
  34. aodh_venv_tag: "{{ openstack_release }}"
  35. aodh_venv_download_url: "{{ openstack_repo_url }}/venvs/{{ openstack_release }}/{{ ansible_distribution | lower }}/aodh-{{ openstack_release }}-{{ ansible_architecture | lower }}.tgz"
  36. - role: "openstack_openrc"
  37. tags:
  38. - openrc
  39. - role: "rsyslog_client"
  40. rsyslog_client_log_rotate_file: aodh_log_rotate
  41. rsyslog_client_log_dir: "/var/log/aodh"
  42. rsyslog_client_config_name: "99-aodh-rsyslog-client.conf"
  43. tags:
  44. - rsyslog
  45. vars:
  46. is_metal: "{{ properties.is_metal|default(false) }}"
  47. aodh_rabbitmq_userid: aodh
  48. aodh_rabbitmq_vhost: /aodh
  49. aodh_rabbitmq_servers: "{{ rabbitmq_servers }}"
  50. aodh_rabbitmq_port: "{{ rabbitmq_port }}"
  51. aodh_rabbitmq_use_ssl: "{{ rabbitmq_use_ssl }}"
  52. tags:
  53. - aodh


  • delegate_to


  1. ### 这是一段在容器中执行的playbook的一部分,这时候需要检测容器所在的宿主机上的对应目录是否存在,这时候就需要用到委托来跳出当前容器到宿主机上执行当前任务
  2. - name: Ensure mount directories exists
  3. file:
  4. path: "{{ item['mount_path'] }}"
  5. state: "directory"
  6. with_items:
  7. - "{{ lxc_default_bind_mounts | default([]) }}"
  8. - "{{ list_of_bind_mounts | default([]) }}"
  9. delegate_to: "{{ physical_host }}"
  10. when:
  11. - not is_metal | bool
  12. tags:
  13. - common-lxc
  • local_action


  1. - name: Check if the git cache exists on deployment host
  2. local_action:
  3. module: stat
  4. path: "{{ repo_build_git_cache }}"
  5. register: _local_git_cache
  6. when: repo_build_git_cache is defined


  • group


  1. ### 创建系统管理员组haproxy,present表示不存在创建,absent表示存在删除
  2. - name: Create the haproxy system group
  3. group:
  4. name: "haproxy"
  5. state: "present"
  6. system: "yes"
  7. tags:
  8. - haproxy-group
  • user


  1. ### 创建haproxy:haproxy用户,并创建home目录
  2. - name: Create the haproxy system user
  3. user:
  4. name: "haproxy"
  5. group: "haproxy"
  6. comment: "haproxy user"
  7. shell: "/bin/false"
  8. system: "yes"
  9. createhome: "yes"
  10. home: "/var/lib/haproxy"
  11. tags:
  12. - haproxy-user


  • authorized_key


  1. - name: Create authorized keys file from host vars
  2. authorized_key:
  3. user: "{{ repo_service_user_name }}"
  4. key: "{{ hostvars[item]['repo_pubkey'] | b64decode }}"
  5. with_items: "{{ groups['repo_all'] }}"
  6. when: hostvars[item]['repo_pubkey'] is defined
  7. tags:
  8. - repo-key
  9. - repo-key-store
  • slurp


  1. ### 读取id_rsa.pub文件的内容,并设置到变量repo_pub中
  2. - name: Get public key contents and store as var
  3. slurp:
  4. src: "{{ repo_service_home_folder }}/.ssh/id_rsa.pub"
  5. register: repo_pub
  6. changed_when: false
  7. tags:
  8. - repo-key
  9. - repo-key-create
  • uri


  1. - name: test proxy URL for connectivity
  2. uri:
  3. url: "{{ repo_pkg_cache_url }}/acng-report.html"
  4. method: "HEAD"
  5. register: proxy_check
  6. failed_when: false
  7. tags:
  8. - common-proxy
  • wait_for


  1. - name: Wait for container ssh
  2. wait_for:
  3. port: "22"
  4. delay: "{{ ssh_delay }}"
  5. search_regex: "OpenSSH"
  6. host: "{{ ansible_host }}"
  7. delegate_to: "{{ physical_host }}"
  8. register: ssh_wait_check
  9. until: ssh_wait_check | success
  10. retries: 3
  11. when:
  12. - (_mc is defined and _mc | changed) or (_ec is defined and _ec | changed)
  13. - not is_metal | bool
  14. tags:
  15. - common-lxc
  • command


  1. ### ignore_errors为true表示命令执行出错也不会退出playbook
  2. - name: Check if clean is needed
  3. command: docker exec openvswitch_vswitchd ovs-vsctl br-exists br-tun
  4. register: result
  5. ignore_errors: True


  1. ### 使用become会先切换成apache用户,再执行command命令,默认become_user用户为root(如果你ansible配置的就是root用户的免密码登入那就不需要become了)
  2. - name: Run a command as the apache user
  3. command: somecommand
  4. become: true
  5. become_user: apache


  1. ### pip_wheel_install为链表变量
  2. - name: Install wheel packages
  3. shell: cd /tmp/wheels && pip install {{ item }}*
  4. with_items:
  5. - "{{ pip_wheel_install | default([]) }}"
  6. when: pip_wheel_install > 0

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