private void Form1_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            string sql1 = "select  类别,count(*) as  发文数量 from 条目表 where 时间 like '%" + DateTime.Now.ToShortDateString() + "%'  group by 类别 order by count(*) desc";
            OleDbCommand cmd1 = new OleDbCommand(sql1, conn);
            OleDbDataReader dr1= cmd1.ExecuteReader();
            chart1.Series["今日发文量"].Points.DataBindXY(dr1, "类别", dr1, "发文数量");

string d_before = DateTime.Now.ToShortDateString();
            string w_before = DateTime.Now.AddDays(-6).ToShortDateString();

string sql2 = "select  类别,count(*) as  发文数量 from 条目表 where 时间 between #" + w_before + "# and #" + d_before + "#  group by  类别 order by count(*) desc";
            OleDbCommand cmd2 = new OleDbCommand(sql2, conn);
            OleDbDataReader dr2 = cmd2.ExecuteReader();
            chart1.Series["最近七天发文量"].Points.DataBindXY(dr2, "类别", dr2, "发文数量");

string dd_before = DateTime.Now.AddDays(-1).ToShortDateString();
            string sql3 = "select  类别,count(*) as  发文数量 from 条目表 where 时间 like '%" + dd_before + "%'  group by 类别 order by count(*) desc";
            OleDbCommand cmd3 = new OleDbCommand(sql3, conn);
            OleDbDataReader dr3 = cmd3.ExecuteReader();
            chart1.Series["昨日发文量"].Points.DataBindXY(dr3, "类别", dr3, "发文数量");

DateTime startMonth = DateTime.Now.AddDays(1 - DateTime.Now.Day);
            string sstartMonth = startMonth.ToShortDateString();
            string endMonth = startMonth.AddMonths(1).AddDays(-1).ToShortDateString();     //本月月末

string sql4 = "select  类别,count(*) as  发文数量 from 条目表 where 时间 between #" + sstartMonth + "# and #" + endMonth + "#    group by 类别 order by count(*) desc";
            OleDbCommand cmd4 = new OleDbCommand(sql4, conn);
            OleDbDataReader dr4 = cmd4.ExecuteReader();
            chart1.Series["月发文量"].Points.DataBindXY(dr4, "类别", dr4, "发文数量");

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