
 package algorithms.util;

* Compilation: javac Out.java
* Execution: java Out
* Dependencies: none
* Writes data of various types to: stdout, file, or socket.
******************************************************************************/ import java.io.FileOutputStream;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.OutputStream;
import java.io.OutputStreamWriter;
import java.io.PrintWriter;
import java.net.Socket;
import java.util.Locale; /**
* This class provides methods for writing strings and numbers to
* various output streams, including standard output, file, and sockets.
* <p>
* For additional documentation, see
* <a href="http://introcs.cs.princeton.edu/31datatype">Section 3.1</a> of
* <i>Introduction to Programming in Java: An Interdisciplinary Approach</i>
* by Robert Sedgewick and Kevin Wayne.
* @author Robert Sedgewick
* @author Kevin Wayne
public class Out { // force Unicode UTF-8 encoding; otherwise it's system dependent
private static final String CHARSET_NAME = "UTF-8"; // assume language = English, country = US for consistency with In
private static final Locale LOCALE = Locale.US; private PrintWriter out; /**
* Initializes an output stream from a {@link OutputStream}.
* @param os the <tt>OutputStream</tt>
public Out(OutputStream os) {
try {
OutputStreamWriter osw = new OutputStreamWriter(os, CHARSET_NAME);
out = new PrintWriter(osw, true);
catch (IOException e) {
} /**
* Initializes an output stream from standard output.
public Out() {
} /**
* Initializes an output stream from a socket.
* @param socket the socket
public Out(Socket socket) {
try {
OutputStream os = socket.getOutputStream();
OutputStreamWriter osw = new OutputStreamWriter(os, CHARSET_NAME);
out = new PrintWriter(osw, true);
catch (IOException e) {
} /**
* Initializes an output stream from a file.
* @param filename the name of the file
public Out(String filename) {
try {
OutputStream os = new FileOutputStream(filename);
OutputStreamWriter osw = new OutputStreamWriter(os, CHARSET_NAME);
out = new PrintWriter(osw, true);
catch (IOException e) {
} /**
* Closes the output stream.
public void close() {
} /**
* Terminates the current line by printing the line-separator string.
public void println() {
} /**
* Prints an object to this output stream and then terminates the line.
* @param x the object to print
public void println(Object x) {
} /**
* Prints a boolean to this output stream and then terminates the line.
* @param x the boolean to print
public void println(boolean x) {
} /**
* Prints a character to this output stream and then terminates the line.
* @param x the character to print
public void println(char x) {
} /**
* Prints a double to this output stream and then terminates the line.
* @param x the double to print
public void println(double x) {
} /**
* Prints a float to this output stream and then terminates the line.
* @param x the float to print
public void println(float x) {
} /**
* Prints an integer to this output stream and then terminates the line.
* @param x the integer to print
public void println(int x) {
} /**
* Prints a long to this output stream and then terminates the line.
* @param x the long to print
public void println(long x) {
} /**
* Prints a byte to this output stream and then terminates the line.
* <p>
* To write binary data, see {@link BinaryOut}.
* @param x the byte to print
public void println(byte x) {
} /**
* Flushes this output stream.
public void print() {
} /**
* Prints an object to this output stream and flushes this output stream.
* @param x the object to print
public void print(Object x) {
} /**
* Prints a boolean to this output stream and flushes this output stream.
* @param x the boolean to print
public void print(boolean x) {
} /**
* Prints a character to this output stream and flushes this output stream.
* @param x the character to print
public void print(char x) {
} /**
* Prints a double to this output stream and flushes this output stream.
* @param x the double to print
public void print(double x) {
} /**
* Prints a float to this output stream and flushes this output stream.
* @param x the float to print
public void print(float x) {
} /**
* Prints an integer to this output stream and flushes this output stream.
* @param x the integer to print
public void print(int x) {
} /**
* Prints a long integer to this output stream and flushes this output stream.
* @param x the long integer to print
public void print(long x) {
} /**
* Prints a byte to this output stream and flushes this output stream.
* @param x the byte to print
public void print(byte x) {
} /**
* Prints a formatted string to this output stream, using the specified format
* string and arguments, and then flushes this output stream.
* @param format the format string
* @param args the arguments accompanying the format string
public void printf(String format, Object... args) {
out.printf(LOCALE, format, args);
} /**
* Prints a formatted string to this output stream, using the specified
* locale, format string, and arguments, and then flushes this output stream.
* @param locale the locale
* @param format the format string
* @param args the arguments accompanying the format string
public void printf(Locale locale, String format, Object... args) {
out.printf(locale, format, args);
} /**
* A test client.
public static void main(String[] args) {
Out out; // write to stdout
out = new Out();
out.println("Test 1");
out.close(); // write to a file
out = new Out("test.txt");
out.println("Test 2");
} }


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