DNN Module - Responsive Html Tabs 3 介绍
Responsive Html Tabs 模块可以运行于DNN7及以上版本,支持响应式。用户界面较为友好,可以插入自定义的HTML。
This is a user-friendly, fully customizable, responsive tabs module to take any HTML content, including images, video... and display it in a clean organized and responsive tabbed navigation. It works out of the box, making it simple to create beautiful but powerful enough to build branded and highly customized tabs with a unique look and feel. All customization can be handled via Module Settings.
* Only compatible with DNN 7.x
New Features:
Flat themes – 20 awesome flat themes and there are many different variations of flat themes.
Module Features
- 10 Flexible ways to position – Tabs are very flexible and customizable, horizontal and vertical Tabs and it can be positioned in 10 Flexible ways
- Responsive Design – unique responsive features with Cross-browser and Cross-Devices support, fully compatible with Tablet, Desktop and Mobile
- Touch-Enabled – Tabs are displayed in a dropdown menu with touch enabled events and fast CSS3 Transitions
- 10 Preset Themes + 20 Flat Themes – Comes with 10 built-in themes that are ready to go. Also comes with 5 style contained, underlined, pills, clean and multiline tabs. All themes and styles comes in 6 different sizes.
- Responsive fluid grid – very lightweight responsive fluid grid system included.
- Deep-Linking – Tabs are bookmarkable and also supports deep linking. Makes URL automatically change when you select tabs and you can easily link to specific tab with hashtag.
- Cross-browser and Platform – it supports all major desktop browsers (including IE8, IE9, IE10, Chrome, Firefox, Safari, Opera) and mobile browsers. We have tested it on iPad, iPhone (IOS), Samsung Galaxy S3, Samsung Note 2 (Android).
- No absolute positioning and height – animation and transition works perfect without absolute positioning or fixed height.
- Orientation – Support horizontal and vertical tabs.
- Autoplay - Support Automatically animate through Tabs when visitors arrive on your website with optional stop on hover/click (smart autoplay).
- Sortable, Portable, Searchable, Tokens replace.
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