Part II. jBPM Core
本章介绍了API需要加载过程和执行它们。更多的细节如何定义过程本身,看看在BPMN 2.0章。
如上所述,因此jBPM API应该被用来(1)创建一个知识库,其中包含您的流程定义,和(2)创建一个会话开始新流程实例,现有的信号,注册侦听器等。
5.2. KieBase
jBPM API允许您首先创建一个知识库。这个知识库应该包括所有您的流程定义,可能需要执行该会话。创建一个知识库,用KieHelper从各种资源加载过程(例如从类路径或文件系统),然后创建一个新的知识库的帮手。下面的代码片段显示了如何创建一个知识库组成的只有一个流程定义(使用在这种情况下,资源从类路径)。
KieHelper kieHelper = new KieHelper();
KieBase kieBase = kieHelper
.build(); ResourceFactory也有类似的方法来从文件系统加载文件,从URL,InputStream、读者,等等。
5.3. KieSession
KieSession ksession = kbase.newKieSession();
ProcessInstance processInstance = ksession.startProcess("com.sample.MyProcess");
5.3.1. ProcessRuntime
* 启动一个新的流程实例的过程(定义)
* 使用引用给定的进程id。
* @param processId 进程的id,应该开始了
* @return ProcessInstance表示实例的过程就开始了
ProcessInstance startProcess(String processId); /**
* 启动一个新的流程实例的过程(定义)
* 被给定的进程id引用使用。可以传递参数
* 同行审判(as),这些将考试和测验科as of the process变量。
* @param processId the id of the process that should be started
* @param parameters the process variables that should be set when starting the process instance
* @return the ProcessInstance that represents the instance of the process that was started
ProcessInstance startProcess(String processId,
Map<String, Object> parameters); /**
* 信号的引擎类型参数定义一个事件发生
* 哪种类型的事件和事件参数可以包含额外的信息吗
* 相关事件。听这种类型的所有流程实例
* (外部)事件将通知。由于性能的原因,这种类型的事件
* processInstanceId signalEvent方法,还包括的流程实例
* in question.
* @param type the type of event
* @param event the data associated with this event
void signalEvent(String type,
Object event); /**
* Signals the process instance that an event has occurred. The type parameter defines
* which type of event and the event parameter can contain additional information
* related to the event. All node instances inside the given process instance that
* are listening to this type of (internal) event will be notified. Note that the event
* will only be processed inside the given process instance. All other process instances
* waiting for this type of event will not be notified.
* @param type the type of event
* @param event the data associated with this event
* @param processInstanceId the id of the process instance that should be signaled
void signalEvent(String type,
Object event,
long processInstanceId); /**
* Returns a collection of currently active process instances. Note that only process
* instances that are currently loaded and active inside the engine will be returned.
* When using persistence, it is likely not all running process instances will be loaded
* as their state will be stored persistently. It is recommended not to use this
* method to collect information about the state of your process instances but to use
* a history log for that purpose.
* @return a collection of process instances currently active in the session
Collection<ProcessInstance> getProcessInstances(); /**
* Returns the process instance with the given id. Note that only active process instances
* will be returned. If a process instance has been completed already, this method will return
* null.
* @param id the id of the process instance
* @return the process instance with the given id or null if it cannot be found
ProcessInstance getProcessInstance(long processInstanceId); /**
* Aborts the process instance with the given id. If the process instance has been completed
* (or aborted), or the process instance cannot be found, this method will throw an
* IllegalArgumentException.
* @param id the id of the process instance
void abortProcessInstance(long processInstanceId); /**
* Returns the WorkItemManager related to this session. This can be used to
* register new WorkItemHandlers or to complete (or abort) WorkItems.
* @return the WorkItemManager related to this session
WorkItemManager getWorkItemManager();
5.3.2. Event Listeners
public interface ProcessEventListener { void beforeProcessStarted( ProcessStartedEvent event );
void afterProcessStarted( ProcessStartedEvent event );
void beforeProcessCompleted( ProcessCompletedEvent event );
void afterProcessCompleted( ProcessCompletedEvent event );
void beforeNodeTriggered( ProcessNodeTriggeredEvent event );
void afterNodeTriggered( ProcessNodeTriggeredEvent event );
void beforeNodeLeft( ProcessNodeLeftEvent event );
void afterNodeLeft( ProcessNodeLeftEvent event );
void beforeVariableChanged(ProcessVariableChangedEvent event);
void afterVariableChanged(ProcessVariableChangedEvent event); } 一个关于事件前后的注意事项:这些事件通常像一堆,这意味着任何事件发生之前事件的直接结果,之间会发生之前和之后的事件。例如,如果一个后续节点触发的结果离开一个节点,该节点触发事件将发生afterNodeLeftEvent beforeNodeLeftEvent和中间的节点的左(第二个节点的触发是离开第一个节点)的直接结果。这样做可以让我们获得更容易导致事件之间的关系。同样,所有节点和节点离开事件触发启动过程的直接结果之间会发生beforeProcessStarted和afterProcessStarted事件。一般来说,如果你只是希望得到通知当一个特定事件发生时,你应该看着事件前只(发生时立即在事件实际发生之前)。时只查看事件之后,一个会觉得被解雇事件错误的订单,但由于事件触发后一堆(事件只会火当所有事件后,由于这个事件触发已经解雇了)。事件后只能使用如果你想确保所有与此有关的处理已经结束(例如,当您希望得到通知在开始的一个特定的流程实例已经结束。
还请注意,并不是所有的节点总是生成节点和/或节点离开事件触发。根据节点的类型,某些节点可能只剩下生成节点事件,别人可能只产生节点触发事件。抓住中间事件例如不产生触发事件(它们只剩下生成事件,因为它们不是真的引发了另一个节点,而激活以外)。同样,把中间事件不是生成左事件(他们只产生触发事件,因为它们不是真的离开,因为他们没有传出连接)。 jBPM开箱即用的提供了一个侦听器,可以用来创建一个审计日志(输出到控制台或文件系统)上的一个文件。该审核日志包含所有在运行时发生的不同事件所以很容易找出发生了什么事。注意,这些伐木工只能用于调试目的。以下日志实现默认支持: 控制台记录器:这到控制台记录器写出所有的事件。
螺纹文件日志:因为一个文件日志记录器将事件写入磁盘只有当关闭日志记录器或当事件记录器的数量达到一个预定义的水平,它不能在运行时调试过程时使用。螺纹文件记录器将事件写入一个文件指定的时间间隔后,使它可以使用日志记录器来可视化实时进展,而调试过程。 KieServices让你KieRuntimeLogger添加到会话,如下所示。当创建一个控制台记录器,知识需要创建日志记录器的会话必须作为参数传递。文件日志还需要创建日志文件的名称,和螺纹文件日志需要间隔(以毫秒为单位),在此之后的事件应该被保存。你应该关闭日志记录器在您的应用程序。
import org.kie.api.KieServices;
import org.kie.api.logger.KieRuntimeLogger;
KieRuntimeLogger logger = KieServices.Factory.get().getLoggers().newFileLogger(ksession, "test");
// add invocations to the process engine here,
// e.g. ksession.startProcess(processId);
logger.close(); 创建的日志文件的文件的伐木工包含一个基于xml的概述在运行时发生的所有事件。它可以打开在Eclipse中,在Drools Eclipse插件使用审计视图,事件被可视化为树的地方。事件发生前后之间的事件显示为孩子的事件。下面的屏幕截图显示了一个简单的例子,开始一个过程的激活导致开始节点,一个动作节点和结束节点,之后完成的过程。 5.3.3。相关的钥匙 常见的一种需求在处理过程能力分配给流程实例的业务标识符,可以稍后引用不知道实际的流程实例的id(生成)。jBPM提供这些功能,允许使用CorrelationKey CorrelationProperties组成的。CorrelationKey可以有单独的属性描述它(在大多数情况下),但它可以作为多值属性集。
相关功能提供接口的一部 CorrelationAwareProcessRuntime 这暴露了以下方法:
* Start a new process instance. The process (definition) that should
* be used is referenced by the given process id. Parameters can be passed
* to the process instance (as name-value pairs), and these will be set
* as variables of the process instance.
* @param processId the id of the process that should be started
* @param correlationKey custom correlation key that can be used to identify process instance
* @param parameters the process variables that should be set when starting the process instance
* @return the ProcessInstance that represents the instance of the process that was started
ProcessInstance startProcess(String processId, CorrelationKey correlationKey, Map<String, Object> parameters); /**
* Creates a new process instance (but does not yet start it). The process
* (definition) that should be used is referenced by the given process id.
* Parameters can be passed to the process instance (as name-value pairs),
* and these will be set as variables of the process instance. You should only
* use this method if you need a reference to the process instance before actually
* starting it. Otherwise, use startProcess.
* @param processId the id of the process that should be started
* @param correlationKey custom correlation key that can be used to identify process instance
* @param parameters the process variables that should be set when creating the process instance
* @return the ProcessInstance that represents the instance of the process that was created (but not yet started)
ProcessInstance createProcessInstance(String processId, CorrelationKey correlationKey, Map<String, Object> parameters); /**
* Returns the process instance with the given correlationKey. Note that only active process instances
* will be returned. If a process instance has been completed already, this method will return
* null. *
* @param correlationKey the custom correlation key assigned when process instance was created
* @return the process instance with the given id or null if it cannot be found
ProcessInstance getProcessInstance(CorrelationKey correlationKey);
相关性通常使用长时间运行的流程,因此需要启用能够永久持久性存储相关信息。 5.3.4线程。 在以下文本,我们会参考两种类型的“多线程”:逻辑与技术。多线程技术是当多个线程或进程开始在电脑上,例如Java或C程序。逻辑多线程是我们所看到在BPM流程过程达到并行网关为例。从功能的角度来看,最初的过程将分为两个过程,以并行方式执行。
当然,jBPM引擎支持逻辑多线程:例如,流程,包括并行网关。我们选择使用一个线程来实现逻辑多线程:jBPM流程,包括逻辑多线程将只在一个技术线程执行。这样做的主要原因是,多个(技术)线程需要能够彼此交流状态信息,如果他们正在相同的过程。这个需求带来了一系列的并发症。虽然看起来似乎多线程将带来性能优势,确保所需的额外的逻辑不同的线程一起工作也意味着这是没有保证的。也有额外的开销,因为我们需要避免竞态条件和死锁。 一般来说,jBPM引擎在串行执行行动。例如,当发动机任务过程中遇到一个脚本,它将同步执行的脚本,等待它完成在继续之前执行。类似地,如果一个过程遇到一个并行网关,它将依次触发每个即将离任的分支,一个接一个。这是可能的因为几乎总是即时执行,这意味着它非常快,生产几乎没有开销。因此,用户通常会不会注意到这一点。同样,动作脚本过程中也同步执行,和引擎将等待他们在继续之前完成这一过程。例如,做一个thread . sleep(…)作为脚本的一部分,不会让引擎继续执行其他地方但会阻塞引擎线程在此期间。
同样的原则也适用于服务任务。当一个服务任务是达到在一个过程中,发动机也将同步调用此服务的处理程序。引擎将等待completeWorkItem(…)方法返回之前继续执行。重要的是,你的服务处理程序执行如果没有即时执行异步服务。 一个例子,这将是一个服务调用外部服务的任务。因为远程调用此服务的延迟和等待太久,结果将会如何可能是一个好主意异步调用这个服务。这意味着处理程序只会调用服务并将通知引擎后,结果是可用的。同时,流程引擎然后继续执行过程。
人工任务服务的一个典型的例子,需要异步调用,因为我们不想让引擎等到人类演员来回应请求。人工任务处理程序只会创建一个新的任务(任务列表的分配演员)人工任务节点时触发。引擎将能够继续执行过程的其余部分(如果有必要)和异步处理程序将通知引擎当用户已经完成了任务。 5.4 . RuntimeManager. RuntimeManager引入了简化和授权使用API的知识特别是在上下文的过程。它提供了可配置的策略,控制实际运行时执行(KieSessions如何提供),默认情况下提供了以下: 单——运行时经理维护单一KieSession无论可用的进程数量
运行时经理主要负责管理和交付RuntimeEngine给调用者的实例。反过来,RuntimeEngine jBPM引擎封装了两个最重要的元素:
public interface RuntimeManager { /**
* Returns <code>RuntimeEngine</code> instance that is fully initialized:
* <ul>
* <li>KiseSession is created or loaded depending on the strategy</li>
* <li>TaskService is initialized and attached to ksession (via listener)</li>
* <li>WorkItemHandlers are initialized and registered on ksession</li>
* <li>EventListeners (process, agenda, working memory) are initialized and added to ksession</li>
* </ul>
* @param context the concrete implementation of the context that is supported by given <code>RuntimeManager</code>
* @return instance of the <code>RuntimeEngine</code>
RuntimeEngine getRuntimeEngine(Context<?> context);
* Unique identifier of the <code>RuntimeManager</code>
* @return
String getIdentifier();
* Disposes <code>RuntimeEngine</code> and notifies all listeners about that fact.
* This method should always be used to dispose <code>RuntimeEngine</code> that is not needed
* anymore. <br/>
* ksession.dispose() shall never be used with RuntimeManager as it will break the internal
* mechanisms of the manager responsible for clear and efficient disposal.<br/>
* Dispose is not needed if <code>RuntimeEngine</code> was obtained within active JTA transaction,
* this means that when getRuntimeEngine method was invoked during active JTA transaction then dispose of
* the runtime engine will happen automatically on transaction completion.
* @param runtime
void disposeRuntimeEngine(RuntimeEngine runtime);
* Closes <code>RuntimeManager</code> and releases its resources. Shall always be called when
* runtime manager is not needed any more. Otherwise it will still be active and operational.
void close();
} RuntimeEngine接口提供了最重要的方法来获得引擎组件:
public interface RuntimeEngine { /**
* Returns <code>KieSession</code> configured for this <code>RuntimeEngine</code>
* @return
KieSession getKieSession();
* Returns <code>TaskService</code> configured for this <code>RuntimeEngine</code>
* @return
TaskService getTaskService();
} RuntimeManager将确保无论战略,它将提供相同功能的时候RuntimeEngine的初始化和配置。这意味着:
另一方面,RuntimeManager维护引擎处理以及通过提供专用的方法处理RuntimeEngine不再需要的时候它会释放任何资源。 5.4.2. Strategies 单策略——指示RuntimeManager保持单一实例RuntimeEngine(以及反过来单一实例KieSession TaskService)。访问RuntimeEngine同步,线程安全虽然它带有一个性能损失由于同步。这种策略类似于默认可用在jBPM版本5。x,它被认为是最简单的策略和建议。
它有以下特征重要的评估,同时考虑了给定的场景: 小内存占用,单一实例的运行时引擎和任务服务
没有上下文,这意味着当检索实例的RuntimeEngine singleton RuntimeManager上下文实例并不重要,通常EmptyContext.get()虽然使用null参数是可以接受的
跟踪KieSession RuntimeManager重启之间使用id,以确保它将使用相同的会话——这个id作为序列化文件磁盘上的临时存储位置,取决于环境可以以下之一:
. io .给出的值tmpdir系统属性
没有上下文,这意味着当从每个请求检索实例RuntimeEngine RuntimeManager上下文实例并不重要,通常EmptyContext.get()虽然使用null参数是可以接受的
严格KieSession和ProcessInstance之间的关系以确保它总是带来同样KieSession ProcessInstance
合并生命周期的KieSession ProcessInstance使两个处理流程实例完成(完成或中止)
EmptyContext或null -启动流程实例时没有可用的流程实例id
CorrelationKeyContext——作为替代ProcessInstanceIdContext使用自定义(业务)的关键,而不是流程实例id 第5.4.3使用。 定期使用场景RuntimeManager是:
使用适当的上下文实例得到RuntimeEngine RuntimeManager致力于RuntimeManager的策略
上执行操作KieSession和/或TaskService如startProcess completeTask等等
一旦完成处理处置使用RuntimeManager RuntimeEngine。disposeRuntimeEngine方法
// first configure environment that will be used by RuntimeManager
RuntimeEnvironment environment = RuntimeEnvironmentBuilder.Factory.get()
.addAsset(ResourceFactory.newClassPathResource("BPMN2-ScriptTask.bpmn2"), ResourceType.BPMN2)
.get(); // next create RuntimeManager - in this case singleton strategy is chosen
RuntimeManager manager = RuntimeManagerFactory.Factory.get().newSingletonRuntimeManager(environment); // then get RuntimeEngine out of manager - using empty context as singleton does not keep track
// of runtime engine as there is only one
RuntimeEngine runtime = manager.getRuntimeEngine(EmptyContext.get()); // get KieSession from runtime runtimeEngine - already initialized with all handlers, listeners, etc that were configured
// on the environment
KieSession ksession = runtimeEngine.getKieSession(); // add invocations to the process engine here,
// e.g. ksession.startProcess(processId); // and last dispose the runtime engine
这个示例提供了简单的(最小)的方式使用RuntimeManager RuntimeEngine虽然它提供了一些很有价值的信息:
TaskService配置,并通过LocalHTWorkItemHandler KieSession支持过程中用户任务能力
public interface RuntimeEnvironment { /**
* Returns <code>KieBase</code> that shall be used by the manager
* @return
KieBase getKieBase();
* KieSession environment that shall be used to create instances of <code>KieSession</code>
* @return
Environment getEnvironment();
* KieSession configuration that shall be used to create instances of <code>KieSession</code>
* @return
KieSessionConfiguration getConfiguration();
* Indicates if persistence shall be used for the KieSession instances
* @return
boolean usePersistence();
* Delivers concrete implementation of <code>RegisterableItemsFactory</code> to obtain handlers and listeners
* that shall be registered on instances of <code>KieSession</code>
* @return
RegisterableItemsFactory getRegisterableItemsFactory();
* Delivers concrete implementation of <code>UserGroupCallback</code> that shall be registered on instances
* of <code>TaskService</code> for managing users and groups.
* @return
UserGroupCallback getUserGroupCallback();
* Delivers custom class loader that shall be used by the process engine and task service instances
* @return
ClassLoader getClassLoader();
* Closes the environment allowing to close all depending components such as ksession factories, etc
void close();。建筑RuntimeEnvironment 尽管大多数RuntimeEnvironment接口提供了对数据的访问作为环境的一部分,将使用RuntimeManager,用户应该利用建筑样式类提供API来配置RuntimeEnvironment流利使用预定义的设置。
public interface RuntimeEnvironmentBuilder { public RuntimeEnvironmentBuilder persistence(boolean persistenceEnabled); public RuntimeEnvironmentBuilder entityManagerFactory(Object emf); public RuntimeEnvironmentBuilder addAsset(Resource asset, ResourceType type); public RuntimeEnvironmentBuilder addEnvironmentEntry(String name, Object value); public RuntimeEnvironmentBuilder addConfiguration(String name, String value); public RuntimeEnvironmentBuilder knowledgeBase(KieBase kbase); public RuntimeEnvironmentBuilder userGroupCallback(UserGroupCallback callback); public RuntimeEnvironmentBuilder registerableItemsFactory(RegisterableItemsFactory factory); public RuntimeEnvironment get(); public RuntimeEnvironmentBuilder classLoader(ClassLoader cl);
public RuntimeEnvironmentBuilder schedulerService(Object globalScheduler);
public interface RuntimeEnvironmentBuilderFactory { /**
* Provides completely empty <code>RuntimeEnvironmentBuilder</code> instance that allows to manually
* set all required components instead of relying on any defaults.
* @return new instance of <code>RuntimeEnvironmentBuilder</code>
public RuntimeEnvironmentBuilder newEmptyBuilder();
* Provides default configuration of <code>RuntimeEnvironmentBuilder</code> that is based on:
* <ul>
* <li>DefaultRuntimeEnvironment</li>
* </ul>
* @return new instance of <code>RuntimeEnvironmentBuilder</code> that is already preconfigured with defaults
* @see DefaultRuntimeEnvironment
public RuntimeEnvironmentBuilder newDefaultBuilder();
* Provides default configuration of <code>RuntimeEnvironmentBuilder</code> that is based on:
* <ul>
* <li>DefaultRuntimeEnvironment</li>
* </ul>
* but it does not have persistence for process engine configured so it will only store process instances in memory
* @return new instance of <code>RuntimeEnvironmentBuilder</code> that is already preconfigured with defaults
* @see DefaultRuntimeEnvironment
public RuntimeEnvironmentBuilder newDefaultInMemoryBuilder();
* Provides default configuration of <code>RuntimeEnvironmentBuilder</code> that is based on:
* <ul>
* <li>DefaultRuntimeEnvironment</li>
* </ul>
* This one is tailored to works smoothly with kjars as the notion of kbase and ksessions
* @param groupId group id of kjar
* @param artifactId artifact id of kjar
* @param version version number of kjar
* @return new instance of <code>RuntimeEnvironmentBuilder</code> that is already preconfigured with defaults
* @see DefaultRuntimeEnvironment
public RuntimeEnvironmentBuilder newDefaultBuilder(String groupId, String artifactId, String version);
* Provides default configuration of <code>RuntimeEnvironmentBuilder</code> that is based on:
* <ul>
* <li>DefaultRuntimeEnvironment</li>
* </ul>
* This one is tailored to works smoothly with kjars as the notion of kbase and ksessions
* @param groupId group id of kjar
* @param artifactId artifact id of kjar
* @param version version number of kjar
* @param kbaseName name of the kbase defined in kmodule.xml stored in kjar
* @param ksessionName name of the ksession define in kmodule.xml stored in kjar
* @return new instance of <code>RuntimeEnvironmentBuilder</code> that is already preconfigured with defaults
* @see DefaultRuntimeEnvironment
public RuntimeEnvironmentBuilder newDefaultBuilder(String groupId, String artifactId, String version, String kbaseName, String ksessionName);
* Provides default configuration of <code>RuntimeEnvironmentBuilder</code> that is based on:
* <ul>
* <li>DefaultRuntimeEnvironment</li>
* </ul>
* This one is tailored to works smoothly with kjars as the notion of kbase and ksessions
* @param releaseId <code>ReleaseId</code> that described the kjar
* @return new instance of <code>RuntimeEnvironmentBuilder</code> that is already preconfigured with defaults
* @see DefaultRuntimeEnvironment
public RuntimeEnvironmentBuilder newDefaultBuilder(ReleaseId releaseId);
* Provides default configuration of <code>RuntimeEnvironmentBuilder</code> that is based on:
* <ul>
* <li>DefaultRuntimeEnvironment</li>
* </ul>
* This one is tailored to works smoothly with kjars as the notion of kbase and ksessions
* @param releaseId <code>ReleaseId</code> that described the kjar
* @param kbaseName name of the kbase defined in kmodule.xml stored in kjar
* @param ksessionName name of the ksession define in kmodule.xml stored in kjar
* @return new instance of <code>RuntimeEnvironmentBuilder</code> that is already preconfigured with defaults
* @see DefaultRuntimeEnvironment
public RuntimeEnvironmentBuilder newDefaultBuilder(ReleaseId releaseId, String kbaseName, String ksessionName);
* Provides default configuration of <code>RuntimeEnvironmentBuilder</code> that is based on:
* <ul>
* <li>DefaultRuntimeEnvironment</li>
* </ul>
* It relies on KieClasspathContainer that requires to have kmodule.xml present in META-INF folder which
* defines the kjar itself.
* Expects to use default kbase and ksession from kmodule.
* @return new instance of <code>RuntimeEnvironmentBuilder</code> that is already preconfigured with defaults
* @see DefaultRuntimeEnvironment
public RuntimeEnvironmentBuilder newClasspathKmoduleDefaultBuilder();
* Provides default configuration of <code>RuntimeEnvironmentBuilder</code> that is based on:
* <ul>
* <li>DefaultRuntimeEnvironment</li>
* </ul>
* It relies on KieClasspathContainer that requires to have kmodule.xml present in META-INF folder which
* defines the kjar itself.
* @param kbaseName name of the kbase defined in kmodule.xml
* @param ksessionName name of the ksession define in kmodule.xml
* @return new instance of <code>RuntimeEnvironmentBuilder</code> that is already preconfigured with defaults
* @see DefaultRuntimeEnvironment
public RuntimeEnvironmentBuilder newClasspathKmoduleDefaultBuilder(String kbaseName, String ksessionName); 除了KieSession运行时经理提供TaskService也为集成组件的RuntimeEngine总是会配置和准备流程引擎和任务之间的通信服务。
* Returns new instances of <code>WorkItemHandler</code> that will be registered on <code>RuntimeEngine</code>
* @param runtime provides <code>RuntimeEngine</code> in case handler need to make use of it internally
* @return map of handlers to be registered - in case of no handlers empty map shall be returned.
Map<String, WorkItemHandler> getWorkItemHandlers(RuntimeEngine runtime);
* Returns new instances of <code>ProcessEventListener</code> that will be registered on <code>RuntimeEngine</code>
* @param runtime provides <code>RuntimeEngine</code> in case listeners need to make use of it internally
* @return list of listeners to be registered - in case of no listeners empty list shall be returned.
List<ProcessEventListener> getProcessEventListeners(RuntimeEngine runtime);
* Returns new instances of <code>AgendaEventListener</code> that will be registered on <code>RuntimeEngine</code>
* @param runtime provides <code>RuntimeEngine</code> in case listeners need to make use of it internally
* @return list of listeners to be registered - in case of no listeners empty list shall be returned.
List<AgendaEventListener> getAgendaEventListeners(RuntimeEngine runtime);
* Returns new instances of <code>WorkingMemoryEventListener</code> that will be registered on <code>RuntimeEngine</code>
* @param runtime provides <code>RuntimeEngine</code> in case listeners need to make use of it internally
* @return list of listeners to be registered - in case of no listeners empty list shall be returned.
List<WorkingMemoryEventListener> getWorkingMemoryEventListeners(RuntimeEngine runtime); 一个最佳实践是扩展出来的箱子就添加你自己的。并不总是需要扩展作为默认的实现自定义处理程序和听众RegisterableItemsFactory提供了可能性。下面是一个列表的实现可能是有用的(它们下令在继承层次结构): org.jbpm.runtime.manager.impl。SimpleRegisterableItemsFactory——简单的实现空和基于反射产生的实例处理程序基于给定的类名称和听众
org.jbpm.runtime.manager.impl。DefaultRegisterableItemsFactory -扩展的简单实现,介绍了上述违约,仍然提供了相同的功能简单的实现
org.jbpm.runtime.manager.impl.cdi。InjectableRegisterableItemsFactory——扩展为CDI的默认实现环境和提供CDI风格方法找到处理程序通过生产商和听众 或者,简单的工作项(无状态或只需要KieSession)注册处理程序可能是众所周知的方式——定义为CustomWorkItem的一部分。conf文件,应当放在类路径。用这种方法做以下:
“drools.session创建文件。conf”里面meta - inf的类路径的根,为web应用程序将web - inf / classes / meta - inf
添加以下行drools.session。配置文件“drools。workItemHandlers = CustomWorkItemHandlers.conf”
“CustomWorkItemHandlers创建文件。conf”里面meta - inf的类路径的根,为web应用程序将web - inf / classes / meta - inf
自定义工作项处理程序在CustomWorkItemHandlers.conf MVEL风格
"Log": new org.jbpm.process.instance.impl.demo.SystemOutWorkItemHandler(),
"WebService": new org.jbpm.process.workitem.webservice.WebServiceWorkItemHandler(ksession),
"Rest": new org.jbpm.process.workitem.rest.RESTWorkItemHandler(),
"Service Task" : new org.jbpm.process.workitem.bpmn2.ServiceTaskHandler(ksession)
] 就是这样,现在所有这些工作项处理程序将注册为该应用程序创建的任何KieSession,不管是否使用RuntimeManager。。在CDI环境中注册处理程序和听众
当使用RuntimeManager CDI环境中有专门的接口,可用于提供定制WorkItemHandlers和eventlistener RuntimeEngine。
public interface WorkItemHandlerProducer { /**
* Returns map of (key = work item name, value work item handler instance) of work items
* to be registered on KieSession
* <br/>
* Parameters that might be given are as follows:
* <ul>
* <li>ksession</li>
* <li>taskService</li>
* <li>runtimeManager</li>
* </ul>
* @param identifier - identifier of the owner - usually RuntimeManager that allows the producer to filter out
* and provide valid instances for given owner
* @param params - owner might provide some parameters, usually KieSession, TaskService, RuntimeManager instances
* @return map of work item handler instances (recommendation is to always return new instances when this method is invoked)
Map<String, WorkItemHandler> getWorkItemHandlers(String identifier, Map<String, Object> params);
} 事件监听器生产商应当标注与适当的限定符来表示他们提供什么类型的听众,所以选择一个来表示他们的类型:
public interface EventListenerProducer<T> { /**
* Returns list of instances for given (T) type of listeners
* <br/>
* Parameters that might be given are as follows:
* <ul>
* <li>ksession</li>
* <li>taskService</li>
* <li>runtimeManager</li>
* </ul>
* @param identifier - identifier of the owner - usually RuntimeManager that allows the producer to filter out
* and provide valid instances for given owner
* @param params - owner might provide some parameters, usually KieSession, TaskService, RuntimeManager instances
* @return list of listener instances (recommendation is to always return new instances when this method is invoked)
List<T> getEventListeners(String identifier, Map<String, Object> params);
} 这些接口的实现应打包为bean档案(包括bean。xml在meta - inf)和放置在应用程序类路径(例如web应用程序的web - inf / lib)。足够的CDI RuntimeManager发现他们并注册基于每个KieSession创建或加载的数据存储。
RuntimeManager 此外,一些过滤可以基于应用标识符(即方法)作为参数来决定如果RuntimeManager应当接收处理程序/听众。 5.5。服务 上RuntimeManager API提供了一套高水平服务从jBPM 6.2版。这些服务是最简单的方法(j)BPM功能嵌入到自定义应用程序。一套完整的模块交付这些服务的一部分。他们划分为几个模块来缓解他们收养在各种环境。
支持基于时间调度程序服务基于EJB TimerService操作例如计时器事件、期限等
——目前只对JBoss EJB远程客户端实现
服务模块组合框架的依赖关系,因此开发人员可以自由选择哪一个是适合他们,只使用。 5.5.1。部署服务
正如它的名字显示,其主要责任是部署(取消)单位。部署单元是kjar带来业务资产(如流程、规则、形式、数据模型)来执行。部署服务允许查询它的可用的部署单元,甚至他们RuntimeManager实例。 所以这个服务的典型用例是为您的系统提供动态行为,可以活跃同时和多个kjars同时执行。
// create deployment unit by giving GAV
DeploymentUnit deploymentUnit = new KModuleDeploymentUnit(GROUP_ID, ARTIFACT_ID, VERSION);
// deploy
// retrieve deployed unit
DeployedUnit deployed = deploymentService.getDeployedUnit(deploymentUnit.getIdentifier());
// get runtime manager
RuntimeManager manager = deployed.getRuntimeManager(); 完整的DeploymentService接口如下:
public interface DeploymentService { void deploy(DeploymentUnit unit); void undeploy(DeploymentUnit unit); RuntimeManager getRuntimeManager(String deploymentUnitId); DeployedUnit getDeployedUnit(String deploymentUnitId); Collection<DeployedUnit> getDeployedUnits(); void activate(String deploymentId); void deactivate(String deploymentId); boolean isDeployed(String deploymentUnitId);
} 5.5.2。定义服务 部署时,每一个流程定义扫描使用定义服务,解析过程,提取有价值的信息。这些信息可以提供有价值的输入到系统通知用户有关什么是预期。定义服务提供信息:
流程定义- id、名称、描述
String processId = "org.jbpm.writedocument"; Collection<UserTaskDefinition> processTasks =
bpmn2Service.getTasksDefinitions(deploymentUnit.getIdentifier(), processId); Map<String, String> processData =
bpmn2Service.getProcessVariables(deploymentUnit.getIdentifier(), processId); Map<String, String> taskInputMappings =
bpmn2Service.getTaskInputMappings(deploymentUnit.getIdentifier(), processId, "Write a Document" ); 虽然它通常是使用其他服务的组合(如部署服务),它也可以独立使用的细节流程定义,不来自kjar。这可以通过使用buildProcessDefinition定义服务的方法。
public interface DefinitionService { ProcessDefinition buildProcessDefinition(String deploymentId, String bpmn2Content,
ClassLoader classLoader, boolean cache) throws IllegalArgumentException; ProcessDefinition getProcessDefinition(String deploymentId, String processId); Collection<String> getReusableSubProcesses(String deploymentId, String processId); Map<String, String> getProcessVariables(String deploymentId, String processId); Map<String, String> getServiceTasks(String deploymentId, String processId); Map<String, Collection<String>> getAssociatedEntities(String deploymentId, String processId); Collection<UserTaskDefinition> getTasksDefinitions(String deploymentId, String processId); Map<String, String> getTaskInputMappings(String deploymentId, String processId, String taskName); Map<String, String> getTaskOutputMappings(String deploymentId, String processId, String taskName); } 5.5.3。流程服务
KModuleDeploymentUnit deploymentUnit = new KModuleDeploymentUnit(GROUP_ID, ARTIFACT_ID, VERSION); deploymentService.deploy(deploymentUnit); long processInstanceId = processService.startProcess(deploymentUnit.getIdentifier(), "customtask"); ProcessInstance pi = processService.getProcessInstance(processInstanceId); 正如你所看到的开始过程预计deploymentId作为第一个参数。这是非常强大的,使服务轻松地与不同的部署工作,即使有相同的过程但是来自不同版本——kjar版本。
public interface ProcessService { Long startProcess(String deploymentId, String processId); Long startProcess(String deploymentId, String processId, Map<String, Object> params); void abortProcessInstance(Long processInstanceId); void abortProcessInstances(List<Long> processInstanceIds); void signalProcessInstance(Long processInstanceId, String signalName, Object event); void signalProcessInstances(List<Long> processInstanceIds, String signalName, Object event); ProcessInstance getProcessInstance(Long processInstanceId); void setProcessVariable(Long processInstanceId, String variableId, Object value); void setProcessVariables(Long processInstanceId, Map<String, Object> variables); Object getProcessInstanceVariable(Long processInstanceId, String variableName); Map<String, Object> getProcessInstanceVariables(Long processInstanceId); Collection<String> getAvailableSignals(Long processInstanceId); void completeWorkItem(Long id, Map<String, Object> results); void abortWorkItem(Long id); WorkItem getWorkItem(Long id); List<WorkItem> getWorkItemByProcessInstance(Long processInstanceId); public <T> T execute(String deploymentId, Command<T> command); public <T> T execute(String deploymentId, Context<?> context, Command<T> command); } 5.5.4。运行时数据服务
一些例子: 得到所有过程定义:
Collection definitions = runtimeDataService.getProcesses(new QueryContext()); 让活动流程实例:
Collection<processinstancedesc> instances = runtimeDataService.getProcessInstances(new QueryContext()); 获得给定流程实例的活跃节点:
Collection<nodeinstancedesc> instances = runtimeDataService.getProcessInstanceHistoryActive(processInstanceId, new QueryContext()); 把任务分配给john
List<tasksummary> taskSummaries = runtimeDataService.getTasksAssignedAsPotentialOwner("john", new QueryFilter(0, 10)); 有两个重要的参数,运行时数据服务操作支持:
public interface RuntimeDataService { // Process instance information Collection<ProcessInstanceDesc> getProcessInstances(QueryContext queryContext); Collection<ProcessInstanceDesc> getProcessInstances(List<Integer> states, String initiator, QueryContext queryContext); Collection<ProcessInstanceDesc> getProcessInstancesByProcessId(List<Integer> states, String processId, String initiator, QueryContext queryContext); Collection<ProcessInstanceDesc> getProcessInstancesByProcessName(List<Integer> states, String processName, String initiator, QueryContext queryContext); Collection<ProcessInstanceDesc> getProcessInstancesByDeploymentId(String deploymentId, List<Integer> states, QueryContext queryContext); ProcessInstanceDesc getProcessInstanceById(long processInstanceId); Collection<ProcessInstanceDesc> getProcessInstancesByProcessDefinition(String processDefId, QueryContext queryContext); Collection<ProcessInstanceDesc> getProcessInstancesByProcessDefinition(String processDefId, List<Integer> states, QueryContext queryContext); // Node and Variable instance information NodeInstanceDesc getNodeInstanceForWorkItem(Long workItemId); Collection<NodeInstanceDesc> getProcessInstanceHistoryActive(long processInstanceId, QueryContext queryContext); Collection<NodeInstanceDesc> getProcessInstanceHistoryCompleted(long processInstanceId, QueryContext queryContext); Collection<NodeInstanceDesc> getProcessInstanceFullHistory(long processInstanceId, QueryContext queryContext); Collection<NodeInstanceDesc> getProcessInstanceFullHistoryByType(long processInstanceId, EntryType type, QueryContext queryContext); Collection<VariableDesc> getVariablesCurrentState(long processInstanceId); Collection<VariableDesc> getVariableHistory(long processInstanceId, String variableId, QueryContext queryContext); // Process information Collection<ProcessDefinition> getProcessesByDeploymentId(String deploymentId, QueryContext queryContext); Collection<ProcessDefinition> getProcessesByFilter(String filter, QueryContext queryContext); Collection<ProcessDefinition> getProcesses(QueryContext queryContext); Collection<String> getProcessIds(String deploymentId, QueryContext queryContext); ProcessDefinition getProcessById(String processId); ProcessDefinition getProcessesByDeploymentIdProcessId(String deploymentId, String processId); // user task query operations UserTaskInstanceDesc getTaskByWorkItemId(Long workItemId); UserTaskInstanceDesc getTaskById(Long taskId); List<TaskSummary> getTasksAssignedAsBusinessAdministrator(String userId, QueryFilter filter); List<TaskSummary> getTasksAssignedAsBusinessAdministratorByStatus(String userId, List<Status> statuses, QueryFilter filter); List<TaskSummary> getTasksAssignedAsPotentialOwner(String userId, QueryFilter filter); List<TaskSummary> getTasksAssignedAsPotentialOwner(String userId, List<String> groupIds, QueryFilter filter); List<TaskSummary> getTasksAssignedAsPotentialOwnerByStatus(String userId, List<Status> status, QueryFilter filter); List<TaskSummary> getTasksAssignedAsPotentialOwner(String userId, List<String> groupIds, List<Status> status, QueryFilter filter); List<TaskSummary> getTasksAssignedAsPotentialOwnerByExpirationDateOptional(String userId, List<Status> status, Date from, QueryFilter filter); List<TaskSummary> getTasksOwnedByExpirationDateOptional(String userId, List<Status> strStatuses, Date from, QueryFilter filter); List<TaskSummary> getTasksOwned(String userId, QueryFilter filter); List<TaskSummary> getTasksOwnedByStatus(String userId, List<Status> status, QueryFilter filter); List<Long> getTasksByProcessInstanceId(Long processInstanceId); List<TaskSummary> getTasksByStatusByProcessInstanceId(Long processInstanceId, List<Status> status, QueryFilter filter); List<AuditTask> getAllAuditTask(String userId, QueryFilter filter); } 5.5.5。用户任务服务
long processInstanceId =
processService.startProcess(deployUnit.getIdentifier(), "org.jbpm.writedocument"); List<Long> taskIds =
runtimeDataService.getTasksByProcessInstanceId(processInstanceId); Long taskId = taskIds.get(0); userTaskService.start(taskId, "john");
UserTaskInstanceDesc task = runtimeDataService.getTaskById(taskId); Map<String, Object> results = new HashMap<String, Object>();
results.put("Result", "some document data");
userTaskService.complete(taskId, "john", results); 5.5.6。与部署工作
这个特性允许平稳过渡项目版本之间没有需要流程实例迁移。 部署同步
jBPM 6.2之前,jBPM服务没有部署存储在默认情况下。当嵌入jbpm-console / kie-wb他们利用sistem。git VFS库保存在服务器重启部署单位。虽然这工作很好,它有一些缺点:
TransactionalCommandService commandService = new TransactionalCommandService(emf); DeploymentStore store = new DeploymentStore();
store.setCommandService(commandService); DeploymentSynchronizer sync = new DeploymentSynchronizer();
sync.setDeploymentStore(store); DeploymentSyncInvoker invoker = new DeploymentSyncInvoker(sync, 2L, 3L, TimeUnit.SECONDS);
invoker.stop(); 每3秒,部署将同步的初始延迟2秒。
最初部署单元org.jbpm:人力资源:1.0招聘过程的第一个版本。几周之后,新版本开发和部署执行服务器- org.jbpm:HR.2.0版本2的招聘过程。
org.jbpm.HR:latest 这将alwyas发现最新版本的项目所确定的:
版本comparizon基于Maven版本号和依赖于基于Maen算法找到最新的一个。 这是一个完整的示例部署多个版本和交互总是最新的:
KModuleDeploymentUnit deploymentUnitV1 = new KModuleDeploymentUnit("org.jbpm", "HR", "1.0");
deploymentService.deploy(deploymentUnitV1); long processInstanceId = processService.startProcess("org.jbpm:HR:LATEST", "customtask");
ProcessInstanceDesc piDesc = runtimeDataService.getProcessInstanceById(processInstanceId); // we have started process with project's version 1
assertEquals(deploymentUnitV1.getIdentifier(), piDesc.getDeploymentId()); // next we deploy version 1
KModuleDeploymentUnit deploymentUnitV2 = new KModuleDeploymentUnit("org.jbpm", "HR", "2.0");
deploymentService.deploy(deploymentUnitV2); processInstanceId = processService.startProcess("org.jbpm:HR:LATEST", "customtask");
piDesc = runtimeDataService.getProcessInstanceById(processInstanceId); // this time we have started process with project's version 2
assertEquals(deploymentUnitV2.getIdentifier(), piDesc.getDeploymentId()); 如这提供了非常强大的特性与经常陈环境交互时,可以随时更新时使用过程定义。 5.6 .配置
Table 5.1. Control parameters
Name | Possible values | Default value | Description | |
jbpm.ut.jndi.lookup | String | 替代JNDI名称没有访问时使用默认一个UserTransaction)(java:comp / | ||
jbpm.enable.multi.con | true|false | false | 使多个流入/流出序列流对活动的支持 | |
jbpm.business.calendar.properties | String | /jbpm.business.calendar.properties | 可以提供替代路径业务日历配置文件的位置 | |
jbpm.overdue.timer.delay | Long | 2000 | 为逾期指定延迟计时器允许适当的初始化,以毫秒为单位 | |
jbpm.process.name.comparator | String | 可以提供替代comparator类名称特征为开始的过程,如果不设置NumberVersionComparator使用 | ||
jbpm.loop.level.disabled | true|false | true | 可以启用或禁用循环迭代跟踪,让先进的循环支持当使用XOR网关 | |
org.kie.mail.session | String | mail/jbpmMailSession | 可以提供替代使用的邮件会话的JNDI名称任务的最后期限 | |
jbpm.usergroup.callback.properties | String | /jbpm.usergroup.callback.properties | 允许为用户组提供替代路径位置回调实现(LDAP、DB) | |
jbpm.user.group.mapping | String | ${jboss.server.config.dir}/roles.properties | 可以提供替代位置的角色。属性JBossUserGroupCallbackImpl | |
jbpm.user.info.properties | String | /jbpm.user.info.properties | 可以提供替代路径的位置用户信息配置(LDAPUserInfoImpl使用) | |
org.jbpm.ht.user.separator | String | , | 允许为用户提供替代分离器演员和组织任务,默认是逗号(,) | |
org.quartz.properties | String | 可以提供石英配置文件的位置来激活基于石英计时器服务 | ||
jbpm.data.dir | String | ${jboss.server.data.dir} is available otherwise ${java.io.tmpdir} | 允许提供位置数据文件由jbpm应该存储 | |
org.kie.executor.pool.size | Integer | 1 | 允许为jbpm执行者提供线程池的大小 | |
org.kie.executor.retry.count | Integer | 3 | 允许重试次数提供尝试在出错的情况下由jbpm执行人 | |
org.kie.executor.interval | Integer | 3 | 允许提供频率用于检查由jbpm等待工作的执行者,在几秒钟内 | |
org.kie.executor.disabled | true|false | true | 启用或禁用jbpm遗嘱执行人 |
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