hbase org.apache.hadoop.hbase.PerformanceEvaluation
Usage: java org.apache.hadoop.hbase.PerformanceEvaluation \
  [--miniCluster] [--nomapred] [--rows=ROWS] <command> <nclients>
 miniCluster     Run the test on an HBaseMiniCluster
 nomapred        Run multiple clients using threads (rather than use mapreduce)
 rows            Rows each client runs. Default: One million
 flushCommits    Used to determineifthe test should flush the table.  Default:false
 writeToWAL      Set writeToWAL on puts. Default: True
 filterScan      Run scan test using a filter to find a specific row based on it's value (make sure to use --rows=20)
 randomRead      Run random read test
 randomSeekScan  Run random seek and scan100test
 randomWrite     Run random write test
 scan            Run scan test (read every row)
 scanRange10     Run random seek scan with both start and stop row (max10rows)
 scanRange100    Run random seek scan with both start and stop row (max100rows)
 scanRange1000   Run random seek scan with both start and stop row (max1000rows)
 scanRange10000  Run random seek scan with both start and stop row (max10000rows)
 sequentialRead  Run sequential read test
 sequentialWrite Run sequential write test
 nclients        Integer. Required. Total number of clients (and HRegionServers)
                 running:1<= value <=500
 To run a single evaluation client:
 $ bin/hbase org.apache.hadoop.hbase.PerformanceEvaluation sequentialWrite1




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