perl 调用方法 子例程说明
Perl does not provide any special syntax for class definitions Perl 不提供任何特殊的语法对于类的定义 A package is simply a namespace containing variables and subroutines. The only difference is that in a class, the subroutines may expect a reference to an object or the name of a class as the first argument. This is purely a matter of convention, so a class may contain both methods and subroutines which don't operate on an object or class. 一个包是一个简单的名字空间包含变量和子程序。唯一的区别是在一个class里, 子程序可能被期望一个引用到一个对象或者 类的名字作为第一个参数 这是一个纯粹的惯例,因此一个class可能包含方法和子程序 不操作在对象或者类上。 l does not provide any special syntax for defining a method. A method is simply a regular subroutine, and is declared with sub. What makes a method special is that it expects to receive either an object or a class name as its first argument.
Perl does provide special syntax for method invocation, the -> operator. We will cover this in more detail later.
Most methods you write will expect to operate on objects: 我不提供任何特殊的符号用于一个方法, 一个方法是一个简单普通子程序, 并且是以sub定义。 让一个方法特别是他期望接收一个对象或者类名作为第一个参数 Perl 提供了特别的符号用于方法调用 ->操作符
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