#include <stdio.h>

void f0(void)
printf("in linux:\n");
printf("sizeof(char) = %d\n", sizeof(char));
printf("sizeof(int) = %d\n", sizeof(int));
printf("sizeof(short int) = %d\n", sizeof(short int));
printf("sizeof(long int) = %d\n", sizeof(long int)); printf("sizeof(float) = %d\n", sizeof(float)); printf("sizeof(double) = %d\n", sizeof(double));
printf("sizeof(long double) = %d\n", sizeof(long double)); } void f1(void)
int i = 1;
unsigned int ui = 1;
char c = 1;
unsigned char uc = 1;
short int si = 1;
unsigned short int usi = 1;
float f = 1;
double d = 1;
long double ld = 1; printf("for 1, i = %x, ui = %x\n", i, ui);
printf("for 1, c = %x, uc = %x\n", c, uc);
printf("for 1, si = %x, usi = %x\n", si, usi);
printf("for 1, f = %x\n", f);
printf("for 1, d = %x\n", d);
printf("for 1, ld = %x\n", ld); }
void f2()
int i = -1;
unsigned int ui = -1;
char c = -1;
unsigned char uc = -1;
short int si = -1;
unsigned short int usi = -1;
float f = -1;
double d = -1;
long double ld = -1; printf("for -1, i = %x, ui = %x\n", i, ui);
printf("for -1, c = %x, uc = %x\n", c, uc);
printf("for -1, si = %x, usi = %x\n", si, usi);
printf("for -1, f = %x\n", f);
printf("for -1, d = %x\n", d);
printf("for -1, ld = %x\n", ld); c = -255;
uc = -255;
printf("for -255, c = %x, uc = %x\n", c, uc); c = -128;
uc = -128;
printf("for -128, c = %x, uc = %x\n", c, uc);
} void f_show1(void)
printf("for -1,f_show1: uint = %x\n", (unsigned int)-1);
printf("for -1,f_show1: int = %x\n", (int)-1);
printf("for -1,f_show1: c = %x\n", (char)-1);
printf("for -1,f_show1: uc = %x\n", (unsigned char)-1); printf("for -1,f_show1: uc = %d\n", (unsigned char)-1);
} int main()
f_show1(); f1();
f2(); return 0;
} /*
root@oucaijun:/work/dcc# gcc 1.c ;./a.out in linux:
sizeof(char) = 1
sizeof(int) = 4
sizeof(short int) = 2
sizeof(long int) = 4
sizeof(float) = 4
sizeof(double) = 8
sizeof(long double) = 12

for -1,f_show1: uint = ffffffff
for -1,f_show1: int = ffffffff
for -1,f_show1: c = ffffffff
for -1,f_show1: uc = ff
for -1,f_show1: uc = 255 for 1, i = 1, ui = 1
for 1, c = 1, uc = 1
for 1, si = 1, usi = 1
for 1, f = 0
for 1, d = 0
for 1, ld = 0
for -1, i = ffffffff, ui = ffffffff
for -1, c = ffffffff, uc = ff
for -1, si = ffffffff, usi = ffff
for -1, f = 0
for -1, d = 0
for -1, ld = 0
for -255, c = 1, uc = 1
for -128, c = ffffff80, uc = 80 */



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