POJ-1010 Stamps
- 邮票种类数最多;
- 如果种类数相同,则张数少者,更优;
- 如果张数也相同,则单张面值最大者;
- 如果以上都相同,则无最佳方案(平局tie);
1. 邮票种类存储策略
int stamps[126]; // 存储邮票种类
int stampType; // 邮票种类数 bool HasMaxSameStamp(int newstamp)
int hasSameNum = 0;
for (int i(0); i < stampType; i++)
if (stamps[i] == newstamp)
hasSameNum += 1;
if (hasSameNum >= 5)
return true;
} return false;
2. 深度优先法搜索所有解
解为最多四张邮票,用int solution[4]暂时存储进行搜索,noOfStamp为当前考虑的solution[noOfStamp]中的邮票,lastIndex为了避免重复搜索,将不搜索已搜索过的邮票定为策略,其意义为接下来的解只从数组编号为lastIndex的邮票开始搜索。
void FindStampsCombination(int solution[4], int noOfStamp, int lastIndex)
if (IsASolution(solution))
int *p = new int[4];
memcpy(p, solution, sizeof(int)*4); solutions.push_back(p);
return ;
} if (noOfStamp >= 4) // 邮票数已经为4张,应该被剪枝,回溯
return ; for (int stampindex( lastIndex ); stampindex < stampType; stampindex++)
solution[noOfStamp] = stampindex;
FindStampsCombination(solution, noOfStamp+1, stampindex);
solution[noOfStamp] = -1; // 重置该位向量
3. 找出最优解
将所有解存入vector<int*> solutions中,以题目要求的比较策略进行排序比较。先比较类型数,更多的取胜;再比较数量,少的取胜;最后比较单张面值最大的。
typedef struct solutionattributes
int No;
int Types;
int Number;
int Max;
}SolutionAttributes; int CompareSolution(const void* a, const void* b)
SolutionAttributes *pa = (SolutionAttributes*)a;
SolutionAttributes *pb = (SolutionAttributes*)b; if ((*pa).Types != (*pb).Types)
return (*pb).Types - (*pa).Types;
else if ((*pa).Number != (*pb).Number)
return (*pa).Number - (*pb).Number;
return (*pb).Max - (*pa).Max;
} }
1. 回溯法的程序编写见本题的“2.深度优先法搜索所有解”;
2. 比较函数规则:参数a, b,如果返回大于0,则a到b的后面去,记住这一原则即可;
3. 集合set的用法:
set<int> myset; myset.insert(10); // 插入
set<int>::iterator set_it = myset.find(11);
// 查找
myset.count(7); // 计数
myset.erase(10); // 删除 // 遍历
set<int>::iterator it; //定义前向迭代器
// 反向迭代器:set<int>::reverse_iterator
for(it = myset.begin(); it != myset.end(); it++)
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
#include <set>
using namespace std; typedef struct solutionattributes
int No;
int Types;
int Number;
int Max;
}SolutionAttributes; int stamps[126]; // 存储邮票种类
int stampType; // 邮票种类数
int customer;
vector<int*> solutions; void InitialForStamps();
bool HasMaxSameStamp(int newstamp);
void FindStampsCombination(int solution[4], int noOfStamp, int lastIndex);
bool IsASolution(int s[4]);
int Compare(const void* a, const void* b);
void OutputBestSolution();
int CountTypes(int s[4]);
int CountNumber(int s[4]);
int CountMax(int s[4]);
int CompareSolution(const void* a, const void* b); int main()
int stampValue;
while (scanf("%d", &stampValue) != EOF)
// 读取邮票种类
while (true)
if (stampValue == 0)
break; if ( !HasMaxSameStamp(stampValue) )
stamps[ stampType++ ] = stampValue;
} // 读取顾客需求,并处理,输出
while (true)
if (customer == 0)
break; solutions.clear(); int solution[4] = {-1,-1,-1,-1}; // 四张邮票
FindStampsCombination(solution, 0, 0);
} }
return 0;
} void InitialForStamps()
memset(stamps, 0, sizeof(stamps));
stampType = 0;
} bool HasMaxSameStamp(int newstamp)
int hasSameNum = 0;
for (int i(0); i < stampType; i++)
if (stamps[i] == newstamp)
hasSameNum += 1;
if (hasSameNum >= 5)
return true;
} return false;
} void FindStampsCombination(int solution[4], int noOfStamp, int lastIndex)
if (IsASolution(solution))
int *p = new int[4];
memcpy(p, solution, sizeof(int)*4); solutions.push_back(p);
return ;
} if (noOfStamp >= 4) // 邮票数已经为4张,应该被剪枝,回溯
return ; for (int stampindex( lastIndex ); stampindex < stampType; stampindex++)
solution[noOfStamp] = stampindex;
FindStampsCombination(solution, noOfStamp+1, stampindex);
solution[noOfStamp] = -1;
} bool IsASolution(int s[4])
int stampsTotalValue = 0;
for (int i(0); i < 4; i++)
stampsTotalValue += (s[i] < 0? 0 : stamps[ s[i] ]);
} return (stampsTotalValue == customer);
} int Compare(const void* a, const void* b)
int *pa = (int*)a;
int *pb = (int*)b; return (*pa) - (*pb);
} void OutputBestSolution()
SolutionAttributes *sap = new SolutionAttributes[solutions.size()];
for (int i(0); i < solutions.size(); i++)
sap[i].No = i;
sap[i].Types = CountTypes(solutions.at(i));
sap[i].Number = CountNumber(solutions.at(i));
sap[i].Max = CountMax(solutions.at(i));
} qsort(sap, solutions.size(), sizeof(sap[0]), CompareSolution); if (solutions.size() == 0)
cout<<customer<<" ---- none"<<endl;
else if (solutions.size() > 1 && sap[0].Types == sap[1].Types &&
sap[0].Number == sap[1].Number && sap[0].Max == sap[1].Max)
cout<< customer <<" ("<< sap[0].Types <<"): "<<"tie"<<endl;
cout<< customer <<" ("<< sap[0].Types <<"):"; int no = sap[0].No;
int tempStamps[4] = {-1, -1, -1, -1};
for (int i(0); i < 4; i++)
if (solutions.at(no)[i] != -1)
tempStamps[i] = stamps[ solutions.at(no)[i] ];
} qsort(tempStamps, 4, sizeof(tempStamps[0]), Compare);
for (int i(0); i < 4; i++)
if (tempStamps[i] >= 0)
cout<<" "<<tempStamps[i];
} cout<<endl;
} int CountTypes(int s[4])
set<int> types;
for (int i(0); i < 4; i++)
if (s[i] >= 0)
} return types.size();
} int CountNumber(int s[4])
int empty = 0;
for (int i(0); i < 4; i++)
empty += (s[i] < 0);
} return 4 - empty;
} int CountMax(int s[4])
int max = 0;
for (int i(0); i < 4; i++)
if (s[i] >= 0)
max = max > stamps[ s[i] ]? max : stamps[ s[i] ];
return max;
} int CompareSolution(const void* a, const void* b)
SolutionAttributes *pa = (SolutionAttributes*)a;
SolutionAttributes *pb = (SolutionAttributes*)b; if ((*pa).Types != (*pb).Types)
return (*pb).Types - (*pa).Types;
else if ((*pa).Number != (*pb).Number)
return (*pa).Number - (*pb).Number;
return (*pb).Max - (*pa).Max;
} }
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