It is a small fun problem to solve. Since only a max sum is required (no need to print path), we can only keep track of the max value at each line. Basically it is still a human labor simulation work. To be more specifically, we need keep track of a line of max sums.

But there are 1000*100 input, so special optimization is required. The naive solution would copy data between 2 arrays, and actually that's not necessary. Logically, we only have 2 arrays - result array and working array. After one line is processed, working array can be result array for next line, so we can only switch pointers to these 2 arrays, to avoid expensive memory copy.

#include <iostream>
#include <cstdio>
#include <cstdlib>
using namespace std; int aret[] = {};
int atmp[] = {}; int proc_line(int r, int *aret, int *atmp)
{ if(r == )
int in = ; cin >>in;
aret[] = in;
atmp[] = in;
return in;
} // Get current line and calc
int rmax = -;
for(int i = ; i < r; i ++)
int tmp = ; scanf("%d", &tmp);
int prevInx = i == ? : i - ;
int prevVal = aret[prevInx];
int currMax = (i + ) == r ? tmp + prevVal : max(tmp + aret[i], tmp + prevVal);
atmp[i] = currMax;
rmax = currMax > rmax ? currMax :rmax;
} return rmax;
} int main()
{ int runcnt = ;
cin >> runcnt;
while(runcnt --)
int rcnt = ; cin >> rcnt;
int ret = ;
for(int i = ; i <= rcnt; i ++)
bool evenCase = i % == ;
ret = proc_line(i, !evenCase? aret:atmp, !evenCase?atmp:aret);
cout << ret << endl;
return ;

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