
参数 描述 举例
conditions Search conditions for the find operation. Is used to extract only those records that fulfill a specified criterion. By default Phalcon\Mvc\Model assumes the first parameter are the conditions. “conditions” => “name LIKE ‘steve%’”
columns Return specific columns instead of the full columns in the model. When using this option an incomplete object is returned “columns” => “id, name”
bind Bind is used together with options, by replacing placeholders and escaping values thus increasing security “bind” => array(“status” => “A”, “type” => “some-time”)
bindTypes When binding parameters, you can use this parameter to define additional casting to the bound parameters increasing even more the security “bindTypes” => array(Column::BIND_TYPE_STR, Column::BIND_TYPE_INT)
order Is used to sort the resultset. Use one or more fields separated by commas. “order” => “name DESC, status”
limit Limit the results of the query to results to certain range “limit” => 10 / “limit” => array(“number” => 10, “offset” => 5)
group Allows to collect data across multiple records and group the results by one or more columns “group” => “name, status”
for_update With this option, Phalcon\Mvc\Model reads the latest available data, setting exclusive locks on each row it reads “for_update” => true
shared_lock With this option, Phalcon\Mvc\Model reads the latest available data, setting shared locks on each row it reads “shared_lock” => true
cache Cache the resultset, reducing the continuous access to the relational system “cache” => array(“lifetime” => 3600, “key” => “my-find-key”)
hydration Sets the hydration strategy to represent each returned record in the result “hydration” => Resultset::HYDRATE_OBJECTS

If you prefer, there is also available a way to create queries in an object-oriented way, instead of using an array of parameters:

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