recently, i need call the KCF tracker in my graduation project. the KCF tracker is fast and best performance now. see, however, this only matlab version of KCF code in the author's homepage. i need to implement KCF in c++ version, however, i find it is hard to do it, because this is no opencv version of fhog which is used in the matlab version. and the correlation of complex number is hard too. So in the last , i build Windows Standalone Application. and it is easy to improve in matlab.

so let do it now.

build matlab Windows Standalone Application

first let make a file runKCFexe.m

  1. function runKCFexe( base_path ,video)
  2. %./data/Benchmark/ Boy
  3. interp_factor = 0.02;
  4. kernel.sigma = 0.5;
  5. kernel.type = 'gaussian';
  6. kernel.poly_a = 1;
  7. kernel.poly_b = 9;
  8. feature_type = 'hog';
  9. features.hog = true;
  10. features.gray = false;
  11. features.hog_orientations = 9;
  12. cell_size = 4;
  13. padding = 1.5; %extra area surrounding the target
  14. lambda = 1e-4; %regularization
  15. output_sigma_factor = 0.1; %spatial bandwidth (proportional to target)
  16. [img_files, pos, target_sz, ground_truth, video_path] = load_video_info(base_path, video);
  17. [positions, time] = tracker(video_path, img_files, pos, target_sz, ...
  18. padding, kernel, lambda, output_sigma_factor, interp_factor, ...
  19. cell_size, features, 0);
  20. fileID = fopen('centerPointResult.txt','w');
  21. fprintf(fileID,'%d %d\n',positions');
  22. fclose(fileID);
  23. %fprintf('kcf finished %s\n','done');
  24. end

and edit the tracker.m to the follow:

the box2[1] is the frame number and box2[2:5] is the rect box

add the reference files like follows

and then build

and we will get the KCFexe.exe

test run the KCFexe.exe

Yehh, it works

Qt C++ programming

let's build a q widget application

the OpenDir Button is used to select the dir path like

the Qlabe is used to show the image.

the project dir structure

the dirpath and video is the Parameters for KCFexe.exe

frameNo is used for read NO.image from capture , procOutput is used to get the frame num and rect box from KCFexe.exe output and store in the s_data,capturePath is used for function , program is the KCFexe.exe path,on_pushButton_clicked() is to select the dir,readyReadStandardOutput() is to read the KCFexe.exe output,processRect() is used to show image in Qlabel.RectReady() is signal for processRect.

init and connect

select dir

run the KCFexe.exe

read the output of KCFexe.exe

show image in Qlabel

Note ,because the speed of KCFexe.exe output is not the same with readyReadStandardOutput so the code is need in the processRect()

finnally ,it run like this

call Kernelized Correlation Filters Tracker(Matab) in Qt(c++)的更多相关文章

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  2. High-Speed Tracking with Kernelized Correlation Filters

          2015年的一篇论文,可参考:      另参考:http:// ...

  3. High-Speed Tracking with Kernelized Correlation Filters(二)

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