Target Operator ID has No Access to Upgrade
If you are attempting to migrate a project between environments through application designer you might get a message saying:
Target Operator ID has 'No Access' to Upgrade. (62,14)
In the explain text, it states that:
In order to access the target database, your target Operator ID must have 'Full Access' to Upgrade. This setting can be changed in the target database by launching Security Administrator and editing the APPLICATION_DESIGNER menu item.
So it sounds like a security issue, but what's missing?
Start by querying the PSAUTHITEM record for the menu suggested - APPLICATION_DESIGNER:
This will give you a list of the permission lists (CLASSID) that have access to APPLICATION_DESIGNER menu. Now you need to check if you have any access to any of them:
No access? Well you'll need to give yourself a role with one of the permission lists that has access. Find such a role with this query:
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