题目: 给定一个整数,求将该整数逆转之后的值;


Example1: x = 123, return 321
Example2: x = -123, return -321



1.  如果该整数是负数,-123,则逆转之后为-321,因此需要从第一位开始逆转,而不是第0位;

2.  如果整数例如:12300,则逆转后为321,而不是00321,因此逆转后,需要去除前面的0;

3.  如果整数例如:2147483647,则逆转后为7463847412 > Integer.MAX_VALUE,则返回0;

 public class Solution {
public int reverse(int x) {
char[] ch = String.valueOf(x).toCharArray();
int begin = 0;
int flag = 0; // flag用来表示是正数还是负数
int end = ch.length - 1;
if(x < 0){ // 负数
flag = 1;
begin = flag;
while(begin < end){
exchange(ch, begin, end);
begin ++;
end --;
StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();
int i = flag;
       // 去掉逆转后前面的0
for(; i < ch.length; i++){
if(ch[i] != '0')
if(flag == 1)
sb.append(ch, i, ch.length - i);
return 0;
double res = Double.valueOf(sb.toString());
if(res > Integer.MAX_VALUE || res < Integer.MIN_VALUE)
return 0;
return Integer.valueOf(sb.toString()); }
public void exchange(char[] ch, int index1, int index2){
char c = ch[index1];
ch[index1] = ch[index2];
ch[index2] = c;

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