C. RMQ with Shifts
C. RMQ with Shifts
In the traditional RMQ (Range Minimum Query) problem, we have a static array A. Then for each query (L, R) (LR), we report the minimum value among A[L], A[L + 1], ..., A[R]. Note that the indices start from 1, i.e. the left-most element is A[1].
In this problem, the array A is no longer static: we need to support another operation
we do a left ``circular shift" of A[i1], A[i2], ..., A[ik].
For example, if A={6, 2, 4, 8, 5, 1, 4}, then shift(2, 4, 5, 7) yields {6, 8, 4, 5, 4, 1, 2}. After that, shift(1, 2) yields 8, 6, 4, 5, 4, 1, 2.
There will be only one test case, beginning with two integers n, q ( 1n100, 000, 1q250, 000), the number of integers in array A, and the number of operations. The next line contains n positive integers not greater than 100,000, the initial elements in array A. Each of the next q lines contains an operation. Each operation is formatted as a string having no more than 30 characters, with no space characters inside. All operations are guaranteed to be valid.
Warning: The dataset is large, better to use faster I/O methods.
For each query, print the minimum value (rather than index) in the requested range.
Sample Input
7 5
6 2 4 8 5 1 4
Sample Output
6 解题:RMQ问题,更新比较有新意。。。。。。。。。。
#include <iostream>
#include <cstdio>
#include <cstring>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <vector>
#include <climits>
#include <algorithm>
#include <cmath>
#define LL long long
using namespace std;
const int maxn = ;
struct node{
int lt,rt,minVal;
int d[maxn],u[],cnt;
void build(int lt,int rt,int v){
tree[v].lt = lt;
tree[v].rt = rt;
if(lt == rt){
tree[v].minVal = d[lt];
int mid = (lt+rt)>>;
tree[v].minVal = min(tree[v<<].minVal,tree[v<<|].minVal);
int query(int lt,int rt,int v){
if(tree[v].lt == lt && tree[v].rt == rt) return tree[v].minVal;
int mid = (tree[v].lt+tree[v].rt)>>;
if(rt <= mid) return query(lt,rt,v<<);
else if(lt > mid) return query(lt,rt,v<<|);
else return min(query(lt,mid,v<<),query(mid+,rt,v<<|));
void update(int lt,int rt,int v){
if(tree[v].lt == tree[v].rt){
tree[v].minVal = d[tree[v].lt];
int mid = (tree[v].lt+tree[v].rt)>>;
if(u[rt] <= mid) update(lt,rt,v<<);
else if(u[lt] > mid) update(lt,rt,v<<|);
int i;
for(i = lt; u[i] <= mid; i++);
tree[v].minVal = min(tree[v<<].minVal,tree[v<<|].minVal);
int main(){
int n,m,i,j,len,temp;
char str[];
for(i = ; i <= n; i++)
for(i = ; i < m; i++){
len = strlen(str);
for(cnt = j = ; j < len;){
if(str[j] < '' || str[j] > '') {j++;continue;}
temp = ;
while(j < len && str[j] >= '' && str[j] <= '') {temp = temp* + (str[j]-'');j++;}
u[cnt++] = temp;
if(str[] == 'q'){
temp = d[u[]];
for(cnt--,j = ; j < cnt; j++)
d[u[j]] = d[u[j+]];
d[u[j]] = temp;
return ;
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