AtCoder Beginner Contest 084 D - 2017-like Number【数论/素数/前缀和】
D - 2017-like Number
Time limit : 2sec / Memory limit : 256MB
Score : 400 points
Problem Statement
We say that a odd number N is similar to 2017 when both N and (N+1)⁄2 are prime.
You are given Q queries.
In the i-th query, given two odd numbers li and ri, find the number of odd numbers x similar to 2017 such that li≤x≤ri.
- 1≤Q≤105
- 1≤li≤ri≤105
- li and ri are odd.
- All input values are integers.
Input is given from Standard Input in the following format:
l1 r1
lQ rQ
Print Q lines. The i-th line (1≤i≤Q) should contain the response to the i-th query.
Sample Input 1
3 7
Sample Output 1
- 3 is similar to 2017, since both 3 and (3+1)⁄2=2 are prime.
- 5 is similar to 2017, since both 5 and (5+1)⁄2=3 are prime.
- 7 is not similar to 2017, since (7+1)⁄2=4 is not prime, although 7 is prime.
Thus, the response to the first query should be 2.
Sample Input 2
13 13
7 11
7 11
2017 2017
Sample Output 2
Note that 2017 is also similar to 2017.
Sample Input 3
1 53
13 91
37 55
19 51
73 91
13 49
Sample Output 3
【题意】:当N和(N + 1)/ 2都是素数时,奇数N与2017相似。 你有Q个查询。 在第i个查询中,给定两个奇数Li和Ri,找到与2017相似的奇数x的数目,使得li≤x≤ri。
using namespace std;
bool f [];
int c [];
int N,L,R ;
int main ()
for (int i =; i<=; i++)
if (!f[i])
for (int j = i+i ;j<=; j+=i )
f[j]= true ; for (int i =; i<=; i+=)
if (!f[i] && !f[(i+)/])
c[i]++; for (int i =; i <=; i ++)
c[i]+=c[i-]; scanf ("%d",&N);
while (N--)
scanf ("%d%d" ,&L ,&R );
printf ("%d\n" , c[R] - c[L-]);
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