It is the 1’s complement of the 1’s complement sum of all the 16-bit words in the TCP header and data 这是关于TCP头部校验和字段(checksum field)的说明。
The checksum algorithm is simply to add up all the 16-bit words in one's complement and then to take the one's complement of the sum.
1's Complement Arithmetic
The Formula
~N = (2^n -1) - N
where: n is the number of bits per word
N is a positive integer
~N is -N in 1's complement notation
For example with an 8-bit word and N = 6, we have:
~N = (2^8 -1) - 6 = 255 - 6 = 249 = 11111001
In Binary
An alternate way to find the 1's complement is to simply
take the bit by bit complement of the binary number.
For example: N = +6 = 00000110
N = -6 = 11111001
Conversely, given the 1's complement we can find the
magnitude of the number by taking it's 1's complement.
The largest number that can be represented in 8-bit 1's
complement is 01111111 = 127 = 0x7F. The smallest is
10000000 = -127. Note that the values 00000000 and
11111111 both represent zero.
End-around Carry. When the addition of two values
results in a carry, the carry bit is added to the sum in the
rightmost position. There is no overflow as long as the
magnitude of the result is not greater than 2^n-1.
2's Complement Arithmetic
The Formula
N* = 2^n - N
where: n is the number of bits per word
N is a positive integer
N* is -N in 2's complement notation
For example with an 8-bit word and N = 6, we have:
N* = 2^8 - 6 = 256 - 6 = 250 = 11111010
In Binary
An alternate way to find the 2's complement is to start at
the right and complement each bit to the left of the first
For example: N = +6 = 00000110
N* = -6 = 11111010
Conversely, given the 2's complement we can find the
magnitude of the number by taking it's 2's complement.
The largest number that can be represented in 8-bit 2s
complement is 01111111 = 127. The smallest is
10000000 = -128.
When the addition of two values results in a carry, the
carry bit is ignored. There is no overflow as long as the
is not greater than 2^n-1 nor less than -2^n.
unsigned short checksum(unsigned short *buf, int nword)
// short是16位(俩字节),即把报表首部按16bit分开
// 先求和
unsigned long sum = ;
for(int i=; i<nword; i++)
sum += *buf++;
sum = (sum >> ) + (sum & 0xffff);
sum += (sum >> );
//long(32 bit) 截取低位部分转换为short(16位)
return (unsigned short)~sum;
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