
Given a m x n matrix, if an element is 0, set its entire row and column to 0. Do it in place.

click to show follow up.

Follow up:

Did you use extra space?
A straight forward solution using O(mn) space is probably a bad idea.
A simple improvement uses O(m + n) space, but still not the best solution.
Could you devise a constant space solution?

代码:oj测试通过 Runtime: 220 ms
 class Solution:
# @param matrix, a list of lists of integers
def setZeroes(self, matrix):
# none case
if matrix is None:
return None
# dimension of the matrix
ROW = len(matrix)
COL = len(matrix[0])
# record the status of first row and first column
first_row_contains_zero = False
for i in range(COL):
if matrix[0][i] == 0:
first_row_contains_zero = True
first_col_contains_zero = False
for i in range(ROW):
if matrix[i][0] == 0:
first_col_contains_zero = True
# visit the ROW-1 × COL-1 matrix and check zeros
for row in range(1,ROW):
for col in range(1,COL):
if matrix[row][col] == 0:
matrix[row][0] = 0
matrix[0][col] = 0
# set zero rows and zero columns
for row in range(1,ROW):
for col in range(1,COL):
if matrix[row][0]==0 or matrix[0][col]==0:
matrix[row][col] = 0
if first_row_contains_zero:
for i in range(COL):
matrix[0][i] = 0
if first_col_contains_zero:
for i in range(ROW):
matrix[i][0] = 0






1. matrix[0][j]本身为0,则整个j列的元素(包括matrix[0][j])最后都为0

2. matrix[0][j]不为零,如果j列其余元素有0,则matrix[0][j]为0;如果j列其余元素不含有0,则matrix[0][j]保持原来的值也不为零





oj测试通过 Runtime: 213 ms

class Solution:
# @param matrix, a list of lists of integers
def setZeroes(self, matrix):
# none case
if matrix is None:
return None
# dimension of the matrix
ROW = len(matrix)
COL = len(matrix[0])
# record zero rows and zero columns
zero_row = [False for i in range(ROW)]
zero_col = [False for i in range(COL)]
for row in range(ROW):
for col in range(COL):
if matrix[row][col] == 0:
zero_row[row] = True
zero_col[col] = True
# set zero rows and zero columns
for row in range(ROW):
for col in range(COL):
if zero_row[row] or zero_col[col]:
matrix[row][col] = 0



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