
A linked list is given such that each node contains an additional random pointer which could point to any node in the list or null.

Return a deep copy of the list.









new1->random = old1->random->next, new2-random = NULL,
new3-random = NULL, new4->random = old4->random->next


old1->next = old1->next->next,  new1->next = new1->next->next



class Solution {
RandomListNode *copyRandomList1(RandomListNode *head) {
if (!head)
return NULL; RandomListNode *ret = new RandomListNode(head->label), *q = ret;
RandomListNode *p = head->next;
while (p)
RandomListNode *tmp = new RandomListNode(p->label);
q->next = tmp;
q = q->next; p = p->next;
q->next = NULL; //处理原始链表的random指针
p = head, q = ret;
RandomListNode *idx1 = head, *idx2 = ret;
while (p)
if (p->random == NULL)
q->random = NULL;
idx1 = head;
idx2 = ret;
while (p->random->label != idx1->label)
idx1 = idx1->next;
idx2 = idx2->next;
q->random = idx2;
p = p->next;
q = q->next;
return ret;
} //方法二:充分利用原始链表信息,在每个节点后复制添加
RandomListNode *copyRandomList(RandomListNode *head) {
if (!head)
return NULL; //首先,复制原始的节点,连接自身后面
RandomListNode *p = head;
while (p)
RandomListNode *tmp = new RandomListNode(p->label);
RandomListNode *r = p->next; tmp->next = r;
p->next = tmp; p = r;
}//while //然后,将添加的节点random 链接到原始节点random的下一个位置
p = head;
while (p)
RandomListNode *q = p->next;
if (p->random == NULL)
q->random = NULL;
q->random = p->random->next;
p = q->next;
}//while //最后,恢复原始链表,得到新链表
RandomListNode *ret = head->next; p = head;
RandomListNode *q = head->next;
while (q->next)
p->next = q->next;
p = q;
if (q->next)
q = q->next;
p->next = NULL;
q->next = NULL;
return ret;
} };


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