


Bracket Settings-Default 文件不能修改,只能修改Bracket Settings-User,复制以下设置:

"bracket_styles": {

// "default" and "unmatched" styles are special

// styles. If they are not defined here,

// they will be generated internally with

// internal defaults.


// "default" style defines attributes that

// will be used for any style that does not

// explicitly define that attribute. So if

// a style does not define a color, it will

// use the color from the "default" style.

"default": {

"icon": "dot",

// BH1's original default color for reference

//"color": "entity.name.class",

"color": "brackethighlighter.default",

"style": "highlight"



// This particular style is used to highlight

// unmatched bracket pairs. It is a special

// style.

"unmatched": {

"icon": "question",

"color": "brackethighlighter.unmatched",

"style": "highlight"



"curly": {

"icon": "curly_bracket",

"color": "brackethighlighter.curly",

"style": "highlight"


"round": {

"icon": "round_bracket",

"color": "brackethighlighter.round",

"style": "highlight"


"square": {

"icon": "square_bracket",

"color": "brackethighlighter.square",

"style": "highlight"


"angle": {

"icon": "angle_bracket",

"color": "brackethighlighter.angle",

"style": "highlight"


"tag": {

"icon": "tag",

"color": "brackethighlighter.tag",

"style": "highlight"


"c_define": {

"icon": "hash",

"color": "brackethighlighter.c_define",

"style": "highlight"


"single_quote": {

"icon": "single_quote",

"color": "brackethighlighter.quote",

"style": "highlight"


"double_quote": {

"icon": "double_quote",

"color": "brackethighlighter.quote",

"style": "highlight"


"regex": {

"icon": "regex",

"color": "brackethighlighter.quote",

"style": "highlight"







"high_visibility_enabled_by_default": true,

"high_visibility_style": "outline"







Modifies the high visibility color. There are three types of settings you can use:

  • __default__ is a special reserved value which will use the color set in bracket_styles. SeeConfiguring Highlight Style for more info.
  • __bracket__ is a special reserved value which will inherit the defined color of the highlighted bracket.
  • Any valid scope found in your color scheme.

// Color for high visibility mode



There are two special style definitions whose names are reserved: default and unmatched, but you can configure them.


Add this to your color scheme:



<string>Bracket Curly</string>









And then use the scope:

"curly": {

"icon": "curly_bracket"

"color": "brackethighlighter.curly",

// "style": "underline"


所以如果把"high_visibility_color": "__default__",设为default ,它就会用

我在color scheme里brackethighlighter.default定义的值



<string>Bracket Default</string>





但是我怎么能打开传说中的color scheme . tmTheme 文件?搜索也搜不到只有.tmTheme.cache文件,ST3里的文件都被压缩了起来,可以直接从压缩包运行,想要看可以安装 PackageResourceViewer 插件






找到color Scheme-Default




在</ array >上面加上



<string>Bracket Default</string>


















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  3. 官方文档
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  5. stackOverflow

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