LeetCode 152. Maximum Product Subarray (最大乘积子数组)
Find the contiguous subarray within an array (containing at least one number) which has the largest product.
For example, given the array [2,3,-2,4]
the contiguous subarray [2,3]
has the largest product = 6
题目标签:Array, Dynamic Programming
题目给了我们一个nums array,让我们从中找到一个subarray, 它的乘积是最大的,返回乘积值。
这道题目的难点在于,有0 和有 负数, 遇到0的话,就等于断点了,要重新开始记录新一段的subarray。遇到负数的话,如果是偶数的负数,那么依然可以保留,如果不是,那么也要重新开始记录。所以这道题目我们需要三个变量,来不断更新我们的subarray 的乘积。
遍历nums array, max - 记录最大的subarray 乘积 从0 到 i。
min - 记录最小的subarray 乘积 从0 到 i,这里是需要到i, 在 i 前面的任何小段都不需要,为什么要记录最小的呢,因为有负数,要把最小的负值记录下来,当遇到新的负数,在可以配对成偶数的负数的情况下,把负数也利用进去。
maxAns - 记录array 中 任意的最大乘积的 subarray 的值。
Java Solution:
Runtime beats 42.46%
关键词:Array, Dynamic Programming
关键点:保持记录从0 到 i 的最大和最小subarray 的乘积值
class Solution
public int maxProduct(int[] nums)
if(nums.length == 0)
return 0; // save first number into max, min & maxAns
int max = nums[0];
int min = nums[0];
int maxAns = nums[0]; /* iterate rest number
* for each number, remember the max and min value for the previous product (0 ~ i)
for(int i=1; i<nums.length; i++)
int tmp_max = max;
int tmp_min = min; // remember the max product subarray from 0 to i
max = Math.max(Math.max(nums[i], tmp_max * nums[i]), tmp_min * nums[i]);
/* remember the min product subarray from 0 to i
* min product subarray can only be from somewhere to i NOT somewhere to j that is before i
* because each time max use min and if min is not consecutive to current i, it is meaningless
min = Math.min(Math.min(nums[i], tmp_max * nums[i]), tmp_min * nums[i]); // update the maxAns
maxAns = Math.max(max, maxAns);
} return maxAns;
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