众所周知,C语言一开始只有#define,C程序员用#define定义符号常量。但后来ANSI C加入了const限定符,而const应该比#define更好,为什么现在的C程序员还在大量使用#define来定义常量呢?

这并不是我没有根据地乱说的。这样的例子有很多,例如<limits.h>,例如Windows API,例如OpenGL……





曾今我在百度上用中文查这个问题,发现根本查不到;昨天我Google了“why use #define instead of const”,才在stackoverflow上找到了一个同样的问题:

Why do most C developers use define instead of const?


1. Bart van Ingen Schenau的回答

There is a very solid reason for this: const in C does not mean something is constant. It just means a variable is read-only.

In places where the compiler requires a true constant (such as for array sizes for non-VLA arrays), using a const variable, such as fieldWidth is just not possible.



2. Vovanium回答

They're different.

const is just a qualifier, which says that a variable cannot be changed at runtime. But all other features of the variable persist: it has allocated storage, and this storage may be addressed. So code does not just treat it as a literal, but refers to the variable by accessing the specified memory location (except if it is static const, then it can be optimized away), and loading its value at runtime. And as a const variable has allocated storage, if you add it to a header and include it in several C sources, you'll get a "multiple symbol definition" linkage error unless you mark it as extern. And in this case the compiler can't optimize code against its actual value (unless global optimization is on).

#define simply substitutes a name with its value. Furthermore, a #define'd constant may be used in the preprocessor: you can use it with #ifdef to do conditional compilation based on its value, or use the stringizing operator # to get a string with its value. And as the compiler knows its value at compile time it may optimize code based on that value.

For example:

#define SCALE 1
scaled_x = x * SCALE;

When SCALE is defined as 1 the compiler can eliminate the multiplication as it knows that x * 1 == x, but if SCALE is an (extern) const, it will need to generate code to fetch the value and perform the multiplication because the value will not be known until the linking stage. (extern is needed to use the constant from several source files.)

A closer equivalent to using #define is using enumerations:

enum dummy_enum {
constant_value =

But this is restricted to integer values and doesn't have advantages of #define, so it is not widely used.

const is useful when you need to import a constant value from some library where it was compiled in. Or if it is used with pointers. Or if it is an array of constant values accessed through a variable index value. Otherwise, const has no advantages over #define.


const只是个限定符,表示一个变量不能在运行时间被修改。但其他所有属于变量的特性仍保留着:它有已分配的存储器(原文是allocated storage),而且这个存储器可能有地址。所以代码不将它(const变量)看作常量,而通过访问指定的内存位置指代该变量(除非是static const,这样它就会被优化),然后再运行时间加载它的值。然后因为const变量有已分配的存储器,如果你将它加入一个头文件然后在多个C源代码文件中包含它,你会得到一个“符号重定义”的链接错误,除非你将它标记为extern。而且在这种情况下,编译器不能针对其真实值优化代码(除非打开全局优化)。



#define SCALE 1
scaled_x = x * SCALE;

当SCALE被定义为1时,编译器可以直接去掉这个乘法运算,因为它知道x * 1 == x。但如果SCALE是一个(extern)const变量,编译器就会需要生成代码以获取其值,然后进行乘法运算,因为SCALE的值在链接阶段以前都是未知的(在多个源代码文件中使用该const变量时需要extern)。


enum dummy_enum {
constant_value =



3. R..的回答

The reason is that most of the time, you want a constant, not a const-qualified variable. The two are not remotely the same in the C language. For example, variables are not valid as part of initializers for static-storage-duration objects, as non-vla array dimensions (for example the size of an array in a structure, or any array pre-C99).

原因是因为在大多数情况下,你想要一个常量,而不是有const限定符的变量。两者在C中不完全一样(原文是note remotely the same,不知道有没有犯错)。例如,变量作为静态存储周期对象的initializer的一部分是非法的,例如不可变长数组的大小(例如结构中一个数组的大小,或者C99前的任何数组)。









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