wealoha thrift-client-pool 总结
public boolean evict(EvictionConfig config, PooledObject<T> underTest,
int idleCount) { if ((config.getIdleSoftEvictTime() < underTest.getIdleTimeMillis() &&
config.getMinIdle() < idleCount) ||
config.getIdleEvictTime() < underTest.getIdleTimeMillis()) {
return true;
return false;
ObjectPool 接口:
Object obj = null
obj = pool.borrowObject();
//...use the object...
}catch(Exception e) {
pool.invalidateObject(obj);// invalidate the object
// do not return the object to the pool twice
obj = null
// make sure the object is returned to the pool
if(null!= obj) pool.returnObject(obj);
}catch(Exception e) { // failed to borrow an object }
PooledObjectState 定义池对象的所有可能状态:
public enum PooledObjectState {
* In the queue, not in use.
IDLE, /**
* In use.
* In the queue, currently being tested for possible eviction.
* Not in the queue, currently being tested for possible eviction. An
* attempt to borrow the object was made while being tested which removed it
* from the queue. It should be returned to the head of the queue once
* eviction testing completes.
* TODO: Consider allocating object and ignoring the result of the eviction
* test.
* In the queue, currently being validated.
* Not in queue, currently being validated. The object was borrowed while
* being validated and since testOnBorrow was configured, it was removed
* from the queue and pre-allocated. It should be allocated once validation
* completes.
* Not in queue, currently being validated. An attempt to borrow the object
* was made while previously being tested for eviction which removed it from
* the queue. It should be returned to the head of the queue once validation
* completes.
* Failed maintenance (e.g. eviction test or validation) and will be / has
* been destroyed
* Deemed abandoned, to be invalidated.
* Returning to the pool.
ThriftClientPool 类剖析:
- 设置配置
- TestOnReturn= true
- TestOnBorrow=true
- GenericObjectPool对象池构建:关键代码如下:
new GenericObjectPool<>(new BasePooledObjectFactory<ThriftClient<T>>() { @Override
public ThriftClient<T> create() throws Exception { // get from global list first
List<ServiceInfo> serviceList = ThriftClientPool.this.services;
ServiceInfo serviceInfo = getRandomService(serviceList);
TTransport transport = getTransport(serviceInfo); try {
} catch (TTransportException e) {
logger.info("transport open fail service: host={}, port={}",
serviceInfo.getHost(), serviceInfo.getPort());
if (poolConfig.isFailover()) {
while (true) {
try {
// mark current fail and try next, until none service available
serviceList = removeFailService(serviceList, serviceInfo);
serviceInfo = getRandomService(serviceList);
transport = getTransport(serviceInfo); // while break here
logger.info("failover to next service host={}, port={}",
serviceInfo.getHost(), serviceInfo.getPort());
} catch (TTransportException e2) {
logger.warn("failover fail, services left: {}", serviceList.size());
} else {
throw new ConnectionFailException("host=" + serviceInfo.getHost() + ", ip="
+ serviceInfo.getPort(), e);
} ThriftClient<T> client = new ThriftClient<>(clientFactory.createClient(transport),
pool, serviceInfo); logger.debug("create new object for pool {}", client);
return client;
} @Override
public PooledObject<ThriftClient<T>> wrap(ThriftClient<T> obj) {
return new DefaultPooledObject<>(obj);
} @Override
public boolean validateObject(PooledObject<ThriftClient<T>> p) {
ThriftClient<T> client = p.getObject(); // check if return client in current service list if
if (serviceReset) {
if (!ThriftClientPool.this.services.contains(client.getServiceInfo())) {
logger.warn("not return object cuase it's from previous config {}", client);
return false;
} return super.validateObject(p);
} @Override
public void destroyObject(PooledObject<ThriftClient<T>> p) throws Exception {
}X iface 返回TServiceClient的代理对象关键代码如下:可以看到首先从池中借对象,然后生成TServiceClient的代理对象,代理handler主要实际执行thrift方法,成功时归还到池,失败时需要关闭TServiceClient,并在池中invalidateObject(ThriftClient)
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