

Say you have an array for which the ith element is the price of a

given stock on day i. Design an algorithm to find the maximum profit.

You may complete at most k transactions.


  • global(n, k) 表示前n天中一共进行k次交易,所能获取到的最大收益
  • local(n, k) 表示前n中一共进行k次交易,且最后一次卖出发生在第n天,所能获取的最大收益


  • global(n, k) = max(local(n, k), global(n-1, k));




  • local(n, k) = max(local(n-1, k)+diff, global(n-1, k-1), global(n-1,k-1)+diff);





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$('pre.prettyprint code').each(function () {
var lines = $(this).text().split('\n').length;
var $numbering = $('

    for (i = 1; i ').text(i));

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