
 ffmpeg -list_devices true -f dshow -idummy



ffmpeg -f dshow -i video="Camera":audio="Microphone"



ffmpeg -f dshow -i video="Integrated Camera" -t 10 -vcodec libx264 test.mp4




11.3 dshow

Windows DirectShow input device.

DirectShow support is enabled when FFmpegis built with mingw-w64. Currently only audio and video devices are supported.

Multiple devices may be opened as separateinputs, but they may also be opened on the same input, which should improvesynchronism between them.

The input name should be in the format:


where TYPE can be either audio or video,and NAME is the device’s name.

11.3.1 Options

If no options are specified, the device’sdefaults are used. If the device does not support the requested options, itwill fail to open.


Set the video size in the captured video.


Set the framerate in the captured video.


Set the sample rate (in Hz) of the capturedaudio.


Set the sample size (in bits) of thecaptured audio.


Set the number of channels in the capturedaudio.


If set to ‘true’, print a list of devicesand exit.


If set to ‘true’, print a list of selecteddevice’s options and exit.


Set video device number for devices withsame name (starts at 0, defaults to 0).


Set audio device number for devices withsame name (starts at 0, defaults to 0).

11.3.2 Examples

Print the list of DirectShow supporteddevices and exit:

$ ffmpeg -list_devices true -f dshow -idummy

Open video device Camera:

$ ffmpeg -f dshow -ivideo="Camera"

Open second video device with name Camera:

$ ffmpeg -f dshow -video_device_number 1 -ivideo="Camera"

Open video device Camera and audio deviceMicrophone:

$ ffmpeg -f dshow -ivideo="Camera":audio="Microphone"

Print the list of supported options inselected device and exit:

$ ffmpeg -list_options true -f dshow -ivideo="Camera"



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