Leetcode_19_Remove Nth Node From End of List
Given a linked list, remove the nth node from the end of list and return its head.
For example,
Given linked list: 1->2->3->4->5, and n = 2. After removing the second node from the end, the linked list becomes 1->2->3->5.
Given n will always be valid.
Try to do this in one pass.
(1) 题意为移除链表倒数第N个元素。
(2) 首先,对链表进行判空,空则返回null(要注意的是还需对N是否在链表大小范围之内进行判断)。
(3) 其次,本文主要用栈来进行操作(这里暂不考虑效率和代码简短问题,仅仅提供一种解题思路)。本文的思想是创建两个栈,一个栈是来存储整个链表中的节点,另一个栈是来存储去除倒数第N个元素后剩余的节点,运用栈先进后出的特性进行操作并得到结果。
(4) 最后,先遍历链表,将链表中节点存入栈s1中;然后,依次从栈s1中pop元素,并设置count来记录pop元素的个数,如果得到count != N,则将pop出的元素加入栈s2中,并将该元素的next设置为空(需要去除节点间的顺序,从栈中pop出时就带有顺序),如果count==N,则说明pop出的元素为待移除的元素,不将其加入s2中;最后,依次从栈s2中pop出元素,将其按pop出的顺序组合起来即为结果。
public static ListNode removeNthFromEnd(ListNode head, int n) { if (head == null) return null; Stack<ListNode> s1 = new Stack<ListNode>();// 将当前链表所有节点压入栈中 Stack<ListNode> s2 = new Stack<ListNode>();// 移除指定元素后的栈 int count = 0; while (head != null) { s1.push(head); head = head.next; } while (s1.size() != 0) { ListNode pop = s1.pop(); pop.next = null; count++; if (count == n) { continue; } else { s2.push(pop); } } ListNode result = null; ListNode flag = null; while (s2.size() != 0) { ListNode pop = s2.pop(); if (result == null) { result = pop; flag = result; continue; } flag.next = pop; flag = flag.next; } return result; }
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