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Oracle Trading Community - Version 12.1.1 and later

Information in this document applies to any platform.

***Checked for Relevance 2-Jul-2013***


In R12.1.1, run


and receive the following error message:

"ERROR-Unable to process your transaction. The operating unit is either invalid or it cannot be derived. Please verify your Multi-Org profile options.

The parameter for context used are from a valid Receivables responsibility and was tested with receivables API without problems. Now we are trying to create and update customers with TCA API, test with hz_cust_account_v2pub.create_cust_account API are fine,
now tests with hz_cust_account_site_v2pub.create_cust_acct_site shows error because is not possible to validate org_id."

Steps to reproduce:

1. Execute the following to set the org_id:

FND_GLOBAL.APPS_INITIALIZE(user_id, repsp_id, reps_app_id);

mo_global.set_policy_context('S', org_id);

2. Execute the following procedure:

p_cust_acct_site_rec.cust_account_id := 5050;

p_cust_acct_site_rec.party_site_id := 16051;

p_cust_acct_site_rec.created_by_module := 'SISTEMAS_POST';

p_cust_acct_site_rec.application_id := 222;

p_cust_acct_site_rec.status := 'A';

p_cust_acct_site_rec.org_id := 82;


( p_init_msg_list => FND_API.G_TRUE,

p_cust_acct_site_rec => p_cust_acct_site_rec,

x_cust_acct_site_id => p_cust_acct_site_id,

x_return_status => p_return_status,

x_msg_count => p_msg_count,

x_msg_data => p_msg_data



Org context is not properly set.


To implement the solution, please execute the following steps:

1) Set the org context as follows:

Use the following queries to find responsibility id and user id:

a. Query to find responsibility id

select responsibility_id,responsibility_name

from fnd_responsibility_vl

where application_id = 222

and responsibility_name like '%&responsibility_name%';

b. Query to find user id

select user_id,user_name

from fnd_user

where user_name = '&user_name';

For example:

if resp_id = 50559 and user_id = 1318, then execute the following:

fnd_global.apps_initialize(user_id => 1318, resp_id => 50559, resp_appl_id => 222 );


2) Run the API.

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