package p3.hadoop.mapred; import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.InputStream;
import org.apache.hadoop.conf.Configuration;
import org.apache.hadoop.io.BytesWritable;
import p3.common.lib.BinaryUtils;
import p3.common.lib.Bytes; public class PcapLineReader
private static final int DEFAULT_BUFFER_SIZE = 2048;
private int bufferSize;
private static final int PCAP_FILE_HEADER_LENGTH = 24;
private static final int PCAP_PACKET_HEADER_LENGTH = 16;
private static final int PCAP_PACKET_HEADER_CAPLEN_POS = 8;
private static final int PCAP_PACKET_HEADER_WIREDLEN_POS = 12;
private static final int PCAP_PACKET_HEADER_CAPLEN_LEN = 4;
private static final int PCAP_PACKET_HEADER_TIMESTAMP_LEN = 4;
private static final int PCAP_PACKET_MIN_LEN = 53;
private static final int PCAP_PACKET_MAX_LEN = 1519;
private static final int MAGIC_NUMBER = -725372255;
private static final int MIN_PKT_SIZE = 42;
private long min_captime;
private long max_captime;
private InputStream in;
private byte[] buffer;
byte[] pcap_header;
private int bufferLength;
int consumed; public PcapLineReader(InputStream in, int bufferSize, long min_captime, long max_captime)
this.bufferSize = 2048; this.bufferLength = 0;
this.consumed = 0; this.in = in;
this.bufferSize = bufferSize;
this.buffer = new byte[this.bufferSize];
this.min_captime = min_captime;
this.max_captime = max_captime;
} public PcapLineReader(InputStream in, Configuration conf)
throws IOException
this(in, 2048,
conf.getLong("pcap.file.captime.min", 1309412600L),
conf.getLong("pcap.file.captime.max", conf.getLong("pcap.file.captime.max", 1309412600L) + 172800L));
} public void close()
throws IOException
} int skipPartialRecord(int fraction)
throws IOException
int pos = 0;
byte[] captured = new byte[fraction];
byte[] tmpTimestamp1 = new byte[4];
byte[] tmpTimestamp2 = new byte[4];
byte[] tmpCapturedLen1 = new byte[4];
byte[] tmpWiredLen1 = new byte[4];
byte[] tmpCapturedLen2 = new byte[4];
byte[] tmpWiredLen2 = new byte[4];
int caplen1 = 0;
int wiredlen1 = 0;
int caplen2 = 0;
int wiredlen2 = 0;
long timestamp2 = 0L; int size = 0;
long endureTime = 100L; if ((size = this.in.read(captured)) < 42) return 0; do
if ((size - pos < 32) || (size - pos < 53)) {
pos = size;
} System.arraycopy(captured, pos, tmpTimestamp1, 0, 4);
long timestamp1 = Bytes.toLong(BinaryUtils.flipBO(tmpTimestamp1, 4)); System.arraycopy(captured, pos + 8, tmpCapturedLen1, 0, 4);
caplen1 = Bytes.toInt(BinaryUtils.flipBO(tmpCapturedLen1, 4)); System.arraycopy(captured, pos + 12, tmpWiredLen1, 0, 4);
wiredlen1 = Bytes.toInt(BinaryUtils.flipBO(tmpWiredLen1, 4)); if ((caplen1 > 53) && (caplen1 < 1519) && (size - pos - 32 - caplen1 > 0))
System.arraycopy(captured, pos + 16 + caplen1 + 8, tmpCapturedLen2, 0, 4);
caplen2 = Bytes.toInt(BinaryUtils.flipBO(tmpCapturedLen2, 4)); System.arraycopy(captured, pos + 16 + caplen1 + 12, tmpWiredLen2, 0, 4);
wiredlen2 = Bytes.toInt(BinaryUtils.flipBO(tmpWiredLen2, 4)); System.arraycopy(captured, pos + 16 + caplen1, tmpTimestamp2, 0, 4);
timestamp2 = Bytes.toLong(BinaryUtils.flipBO(tmpTimestamp2, 4)); if ((timestamp1 >= this.min_captime) && (timestamp1 < this.max_captime) && (this.min_captime <= timestamp2) && (timestamp2 < this.max_captime) &&
(wiredlen1 > 53) && (wiredlen1 < 1519) && (wiredlen2 > 53) && (wiredlen2 < 1519) &&
(caplen1 > 0) && (caplen1 <= wiredlen1) && (caplen2 > 0) && (caplen2 <= wiredlen2) &&
(timestamp2 >= timestamp1) && (timestamp2 - timestamp1 < endureTime)) {
return pos;
} } ++pos;
while (pos < size); return pos;
} int readPacket(int packetLen)
throws IOException
int bufferPosn = 16;
byte[] tmp_buffer = new byte[packetLen]; if ((this.bufferLength = this.in.read(tmp_buffer)) < packetLen) {
System.arraycopy(tmp_buffer, 0, this.buffer, bufferPosn, this.bufferLength);
bufferPosn += this.bufferLength; byte[] newpacket = new byte[packetLen - this.bufferLength]; if ((this.bufferLength = this.in.read(newpacket)) < 0) return bufferPosn;
System.arraycopy(newpacket, 0, this.buffer, bufferPosn, this.bufferLength);
System.arraycopy(tmp_buffer, 0, this.buffer, bufferPosn, this.bufferLength);
bufferPosn += this.bufferLength; return bufferPosn;
} int readPacketHeader()
int headerLength = 0;
int headerPosn = 0;
this.pcap_header = new byte[16]; byte[] tmp_header = new byte[16];
BytesWritable capturedLen = new BytesWritable();
if ((headerLength = this.in.read(this.pcap_header)) < 16)
if (headerLength == -1) return 0;
headerPosn += headerLength; byte[] newheader = new byte[16 - headerLength]; if ((headerLength = this.in.read(newheader)) < 0) {
this.consumed = headerPosn;
return -1;
System.arraycopy(newheader, 0, this.pcap_header, headerPosn, headerLength);
capturedLen.set(this.pcap_header, 8, 4);
System.arraycopy(this.pcap_header, 0, this.buffer, 0, 16);
headerPosn = 0;
catch (IOException e)
return Bytes.toInt(BinaryUtils.flipBO(capturedLen.getBytes(), 4));
} public int readFileHeader()
try {
byte[] magic = new byte[4];
this.bufferLength = this.in.read(this.buffer, 0, 24);
System.arraycopy(this.buffer, 0, magic, 0, magic.length); if (Bytes.toInt(magic) == -725372255) break label50;
return 0;
catch (IOException e) {
label50: return this.bufferLength;
} public int readLine(BytesWritable bytes, int maxLineLength, int maxBytesToConsume)
throws IOException
bytes.set(new BytesWritable());
boolean hitEndOfFile = false;
long bytesConsumed = 0L; int caplen = readPacketHeader(); if (caplen == 0) {
bytesConsumed = 0L;
} else if (caplen == -1) {
bytesConsumed += this.consumed;
else if ((caplen > 0) && (caplen < 1519)) {
if ((this.bufferLength = readPacket(caplen)) < caplen + 16) {
hitEndOfFile = true;
bytesConsumed += this.bufferLength; if (!(hitEndOfFile)) {
bytes.set(this.buffer, 0, caplen + 16);
} return (int)Math.min(bytesConsumed, 2147483647L);
} public int readLine(BytesWritable str, int maxLineLength)
throws IOException
return readLine(str, maxLineLength, 2147483647);
} public int readLine(BytesWritable str)
throws IOException
return readLine(str, 2147483647, 2147483647);
// Decompiled by Jad v1.5.8e2. Copyright 2001 Pavel Kouznetsov.
// Jad home page: http://kpdus.tripod.com/jad.html
// Decompiler options: packimports(3) fieldsfirst ansi space
// Source File Name: PcapVlenRecordReader.java package p3.hadoop.mapred; import java.io.IOException;
import org.apache.hadoop.conf.Configuration;
import org.apache.hadoop.fs.*;
import org.apache.hadoop.io.BytesWritable;
import org.apache.hadoop.io.LongWritable;
import org.apache.hadoop.io.compress.CompressionCodec;
import org.apache.hadoop.io.compress.CompressionCodecFactory;
import org.apache.hadoop.mapred.FileSplit;
import org.apache.hadoop.mapred.RecordReader; // Referenced classes of package p3.hadoop.mapred:
// PcapLineReader public class PcapVlenRecordReader
implements RecordReader
{ private CompressionCodecFactory compressionCodecs;
private long start;
private long pos;
private long end;
private PcapLineReader in;
int maxLineLength;
private boolean fileheader_skip; public PcapVlenRecordReader(Configuration job, FileSplit split)
throws IOException
compressionCodecs = null;
fileheader_skip = true;
maxLineLength = job.getInt("mapred.linerecordreader.maxlength", 0x7fffffff);
fileheader_skip = job.getBoolean("pcap.file.header.skip", true);
start = split.getStart();
end = start + split.getLength();
Path file = split.getPath();
compressionCodecs = new CompressionCodecFactory(job);
CompressionCodec codec = compressionCodecs.getCodec(file);
FileSystem fs = file.getFileSystem(job);
FSDataInputStream fileIn = fs.open(split.getPath());
boolean skipFileHeader = false;
boolean skipPartialRecord = false;
int fraction = 4000;
if (codec != null)
in = new PcapLineReader(codec.createInputStream(fileIn), job);
end = 0x7fffffffffffffffL;
skipFileHeader = true;
} else
if (start == 0L)
skipFileHeader = true;
} else
skipPartialRecord = true;
in = new PcapLineReader(fileIn, job);
if (skipFileHeader)
start += in.readFileHeader();
if (skipPartialRecord)
int skip;
for (skip = in.skipPartialRecord(fraction); skip == fraction; skip = in.skipPartialRecord(fraction))
start += skip; start += skip;
in = new PcapLineReader(fileIn, job);
pos = start;
} public LongWritable createKey()
return new LongWritable();
} public BytesWritable createValue()
return new BytesWritable();
} public synchronized boolean next(LongWritable key, BytesWritable value)
throws IOException
while (pos < end)
int newSize = in.readLine(value, maxLineLength, Math.max((int)Math.min(0x7fffffffL, end - pos), maxLineLength));
if (newSize == 0)
pos = end;
return false;
pos += newSize;
if (newSize < maxLineLength)
return true;
return false;
} public float getProgress()
if (start == end)
return 0.0F;
return Math.min(1.0F, (float)(pos - start) / (float)(end - start));
} public synchronized long getPos()
throws IOException
return pos;
} public synchronized void close()
throws IOException
if (in != null)
} public volatile boolean next(Object obj, Object obj1)
throws IOException
return next((LongWritable)obj, (BytesWritable)obj1);
} public volatile Object createValue()
return createValue();
} public volatile Object createKey()
return createKey();
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