

#coding:utf-8 import MySQLdb
import time,datetime
import xlsxwriter import smtplib
from email.mime.text import MIMEText
from email.mime.multipart import MIMEMultipart
from email.header import Header #zabbix数据库信息:
zdbhost = ''
zdbuser = 'zabbix'
zdbpass = 'zabbix'
zdbport = 3306
zdbname = 'zabbix' #生成文件名称:
xlsfilename = 'Group_Production_Server.xlsx' #需要查询的key列表 [名称,表名,key值,取值,格式化,数据整除处理]
keys = [
# ['CPU核心数','trends_uint','system.cpu.num','avg','',1],
# ['可用平均内存(单位G)','trends_uint','vm.memory.size[available]','avg','',1048576000],
# ['可用最小内存(单位G)','trends_uint','vm.memory.size[available]','min','',1048576000],
# ['swap总大小(单位G)','trends_uint','system.swap.size[,total]','avg','',1048576000],
# ['swap平均剩余(单位G)','trends_uint','system.swap.size[,free]','avg','',1048576000],
# ['根分区总大小(单位G)','trends_uint','vfs.fs.size[/,total]','avg','',1073741824],
# ['根分区平均剩余(单位G)','trends_uint','vfs.fs.size[/,free]','avg','',1073741824],
# ['进入最大流量(单位Kbps)','trends_uint','[eth0]','max','',1000],
# ['进入平均流量(单位Kbps)','trends_uint','[eth0]','avg','',1000],
# ['出去最大流量(单位Kbps)','trends_uint','net.if.out[eth0]','max','',1000],
# ['出去平均流量(单位Kbps)','trends_uint','net.if.out[eth0]','avg','',1000],
] class ReportForm: def __init__(self):
self.conn = MySQLdb.connect(host=zdbhost,user=zdbuser,passwd=zdbpass,port=zdbport,db=zdbname)
self.cursor = self.conn.cursor(cursorclass=MySQLdb.cursors.DictCursor) #生成zabbix哪个分组报表
self.groupname = 'Group_Production_Server' #获取IP信息:
self.IpInfoList = self.__getHostList() def __getHostList(self):
'''根据zabbix组名获取该组所有IP''' #查询组ID:
sql = '''select groupid from groups where name = '%s' ''' % self.groupname
groupid = self.cursor.fetchone()['groupid'] #根据groupid查询该分组下面的所有主机ID(hostid):
sql = '''select hostid from hosts_groups where groupid = '%s' ''' % groupid
hostlist = self.cursor.fetchall() #生成IP信息字典:结构为{'':{'hostid':10086L,},}
IpInfoList = {}
for i in hostlist:
hostid = i['hostid']
sql = '''select host from hosts where status = 0 and hostid = '%s' ''' % hostid
ret = self.cursor.execute(sql)
if ret:
IpInfoList[self.cursor.fetchone()['host']] = {'hostid':hostid}
return IpInfoList def __getItemid(self,hostid,itemname):
sql = '''select itemid from items where hostid = '%s' and key_ = '%s' ''' % (hostid, itemname)
if self.cursor.execute(sql):
itemid = self.cursor.fetchone()['itemid']
itemid = None
return itemid def getTrendsValue(self,type, itemid, start_time, stop_time):
sql = '''select %s(value_%s) as result from trends where itemid = '%s' and clock >= '%s' and clock <= '%s' ''' % (type, type, itemid, start_time, stop_time)
result = self.cursor.fetchone()['result']
if result == None:
result = 0
return result def getTrends_uintValue(self,type, itemid, start_time, stop_time):
sql = '''select %s(value_%s) as result from trends_uint where itemid = '%s' and clock >= '%s' and clock <= '%s' ''' % (type, type, itemid, start_time, stop_time)
result = self.cursor.fetchone()['result']
if result:
result = int(result)
result = 0
return result def getLastMonthData(self,type,hostid,table,itemname):
ts_first = int(time.mktime(,,20).timetuple()))
lst_last =,,1)-datetime.timedelta(1)
ts_last = int(time.mktime(lst_last.timetuple())) itemid = self.__getItemid(hostid, itemname) function = getattr(self,'get%sValue' % table.capitalize()) return function(type,itemid, ts_first, ts_last)
def getNowData(self):
nowtime ='%Y-%m-%d')
return nowtime def getInfo(self):
for ip,resultdict in zabbix.IpInfoList.items():
print "正在查询 IP:%-15s hostid:%5d 的信息!" % (ip, resultdict['hostid'])
for value in keys:
print "\t正在统计 key_:%s" % value[2]
if not value[2] in zabbix.IpInfoList[ip]:
zabbix.IpInfoList[ip][value[2]] = {}
data = zabbix.getLastMonthData(value[3], resultdict['hostid'],value[1],value[2])
zabbix.IpInfoList[ip][value[2]][value[3]] = data
def writeToXls2(self):
workbook = xlsxwriter.Workbook(xlsfilename) #创建工作薄
worksheet = workbook.add_worksheet() #写入第一列:
i = 1
for ip in self.IpInfoList:
i = i + 1 #写入其他列:
i = 1
for value in keys:
worksheet.write(0,i,value[0].decode('utf-8')) #写入该列内容:
j = 1
for ip,result in self.IpInfoList.items():
if value[4]:
worksheet.write(j,i, value[4] % result[value[2]][value[3]])
worksheet.write(j,i, result[value[2]][value[3]] / value[5])
j = j + 1 i = i + 1
workbook.close() def __del__(self):
def Send_Email(self):
sender = ''
receivers = [''] # 接收邮件,可设置为你的QQ邮箱或者其他邮箱 #创建一个带附件的实例
message = MIMEMultipart()
message['From'] = Header("Zabbix_server", 'utf-8')
message['To'] = Header("it", 'utf-8')
subject = '生产环境虚机资源使用情况'
message['Subject'] = Header(subject, 'utf-8') #邮件正文内容
message.attach(MIMEText('生产环境虚机资源使用情况', 'plain', 'utf-8')) # 构造附件1,传送当前目录下的 test.txt 文件
att1 = MIMEText(open('Group_Production_Server.xlsx', 'rb').read(), 'base64', 'utf-8')
att1["Content-Type"] = 'application/octet-stream'
# 这里的filename可以任意写,写什么名字,邮件中显示什么名字
att1["Content-Disposition"] = 'attachment; filename="Group_Production_Server.xlsx"'
message.attach(att1) try:
smtpObj = smtplib.SMTP('localhost')
smtpObj.sendmail(sender, receivers, message.as_string())
print "邮件发送成功"
except smtplib.SMTPException:
print "Error: 无法发送邮件" if __name__ == "__main__":
zabbix = ReportForm()


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