It is during our darkest moments that we must focus to see the light.


From Aristole Onassis.

When we feel the darkness presses in our life, we should trust ourselves to find the light, because it is during the darkest moments that we must focus to see the light, otherwise we would be engulfed by the darkness.

When everything is going well, we will feel good, we will be more positive and more grateful, and it is easier for us to feel the light spreads in us.

But when nothing is going well, that is when we truly need to focus, to see the light, that is when we truly need to go deeper into gratitude and focus on the good things in our lives.

We must remember that even in the darkest moments, hope remains, what we need to do is to focus and see it.

And we can see it more clearly and focus on it when the darkness threatens to swallow us up.

Though the light would be hard to see, to reach, to keep, it is always there, waiting for us to become strong, to find out it.

So, no matter how tough the road will be, just keep running towards the dreaming destination and we will definitely go through the bad times and embrace our better future.

To improve is to change, to be perfect is to change often.


From Winston Churchill.

The only way we can improve upon ourselves is to change our personality, and the only way to change our personality is to build good habits and get rid of those bad.

But that might be too difficult for some of us to practise, especially when we are eager to see the quick effects. Once the results are disappointing, we would be frustrated and give up our practices to build good habits.

We must understand that the process to improve and to be perfect would be a long course, we need to be patient, we need to be persistent.

As long as we can make some changes step by step, even just one step at a time, some day we will reach the tipping point and find eveything will be OK.

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