Intel 移位指令的陷阱(转)
#include <stdio.h>
int main()
unsigned int move_step=MOVE_CONSTANT_BITS;
unsigned int value1 = 1ul << MOVE_CONSTANT_BITS;
printf("value1 is 0x%X\n", value1);
unsigned int value2 = 1ul << move_step;
printf("value2 is 0x%X\n", value2);
return ;
test.c: In function ‘main’:
test.c:8: warning: left shift count >= width of type
value1 is 0x0
value2 is 0x1
- Dump of assembler code for function main:
- 0x080483c4 <main+0>: push %ebp
- 0x080483c5 <main+1>: mov %esp,%ebp
- 0x080483c7 <main+3>: and $0xfffffff0,%esp
- 0x080483ca <main+6>: push %ebx
- 0x080483cb <main+7>: sub $0x2c,%esp
- 0x080483ce <main+10>: movl $0x20,0x14(%esp)
- 0x080483d6 <main+18>: movl $0x0,0x18(%esp)
- 0x080483de <main+26>: mov $0x80484f4,%eax
- 0x080483e3 <main+31>: mov 0x18(%esp),%edx
- 0x080483e7 <main+35>: mov %edx,0x4(%esp)
- 0x080483eb <main+39>: mov %eax,(%esp)
- 0x080483ee <main+42>: call 0x80482f4<printf@plt>
- 0x080483f3 <main+47>: mov 0x14(%esp),%eax
- 0x080483f7 <main+51>: mov $0x1,%edx
- 0x080483fc <main+56>: mov %edx,%ebx
- 0x080483fe <main+58>: mov %eax,%ecx
- 0x08048400 <main+60>: shl %cl,%ebx
- 0x08048402 <main+62>: mov %ebx,%eax
- 0x08048404 <main+64>: mov %eax,0x1c(%esp)
- 0x08048408 <main+68>: mov $0x8048504,%eax
- 0x0804840d <main+73>: mov 0x1c(%esp),%edx
- 0x08048411 <main+77>: mov %edx,0x4(%esp)
- 0x08048415 <main+81>: mov %eax,(%esp)
- 0x08048418 <main+84>: call 0x80482f4<printf@plt>
- 0x0804841d <main+89>: mov $0x0,%eax
- 0x08048422 <main+94>: add $0x2c,%esp
- 0x08048425 <main+97>: pop %ebx
- 0x08048426 <main+98>: mov %ebp,%esp
- 0x08048428 <main+100>: pop %ebp
- 0x08048429 <main+101>: ret
- End of assembler dump.
These instructions shift the bits in the first operand (destination operand) to the left or right by
the number of bits specified in the second operand (count operand). Bits shifted beyond the
destination operand boundary are first shifted into the CF flag, then discarded. At the end of the
shift operation, the CF flag contains the last bit shifted out of the destination operand.
The destination operand can be a register or a memory location. The count operand can be an
immediate value or register CL. The count is masked to five bits, which limits the count range
to 0 to 31. A special opcode encoding is provided for a count of 1.
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