0x01 从判定问题到形式语言




Let x be a language element of language L in NP



里面提到Decision Problem([4),Decision Problem就是判定yes/no的问题,一个Decision Problem Q可以等价于一个Formal language L

L = {x ∈ {0,1}* : Q(x) = 1}

资料[4]里举例了Graphs, Deterministic Finite Automaton, DFA问题,Context Free Grammar, CFG问题,Turing Machine问题,素数分解,Boolean satisfiability problem等等都可以通过编码成字符串,进而转成形式语言。


  • S->XSY|e
  • X->aX|a
  • Y->bY|e


  • a list of its variables
  • a list of its terminal symbols
  • a list of its rules as (LHS, RHS) pairs
  • its start variable


  • '<G>=(S,X,Y)(a,b)((S,XSY),(S,e),(X,aX),(X,a),(Y,bY),(Y,e))S'


const decesionProblem = '<G>=(S,X,Y)(a,b)((S,XSY),(S,e),(X,aX),(X,a),(Y,bY),(Y,e))S'.split('')

const reducer =
(accumulator, currentValue) =>
accumulator + currentValue.charCodeAt(0).toString(2); const binaryString = decesionProblem.reduce(reducer,'');



可以理解为Q是判定算法,该判定算法能确定一个具体的Decision Problem,其结果是yes还是no。

那么,L是一个集合,其中每个x都是被Q判定为yes的Decison Problem的实例。


P = {L \subseteq {0, 1}* : exist an algorithm A that decides L in p-time}


  • Q是一个判定算法。
  • Q是一个能在多项式时间内判定yes/no的判定算法。
  • L是被Q判定结果为yes的所有输入x的集合。
  • L是被Q判定结果为yes的所有输入x的集合所表示的形式语言。

0x02 P问题


P is the set of languages whose memberships are decidable by a Turing Machine that makes a polynomial number of steps.

这里增加了Turing Machine的限定,也就是Q是在Turing Machine上执行的。参考链接[5],[6]里是对确定性图灵机和非确定性图灵机的描述。

例如,下面的k路径问题,属于P ([2]):

PATH = {< G, u, v, k > : G = (V, E) is an undirected

graph, u,v ∈ V, k ≥ 0 is an integer, and exist a path

from u to v in G with ≤ k edges}


0x03 证明凭据(certificate),证明(certifier)


L = {x ∈ {0, 1}* : exist y ∈ {0, 1}* s.t. A(x, y) = 1}

通过例子理解Certificate,例如下面的Independent Set属于NP([3]):

Given a graph G, is there set S of size ≥ k such that no two nodes in S are connected by an edge?

  • Finding the set S is hard
  • But if I give you a set S∗, checking whether S∗ is the answer is easy
  • S∗ acts as a certificate that ⟨G,k⟩ is a yes instance of Independent Set


An algorithm B is an efficient certifier for problem X if:

  • B is a polynomial time algorithm that takes two input strings I (instance of X) and C (a certificate)
  • B outputs either yes or no.
  • There is a polynomial p(n) such that for every string I: I ∈ X if and only if there exists string C of length ≤ p(|I|) such that B(I,C) = yes.


B is an algorithm that can decide whether an instance I is a yes instance if it is given some “help” in the form of a polynomially long certificate.


Let’s say you had an efficient certifier B for the Independent Set problem.


Try every string C of length ≤ p(|I|) and ask is B(I,C) = yes?

0x04 NP问题


NP = {L \subseteq {0, 1}* : exist a certificate y, |y| = O(|x|^k), and an algorithm A s.t. A(x, y) = 1}


NP is the set of languages for which there exists an efficient certifier.


P is the set of languages for which there exists an efficient certifier that ignores the certificate.


A problem is in P if we can decided them in polynomial time. It is in NP if we can decide them in polynomial time, if we are given the right certificate.


  • 存在长度是字符串x的多项式倍的字符串y
  • 存在验证算法A
  • 使得A(x,y)=1


  • 能通过A(x,y)=1的所有x构成的语言是L
  • 所有L的集合是NP语言集合


SUBSET-SUM: Given finite set S of integers, is there a subset whose sum is exactly t?


0x05 P vs NP vs NPC


  • P \subseteq NP \subseteq NP-hard
  • Co-NP = {L': L ∈ NP}
  • NPC=NP中最难的集合,并且他们等价

证明P \subseteq NP是很容易的:

Proof. Suppose X ∈ P. Then there is a polynomial-time algorithm A for X.

To show that X ∈ NP, we need to design an efficient certifier B(I,C).


0x06 夹逼法(Reduction and NPC Reduction)


Reduce language L1 to L2 via function f:

  1. Convert input x of L1 to instance f(x) of L2
  2. Apply decision algorithm for L2 to f(x)



L1is p-time reducible to L2, or L1 p≤ L2, if exist a ptime

computable function f : {0, 1}* -> {0, 1}* s.t. for all x ∈ {0, 1}*, x ∈ L1

iff f(x) ∈ L2


If L1 p≤ L2 and L2 ∈ P, then L1 ∈ P


A language L ∈ {0, 1}* is NP-complete if:

  1. L ∈ NP, and
  2. L’ p≤ L for every L’ ∈ NP, i.e. L is NP-hard


  1. If L is language s.t. L’ p≤L where L’ ∈ NPC, then L is NP-hard.
  2. If L ∈ NP, then L ∈ NPC.


This gives us a recipe for proving any L ∈ NPC:

  1. Prove L ∈ NP
  2. Select L’ ∈ NPC
  3. Describe algorithm to compute f mapping every input x of L’ to input f(x) of L
  4. Prove f satisfies x ∈ L’ iff f(x) ∈ L, for all x ∈ {0, 1}*
  5. Prove computing f takes p-time


“If P = NP, then the world would be a profoundly different place than we usually assume it to be. There would be no special value in "creative leaps," no fundamental gap between solving a problem and recognizing the solution once it's found. Everyone who could appreciate a symphony would be Mozart; everyone who could follow a step-by-step argument would be Gauss...”

— Scott Aaronson, MIT


0x07 wait to be continue...

我们最开始是为了理解在Proof of knowledge ([1]) 里面这句话的作用:

Let x be a language element of language L in NP


0x08 参考

[1] wiki:Proof_of_knowledge

[2] cs.princeton.edu:NP-completeness.pdf

[3] cs.cmu.edu:np.pdf

[4] ccs.neu.edu:Decision-Problems

[5] wiki:Turing_machine

[6] wiki:Non-deterministic_Turing_machine

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