Given a set of distinct integers, nums, return all possible subsets (the power set).

Note: The solution set must not contain duplicate subsets.


Input: nums = [1,2,3]
] Time: O(2^n)
Space: O(N)
class Solution:
def subsets(self, nums: 'List[int]') -> 'List[List[int]]':
res = []
if nums is None or len(nums) == 0:
return res
self.helper(nums, 0, [], res)
return res def helper(self, nums, index, combination, combinations):
for i in range(index, len(nums)):
self.helper(nums, i + 1, combination, combinations)

请问为什么需要写成list(combination), combination本身不就是list吗? 为什么把list()去掉append的就都是[]了?


因为append进去的不是一个数,而是一个object(这里就是list)。之后这个object被改变了的话,之前append进去的那个list也会跟着变。比如append [1] 之后,把这个[1] 改成[2] 再append进去,得到的会是[ [2], [2] ] 而不是[ [1], [2] ]

class Solution {
public List<List<Integer>> subsets(int[] nums) {
List<List<Integer>> res = new ArrayList<>();
if (nums == null || nums.length == 0) {
return res;
helper(res, new ArrayList<>(), nums, 0);
return res;
} private void helper(List<List<Integer>> res, List<Integer> list, int[] nums, int start) {
res.add(new ArrayList<>(list));
     // use start to ignore the previous numbers
for (int i = start; i < nums.length; i++) {
// use i not index b/c index smaller than i
helper(res, list, nums, i + 1);
list.remove(list.size() - 1);

public class Solution {
public List<String> subSets(String set) {
// Write your solution here.
List<String> res = new ArrayList<>();
if (set == null) {
return res;
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
helper(res, 0, set, sb);
return res;
} private void helper(List<String> res, int index, String s, StringBuilder sb) {
if (index == s.length()) {
helper(res, index + 1, s, sb); sb.append(s.charAt(index));
helper(res, index + 1, s, sb);
sb.deleteCharAt(sb.length() - 1);

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