HiBench成长笔记——(7) 阅读《The HiBench Benchmark Suite: Characterization of the MapReduce-Based Data Analysis》
《The HiBench Benchmark Suite: Characterization of the MapReduce-Based Data Analysis》内容精选
We then evaluate and characterize the Hadoop framework using HiBench, in terms of speed (i.e., job running time), throughput (i.e., the number of tasks completed per minute), HDFS bandwidth, system resource (e.g., CPU, memory and I/O) utilizations, and data access patterns.
关键内容:speed、 throughput、HDFS bandwidth、 system resource、data access patterns
the last one is an enhanced version of the DFSIO benchmark that we have extended to evaluate the aggregated bandwidth delivered by HDFS.
关键内容:evaluate the aggregated bandwidth delivered by HDFS
As shown in Fig. 1, the aggregated throughput curve has a warm-up period and a cool-down period where map tasks are launching up and shutting down respectively. Between these two periods, there is a steady period where the aggregated throughput values are stable across different time slots. Therefore, the Enhanced DFSIO workload computes the aggregated HDFS throughput by averaging the throughput value of each time slot in the steady period. In Enhanced DFSIO, when the number of concurrent map tasks at a time slot is above a specified percentage (e.g., 50% is used in our benchmarking) of the total map task slots in the Hadoop cluster, the slot is considered to be in the steady period.
关键内容:warm-up period、cool-down period、steady period、computes the aggregated HDFS throughput by averaging the throughput value of each time slot in the steady period
In essence, the TeraSort workload is similar to Sort and therefore is I/O bound in nature. However, we have compressed its shuffle data (i.e., map output) in the experiment so as to minimize the disk and network I/O during shuffle, as shown in Table III. Consequently, TeraSort have very high CPU utilization and moderate disk I/O during the map stage and shuffle phases, and moderate CPU utilization and heavy disk I/O during the reduce phases, as shown in Fig. 4.
关键内容:map stage、shuffle phases、reduce phases、high、moderate、CPU utilization、disk I/O
The best performance (total running time) of Hadoop workloads is usually obtained by accurately estimating the size of the map output, shuffle data and reduce input data, and properly allocating memory buffers to prevent multiple spilling (to disk) of those data.
关键内容:estimating the size of the map output、 shuffle data and reduce input data、allocating memory buffers
HiBench成长笔记——(7) 阅读《The HiBench Benchmark Suite: Characterization of the MapReduce-Based Data Analysis》的更多相关文章
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