DStream-05 updateStateByKey函数的原理和源码
updateState 可以到达将每次 word count 计算的结果进行累加。
val conf = new SparkConf().setMaster("local[2]").setAppName("NetworkWordCount")
val ssc = new StreamingContext(conf, Seconds(1))
val lines = ssc.socketTextStream("localhost", 9999)
val wordCounts = lines.flatMap(_.split(" ")).map((_,1)).updateStateByKey[Int]((seq:Seq[Int],total:Option[Int])=>{
total match {
case Some(value) => Option(seq.sum + value)
case None => Option(seq.sum)
只要将本次计算的结果 + 上一次计算结果就可以了。
入口就是 updateStateByKey
def updateStateByKey[S: ClassTag](
updateFunc: (Iterator[(K, Seq[V], Option[S])]) => Iterator[(K, S)],
partitioner: Partitioner,
rememberPartitioner: Boolean): DStream[(K, S)] = ssc.withScope {
val cleanedFunc = ssc.sc.clean(updateFunc)
val newUpdateFunc = (_: Time, it: Iterator[(K, Seq[V], Option[S])]) => {
new StateDStream(self, newUpdateFunc, partitioner, rememberPartitioner, None)
文章 DStream-04 window 函数时候,提到了。每次计算后,每个DStream 都会将上一次的RDD 放入内存中,以供下一次使用,这样一来也就更简单。如果获取上一次的RDD呢 ,也就是当前batch time 减去 slideDuration 就等于上一个批次的时间戳,可以通过getOrCompute 得到。
slideDuration 默认情况就是 batchInterval 批次间隔时间。在window 中也是批次时间。
class StateDStream[K: ClassTag, V: ClassTag, S: ClassTag](
parent: DStream[(K, V)],
updateFunc: (Time, Iterator[(K, Seq[V], Option[S])]) => Iterator[(K, S)],
partitioner: Partitioner,
preservePartitioning: Boolean,
initialRDD: Option[RDD[(K, S)]]
) extends DStream[(K, S)](parent.ssc) {
// 这边注意,这个StateDStream 需要设置checkpoint 地址 来保存数据。
override val mustCheckpoint = true
// 这个方法就是将 前一个batch RDD 的结果和当前计算的结果合并
private [this] def computeUsingPreviousRDD(
batchTime: Time,
parentRDD: RDD[(K, V)],
prevStateRDD: RDD[(K, S)]) = {
// Define the function for the mapPartition operation on cogrouped RDD;
// first map the cogrouped tuple to tuples of required type,
// and then apply the update function
val updateFuncLocal = updateFunc
val finalFunc = (iterator: Iterator[(K, (Iterable[V], Iterable[S]))]) => {
val i = iterator.map { t =>
val itr = t._2._2.iterator
val headOption = if (itr.hasNext) Some(itr.next()) else None
(t._1, t._2._1.toSeq, headOption)
updateFuncLocal(batchTime, i)
// cogroup 合并
val cogroupedRDD = parentRDD.cogroup(prevStateRDD, partitioner)
// 然后将合并后的结果计算
val stateRDD = cogroupedRDD.mapPartitions(finalFunc, preservePartitioning)
override def compute(validTime: Time): Option[RDD[(K, S)]] = {
// Try to get the previous state RDD
// 算出上一个batch time 来获取上一个batch的RDD。
getOrCompute(validTime - slideDuration) match {
case Some(prevStateRDD) => // If previous state RDD exists
// Try to get the parent RDD
// 获取当前这个批次来的数据 。这边理解有点绕,parent.getOrCompute(validTime) 就是前一个DStream 计算的结果,可以看下MappedDStream 的 方法就比较清楚了。
parent.getOrCompute(validTime) match {
case Some(parentRDD) => // If parent RDD exists, then compute as usual
// 见两个RDD 的数据。
computeUsingPreviousRDD (validTime, parentRDD, prevStateRDD)
case None => // If parent RDD does not exist
// Re-apply the update function to the old state RDD
val updateFuncLocal = updateFunc
val finalFunc = (iterator: Iterator[(K, S)]) => {
val i = iterator.map(t => (t._1, Seq.empty[V], Option(t._2)))
updateFuncLocal(validTime, i)
val stateRDD = prevStateRDD.mapPartitions(finalFunc, preservePartitioning)
case None => // If previous session RDD does not exist (first input data)
// Try to get the parent RDD
parent.getOrCompute(validTime) match {
case Some(parentRDD) => // If parent RDD exists, then compute as usual
initialRDD match {
case None =>
// Define the function for the mapPartition operation on grouped RDD;
// first map the grouped tuple to tuples of required type,
// and then apply the update function
val updateFuncLocal = updateFunc
val finalFunc = (iterator: Iterator[(K, Iterable[V])]) => {
updateFuncLocal (validTime,
iterator.map (tuple => (tuple._1, tuple._2.toSeq, None)))
val groupedRDD = parentRDD.groupByKey(partitioner)
val sessionRDD = groupedRDD.mapPartitions(finalFunc, preservePartitioning)
// logDebug("Generating state RDD for time " + validTime + " (first)")
Some (sessionRDD)
case Some (initialStateRDD) =>
computeUsingPreviousRDD(validTime, parentRDD, initialStateRDD)
case None => // If parent RDD does not exist, then nothing to do!
// logDebug("Not generating state RDD (no previous state, no parent)")
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