ev401-014:Implementing Business Processes:Automating Business Processes Part II

Module Agenda
1.Multi-Step Approval Processes
2.Skipping Steps in Approval Processes
3.Keeping Things Moving with Time-Dependent Workflow
4.Approval Processes with Parallel Approvers
5.Keeping System in Sync with Outbound Messaging
6.Keeping Your Processes Flexible with Dynamic Approval Routing
7.Monitoring Your System Processes

What are Parallel Approvers?
1.Parallel approval processes allow a record to be sent for approval to up 25 different users simultaneously.
2.When setting up the process, developers choose the approvers, as well as whether the record should be approved/rejected based on the first response.

Exercise 3-5:Creating Parallel Approval Processes
- Create an approval process that sends approvals to two approvers in parallel.
- All job applications should be approved by the recruiter and the Vice President of HR. Both approvals can take place at the same time.
- Create a parallel approval process.

What is required for Dynamic Approval Routing
1.Dynamic approval routing requires four steps:
- Adding approver fields to the object that will go through the approval process
-Setting up the approval matrix as a custom object in Salesforce
- Creating an approval process that routes based on related User and specifying which approver field to use for each step of the process.
- To automate:add an Apex trigger to grab the appropriate approver from the approval matrix and list it in approver fields on the records to be approved.

Universal Containers Scenario
1.Universal Containers tracks recruiting inside of Salesforce, but also uses a Hun-man Resource (HR) system for tracking employee information. They would like to keep the two systems in sync.
2.When a new job application is approved, the applicant should be created in the HR system.
3.Universal Containers would like to understand how to use outbound message to make this happen.

What is Outbound Messaging?
1.Outbound messages send the information you specify to an endpoint you designate.
2.Workflow rules and approval processes can send outbound messages to an endpoint as a means of getting information to an external service.
3.The message is a secure configurable API message (in XML format).

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